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"So what you're telling me is that you had a nightmare last night but instead of Brandon, it was Colby?" Luke asked trying to understand everything. Everytime I've had a Brandon dream, it was always Brandon. Never anyone else.

But knowing this is a different person, that's what's creeping me out. "I don't know why it would be Colby." I sip on my coffee as we talk about last night. "Maybe it's because he's close to you like what Brandon was and you're afraid to lose him." He could be right.

"Look, you're exhausted. I can tell, go home. We got everything here, you need to rest." He softly said as I smiled. "You sure?" I ask as he nods his head yes. I wave goodbye as I head out the door.

I drive to my apartment while trying to stay awake. I'm in need of a nap. When I unlock my door and head to my room. I instantly fall asleep when I lay on my bed. It felt good to actually sleep. When I was asleep, I heard a thud in my living room.

I shoot up, not knowing what's in my apartment. I slowly stand up and grab the bat that's under my bed. I slowly walk to my door and take a deep breath before opening the door. I jump through my door, ready to hit whoever was in my house.

I heard Brennen scream, which causes me to scream. He hides behind a pillow as he looks down at my baseball bat. "Were you gonna hit me with that?" He asked yelling at me. It wasn't a mad yell, just a scared yell.

"Yeah, why the hell are you in my house?" I ask as he loosens up. "I was making sure you were okay. Colby told me how you called him freaking out last night." He explained as I sat the bat down.

"You could've texted me like any other normal human being. How'd you even get in?" I ask running my fingers through my hair. "It was unlocked so I let myself in." I sigh as I look at the time. How is it only noon?

"Shouldn't you be at work?" Brennen asked sitting on the couch. "Luke said I could come home cause I couldn't sleep last night." I explain while sitting next to him. "Have you talked to Colby since it happened?" He asked getting serious. I shake my head no as I sigh.

"I just wish he was here and I can see his face." I say getting emotional. "Why don't you talk to him then. He called me after it happened and he sounded pretty worried." I sigh as I take his hand and go up where my computers are.

I log into my MacBook and go to the facetime tab. I click on his contact and wait for him to answer. I smiled when I saw his face pop up on the screen. "Hey, you doing okay?" He asked as he was in an unfamiliar room. It was probably his childhood room.

"Yeah, I had a nightmare last night and I had to make sure you were okay." I had to admit, seeing him and knowing he was okay made me feel a lot better. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked as I looked over at Brennen. "I'll go downstairs." He said standing up and walking away.

"Have I told you about the dreams where I relive the night with the wreck?" I ask as he nods his head yes. "Well, instead of Brandon being with me, it was you that was with me, and passed." I slowly said, remembering the dream. He sat there for a minute like he was thinking.

"Do you need me to come back?" He asked as I quickly said no. I hate feeling so dependent on people. "I'm fine. Just have fun with your family." I lightly smile as a scoff escapes his mouth.

"Oh totally having fun trying to figure out why I'm haunted." He joked as I remembered how he's going to a warehouse tonight.

"You're gonna be safe tonight, right?" I ask him. Knowing they're gonna be there all night, I'm probably not gonna be able to sleep until I know he's safe. "You know I will cause how am I suppose to see your beautiful face again? But I need to get ready cause we're meeting one of our old friends, Nate." He flirted, and then looked over at the time.

"Keep me updated." I heard a thud come from downstairs which confused me. "Yeah, okay mom." Colby joked as I stood up to check on Brennen. I honestly forgot he was here. "I fell off the couch." He groaned as I went back to my computer.

When I looked at my screen, his phone was propped towards his closet and he was standing in front of it, shirtless. "Hey, can you turn around?" I flirt as his head shot back towards me. He then smirked as he turned around, trying to look all hot.

I couldn't help but laugh when he flexed his muscles. "There's that cute laugh of yours." He flirted as my face got red. "If you guys keep flirting, I think I'm gonna throw up." Brennen told us making both of us laugh.

"Go get ready. I'll talk to you later." I say as he smiles and hangs up. It looks like I got til tomorrow morning to do whatever. "Brennen? Wanna go to a bar?" I'm suggesting to go a bar at twelve thirty in the afternoon.

"Aren't you twenty?" I knew Brennen was twenty four and liked to drink. "I have a fake id. I use it when I go out with my boss. I just need a drink." I say walking down my spiral staircase to see Brennen laying on the ground.

"We can go out later if you want. But right now, let's go get food because I'm starving." Thank god it was Friday and I don't have to go back to work. "Yeah, let's go." I say grabbing my keys and phone. I like spending time with Brennen, he's like my older brother.

I like spending time with everyone because of their own ways. Kat and Tara are my first two girl friends and they always listen. Brennen is like the older brother that always makes sure I'm okay. Luke and Leonard are like my two brothers who pick on me but do it with love. Sam has the best advice.

And then there's Colby. Colby has a special place in my heart. He understands me, he truly knows me. I don't know what I would do without him. He's my rock for sure.

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