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It's been a few days since the Ouija board incident and I've been keeping low. I was in my apartment, watching tv when I heard a noise outside the apartment. It was one in the morning so I was confused on who was up this late.

I walk to my door and slightly open it to see Colby and Sam walking. They look drained of life. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask as they look over at me. "I'll see you tomorrow Sam." Colby said walking over to me. "See ya man." Sam said walking to his apartment.

I let Colby into my apartment as he looked dead. He silently walked to my couch as he sat down and placed his head on his hands. "Colby, please talk to me." I say as I sit next to him.

"Sam and I went to this place where they do rituals with our friends Matt and Elton. We got trapped in the back as we heard whistles. The next thing we knew, we were yelling at each other. He knocked Sam's camera over when we were filming." He explained as I got worried for him.

I looked up and down his body to make sure he wasn't physically harmed. "We did work everything out but that shit was scary. That could've been a cult and if it was, I wouldn't be here." He said thinking about the possible outcomes.

"Hey, you're here and safe. I'm happy you're here." I say honestly tell him as he looked up at me. I hated seeing Colby sad. "Here, I'll make us some pizza and we can watch a movie until you're okay." I say getting up. I preheat the oven while I get the pizza out.

I turn on Step Brothers so we can have a good laugh. "You don't have to do this, Vee." Colby said as I turned it on. "I'm just trying to be a good friend." I say as he lightly smiles. I grab some blankets and wrap it around us so we could be comfortable.

We watched the movie and waited for the pizza to get done. We were sharing a blanket so while we were sitting there, our shoulders were touching.

I didn't mind it though. The pizza got done so I got up and got it out while it cooled off. I looked over at Colby to see him about to fall asleep. I sigh as I walk over to him. "You tired?" I ask as he looks over at me with sleepy eyes.

"Yeah." He said rubbing his eyes. I paused the movie as he yawned. "You want me to walk you next door?" I ask as he shakes his head no. "Can I stay here for the night?" He asked as I nodded my head.

"Of course. What do you want me to do with this pizza?" I ask him. He looked so sad, I hated this. "I'll take it. I'm gonna eat it and go to sleep." He said standing up.

"I'm gonna be in my room, come in if you need anything." I say as we part our ways. I lay down, seeing it's two in the morning. I have work tomorrow so this was gonna suck. I quickly fell asleep, letting everything take over.

When I had woken up and got ready for work, Colby was softly sleeping on my couch. He was cuddled up with my blanket, his arm hanging off.

I walk over to him so I could tell him I'm heading to work. I lightly shake him as he still sleeps. I try to shake him harder but he doesn't budge. Damn, he was a hard sleeper.

"Colby." I whisper as I shake him. I see his eyes flutter open as he gets scared for a second. He then makes eye contact with me and he calms down.

"I'm going to work, you can stay here and sleep a little longer if you want. If you do just lock the door when you leave." I say as he rubs his eyes.

"Thank you Vee for everything." He sleepily said, his voice raspy. "It's no problem. Call if you need anything." I say as I grab my bag and head out the door.

I drive to work and when I do, I call Luke to tell him what happened. "Hey buddy." He answered energetically. I never understood how he was so energetic in the mornings. Every morning when I lived with him, he would wake me up by yelling 'wake up yeah' while climbing my bed.

"Hey, so I got something to tell you." I say nervously. I didn't know how he would take it. "You got laid?" He asked joking around. I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see.

"No, but Colby ended up spending the night at my apartment last night because of some heavy shit." I say as he gasped. "I swear Luke, if you tell Leonard, he's gonna make a big deal about it so this stays between us." I say as there was silence.

"I won't. Just get to work so I can make fun of you." He said as he hung up. He was always like this. After spending a few hours at work, Gemma went on a lunch run.

That's when we heard the door open again but it couldn't be her. I was too busy to look up so I continued on my music while Luke went up to see what they wanted.

"Hey, Vee." I hear as I look up. I saw Colby standing there awkwardly as Luke stood next to him. "Is that your hot neighbor?" Leonard asked as I shushed him.

I got up and walked over to them. "Hey what's up?" I ask as I look in between the two guys. Luke walks off so it's just me and him standing there. "I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay in your apartment last night." He smiled as I did the same.

"It's no problem. I'm just happy I could help." I say sticking my hands in my pocket. "I was wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime, just us two?" He asked randomly.

I look over at Luke to see he's staring at us. He nods his head while Leonard gives us the thumbs up. "Yeah, sure. I'm down." I say as he smiles.

Please don't let me be his rebound.

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