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I can't sleep. I told Brennen I wanted to go out but he said he didn't want to take the risk of me being caught. He did say he would stay on the couch so I wouldn't be alone. The last thing Colby messaged me was that they were waiting to do the ritual at midnight.

He told me he was gonna text me when they were about to do it. And it's currently one in the morning meaning it's three there and he hasn't texted me. I heard my door open causing me to see who it is.

Which turns out to be Brennen. "Can't sleep?" He asked leaning against my door frame. "No, he hasn't texted me and I'm worried something happened." I say as he came and sat on my bed. "He's fine, I'm sure of it. You know he wouldn't want you worrying." He assured me.

I don't know why people hate him so much. I mean, yeah he has his moments and says stupid shit but that doesn't make him a bad person. Everyone says stupid shit. Once you get to know him, he's a really sweet person.

"I just can't stop thinking about it. My minds going crazy." I say as he sighs. "Wanna get some food?" He suggested making me lightly smile. "Yeah, sure." I say getting up from my bed.

I put my vans on as he grabs his car keys. "I'll drive so you don't have to." He said as we walked out my door. "Are they usually like this? Doing crazy things." I ask Brennen. He's known Colby for years so I figured he would know.

"Yeah, did Colby ever tell you how they almost died in Florida?" I shake my head no as we get into the elevator. "When they got arrested?" I ask confused to what he was talking about.

"No, it was the day before that. They found an abandoned place and was going around with masks on. They thought it was an office building that was right next to them but it was actually an elementary school. The cops weren't so nice." He explained making my heart race.

"Don't worry. They're fine. They're probably doing the ritual." The elevator doors open causing us to walk out. We get into his car as he starts to drive. "Where are we going?" I ask looking at everything.

Los Angeles looks different at night. Especially at one in the morning. "McDonald's, it's one of the only places open this late." He said focusing on the road. As we drove, I noticed all the drunks walking around and laughing.

It sucks feeling so tired but not being able to sleep. I thought I was over this. Before I realize it, we get to McDonald's. I tell Brennen my order as we sit in the drive through.

He pays for my food even though I told him I would do it. We get our food and he drives the opposite way to my apartment. "Bren, where are you going?" I ask he smiles cheekily.

"We're gonna go to my old elementary school and go to the playground." He said smiling. We drive to his elementary school and walk around. We climb the roof and sit down to eat.

"How'd you figure out where this place is?" I ask biting into my chicken nuggets. "This is the time out wall." He said tapping onto the wall behind him.

"What?" I ask laughing. "This is where all the kids sat where they got in trouble for punching their teacher in the face while all the kids played." Brennen told me while I was laughing.

"What the fuck? How many times were you in timeout?" I take another bite into my chicken nugget as he thought about it. "Once every other day." I couldn't help but laugh at this story.

"Me and teachers did not get along." He said as he sipped on his drink. "Sounds like it." I joke along with him. "Yeah." He said out of breath as I laughed.

Brennen always knows how to make me laugh. As we were eating, my phone started ringing. I look down to see it's Colby. "Answer it." Brennen said as I did and brought it up to my ear.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask when I answer it. "Yeah, we got everything done. I'm sorry I didn't text you." He apologized as I sighed.

"I'm just glad you're okay." I honestly say. He explained how some teenagers came in and were blowing up watermelons which scared the boys because they thought they were shooting at them.

He didn't explain everything but he said he would show me. "We just gotta wait everything out til the morning. I'll keep you updated though." He said as I smiled.

"Be careful." I say as we end the call. I had finished my food and I still wasn't tired so Brennen said we should play on the playground.

I'm not gonna lie, I felt like a little kid again playing on it. We played a game of flashlight tag which was honestly fun.

I haven't done it in years. I just hoped we wouldn't get the cops called on us but if they see the tapes they're just looking at us play tag.

We stayed at the playground until sunrise and we decided to go back to my apartment. "Thank you, Brennen. It means a lot that you stayed up with me. You didn't have to." I say as he drove.

"It's no problem. I was just trying to be a good friend." He glanced over at me with a smirk on his face. He drops me off at my apartment so he could go home and get some sleep.

When I get into my apartment, I make some coffee so I can stay up and go get Colby from the airport. I go outside on the balcony and watch the sunrise.

It was almost six here meaning it's almost eight at Kansas. Their flight is at nine their time so I just have to wait four more hours til I see Colby again.

Four short hours.

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