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"Colby!" I yell throughout his apartment. It was the next day since he got beat up and I wanted to make sure he was okay. He walked out of his room with sunglasses on and his hand was still wrapped up.

"Hey, Vee." He said as I walked over to him. "Let me see your eye so I can make sure it's getting better." I tell him as he shakes his head no.

I cross my arms while looking at him. "It looks bad." He told me as I rolled my eyes. He groaned as he took his sunglasses off. It was definitely bruised but it already looks better.

I sigh as he puts his sunglasses back on. "Come on, let's go to chipotle. That'll make you feel better." I smile while walking towards the door. He watches me confused as I grab my keys from his counter. "You can't drive with the cast." He reminded me as I shrug.

"I have another hand Colby. If I really need it, you can help me with the turns." He just stood there, looking at me so I pouted so he wouldn't be able to say no. "Okay fine, let's go." He walked towards the door which made me smile.

Driving to chipotle was actually a lot easier than I thought it was gonna be. We got our food and paid, casually sitting down at a table.

"So, when do you have to go back to Hawaii?" Colby asked making conversation. "Porter graduates on the twentieth of may so its coming up soon." I tell him, it's less than a month away from his graduation.

"Is Porter your brother?" He asked as I nodded my head. I wonder how much he's grown, I know it's been two years but I wanna know if he's any taller. "Yeah, he's two years younger than me. I also have a sister who's two years older than me so I'm smack in the middle." I explain as he smiled a little.

"Dude, Sam's in the middle of his siblings, an older sister and a younger brother, and you have the same birthday. That's crazy." He explained mind blown. I couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked explaining it.

"What about you, dork? Any siblings?" I ask changing the subject to him. "I have an older brother named Gage. He's three years older than me." He explained. "Awe, you're the baby. How's that like?" I jokingly ask as he laughs.

"It's pretty great. What's it like to be the middle child?" He asked making me smile. "Very unwanted." I joke along with him. He laughs out loud, causing people to look at him.

I couldn't help but laugh harder because of how dumb he looked with sunglasses on. "Why are you laughing at me?" He asked laughing while I calmed down. "I just can't take you seriously with the sunglasses on." I say as he looked offended.

"Oh really, well I can't take you seriously with the cast on and trying to eat the burrito." He told me making my jaw drop. "Wow, Colby. That hurt." I place my broken hand on my heart as I try to act hurt.

He takes his last bite as I do the same. Thats when he looks at me and smiles. "You care if I take you somewhere?" He asked as my mouth curved upward. "Of course." I give him my keys as we head out the restaurant.

He gets in the driver seats of my car as I get passenger. "Please be careful when you drive my car, I love him." I tell him as he gave me a questionable look. "It's a him?" He asked as I proudly smiled.

He drove me to a hiking trail which confused me. "Colby, what are we doing?" I ask as he gets out of the car. "Just trust me, Vee." I get out of my car and follow him towards the hike. He went off the trail which scared me a little but I followed him.

"You alright Vee, you're quiet back there." Colby looked back to make sure I was okay. "Yeah, I'm just accepting the fact that you're murdering me." I joke as as he gives me the 'what the fuck' face.

He just shakes his head while walking again. We get to an open field and it was beautiful. "Wow, when'd you find this place?" I ask sitting on the grass. "Sometime last year. I would come here and think about life." Colby said sitting across from me.

After he said that, I started thinking about how I'm actually leaving for Hawaii in less than a month. I left that place because I couldn't handle living there without Brandon. It's like every move I made, he was there.

But in reality, he wasn't. That's why I had to get away and move to Los Angeles right after graduation. I don't know if I could handle being there and having that reminder everywhere I go.

"Vee. You okay?" Colby asked bringing me out of my thoughts. "I'm terrified to go back to Hawaii. I'm going to have that constant reminder that he didn't make it while I did." I say opening up.

I've never opened up to someone as much as I have to Colby. He sighed while looking down. "Look. I know I've only known you for a month and half, but I know you. You're so strong for going what you've gone through." He started which made my heart race for some reason.

"If you can go through what you did with losing Brandon, you can go back because you're stronger now. I'm gonna be there with you every step of the way. I believe in you Vee." He told me seriously as I felt the rock in my throat.

I held back my tears as he talked to me. "I'm scared to be forgot by my family because I'm gone." I say as he moves closer to me. He wraps his arms around me to make me feel safe. I have my head on his chest so I listen to his heartbeat.

I felt so safe in his arms, nothing could harm me. As we sat there, me silently crying, I heard something so beautiful. It was hummingbirds singing up in the trees. We looked around trying to find them.

I then looked over at Colby as a tear rolled down my face. He took his thumb and wiped it off my face. I didn't know how to thank him. But I did it without saying anything. I just looked into his eyes, letting him know I'm letting him in, only where a few others have been.

I've let my guard down to Colby, let's just hope he doesn't break my heart.

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