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It was two in the morning and I was just know getting to my apartment. Luke thought it would be a good idea to go out and drink but I didn't have anything.

I was walking down my hallway when I saw a figure walking towards me. "Vee." I hear Colby slur as he tries to walk towards me. "Are you drunk?" I ask as he stumbles towards me.

"Gemma cheated on me." He said almost falling over. Gemma cheated? Holy shit. Before Colby could fall on me, I caught him. I helped him walk into my apartment as he could barely stand up. I sat him on my couch so I could get a bottle of water.

"Can you believe she cheated on me?" He asked looking up at me. I hand him the water, he looked at it questionably before unscrewing the lid.

"I fucking caught her in the act too. She wasn't answering so I went to her apartment and there was some dude on top of her. There goes six months, right in the drain." He said sipping on his water. "I'm sorry to hear that." I say not knowing what to say.

I kinda feel bad for him, even though I think he's a small douche, he doesn't deserve to get cheated on. "And you know what the worst part was? She didn't even run after me. I came straight here and started drinking." He rambled on as I listen.

"You should get some rest, you can sleep on the couch." I say getting up to grab him a blanket. I know I haven't been the nicest to him, but I'll give it a shot. The guy just found another dude on his girlfriend and he drank.

I got an extra pillow and blanket for him so he could sleep here. I know he lives only next door but I don't want him to be alone, just in case he needs anything.
I placed the pillow on the end of the couch as he grabs the blanket, wrapping himself up.

"Do you need anything, Colby?" I asked as he instantly fell asleep. Poor guy, he's gonna be so hungover in the morning. I turned the light off and silently walked into my room so I could change.

I put on athletic shorts and a t shirt so I could be comfortable while I slept. I did my whole routine before going to bed so I was up pretty late.

Good thing I don't have to work tomorrow. I turn the lights out in my room and lay down to go to sleep. And just like Colby, I was out right when my head hit the pillow.

I heard knocking on my door which woke me up. I look at the time and it's eleven thirty. I get up to open it to see Colby standing there, looking like hell. "I threw up in your bathroom." This guy had an interesting way of saying hey.

"I can make you breakfast if you want." I say as he nodded. "Let me just find a hair tie." I say walking back into my room, leaving the door open. I can hear footsteps behind me so I guess Colby's looking around.

My room isn't like any other girls. On one wall, I had a bunch of vinyls and band posters hanging up from different bands that I like. I had Christmas lights hanging above my bed while my room was painted black.

When I found my hair tie, I saw Colby looking at the picture of Brandon and I. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend." He said looking at it. I sigh as I sit next to him. "He's not my boyfriend. That was my best friend." I say as he looks at me confused.

"Was?" I was hoping he wouldn't ask. I look down as I twirled my thumbs together. "He passed away a few years ago." I softly say as he turns to the picture again. He takes it off my nightstand so he could get a better look of it.

"How old were you, if you don't mind me asking." I feel like I could trust him. I can't just push him out when he didn't do anything. Other than Luke, he's the only other person who knows. "I was seventeen when he passed. It'll be four years in July." I say keeping my eyes on my thumbs.

"What happened?" I knew that question was coming so I was trying to keep my breath steady. I could feel him look at me as I held my tears back, remembering the night. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He softly spoke as I shook my head.

I just shake my head as I stand up. "One day." I say as he places the picture back. He stands up and looks around my room again.

"Here, I'll make you some breakfast and then you can take some medicine." I lightly smile as I head towards my kitchen. I got some breakfast food out so I could make it.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with my drunk ass last night." He apologized as he sat on stool by the island. "Don't be. I'm just glad you didn't stumble off and drive anywhere." I say starting to cook the eggs.

"How come you were out so late last night?" He asked remembering the details. "My boss wanted to go get drinks and since I'm not twenty one yet, I was his personal driver." I explain as he smiled. "That's sweet of you. And you're not twenty one?" He sure did ask a lot of questions.

"I will be in November. I'm guessing you're twenty one." I try to focus on the cooking but it was hard when he kept asking questions. I don't mind it though, he's probably the first person who has shown interest me in the past couple of years and wasn't scared of my bad attitude.

"Turned twenty two in January. What day do you turn twenty one?" I looked over at him and he was drinking his water bottle. He was super attractive and he didn't have to do anything.

I shook away the thoughts as I continued to cook. "The twenty seventh." He gasped causing me to almost burn myself. I turn to him to see he's smiling like crazy. "That's Sam's birthday. My best friend." He said as I smiled a little. It was cute to see him excited about something.

"You have a nice smile." He complimented me. I smiled more for a second but I quickly drop it, going back to the food. "You must still be drunk." I know what he's trying to do now. Since he got dumped, he's trying to use his hotness to get me to fall for him and use me as his rebound.

I'm not anyone's rebound. "I don't think that's how it works, Vee." He said as I finished his food. "Here, eat this and then take your medicine." I hand him his food as I went to sit on the couch. He took the first bite as he kept eating.

"This is really good, thanks brother." He said biting into the piece of bacon. After he got done, I saw him take his medicine and he threw his plate away. "Thanks for everything again. I'm gonna head home so I could rest." He said grabbing my attention.

"Okay, just message if you need anything. You have my number." I get up so I could open the door for him. "I will. I was just wondering if you wanted to come hang out with my friend Brennen and I tomorrow." He suggested which caught me off guard.

I don't wanna be rude and say no but I don't wanna fall for his tricks if he's trying to use me a rebound. I do need some new clothes and vinyls. "Sure. I need some new clothes anyway." His face lit up when I agreed.

"Okay, I'll message you tomorrow." He smiled as he walked away. I sigh thinking about what I just got myself into.


The picture above is the picture on Vee's nightstand. I thought it'll be cool to know what it looks like.

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