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"You're gonna be safe, right?" I ask Colby as we walk into the lobby of the airport. Sam, Colby, and Jake were going to Kansas to see if they were haunted or not. "Of course. I'll keep you updated. I promise." He said as I pouted.

We weren't dating yet, but we are talking. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his hands on my back. He puts his face in the crook of my neck and shoulder which made me smile.

"I'm gonna miss you, dork." I say into his chest. "It's just gonna be a couple days, we can talk everyday." He pulled away so he could look me in the eyes. "Come on lovebirds, we have to board our plane." Sam butted in causing both of us to blush.

"Go have fun guys." I smile as they walked away. Sam and Jake had given Tara and Kat a kiss goodbye before they walked away. "You wanna hang out for awhile?" Tara asked looking up at me. I check the time to see I need to get back to work.

I shake my head no as they both pout at me. "I have to get back to work, I can hang out when I get off though." I suggest as their frowns turned into smiles. "Just call us, we'll see you later." I wave to them as I walk away.

I stick my earbuds in as I walk to my car. The next couple of days without Colby are gonna be boring honestly. I drive to work, already missing Colby. When I get there, Luke and Leonard were laughing at something.

"What's so funny?" I ask walking into the sound booth. I look at their computer to see them watching youtube. I'm not even surprised. "Speaking of youtube, how sad was it when you went with Colby to the airport?" Luke asked pausing the video.

"I mean, of course it was sad. But he'll be back in a couple of days." I say logging into my computer. Work felt long today, but Luke kept messing around to cheer me up. When I got into my car, I called the girls to see what they were doing.

"Hey, Vee!" They chorused when they answered their phone. "Hey guys. What are you doing?" I ask starting to drive away.

"We were about to head to starbucks. You wanna meet us there?" Kat asked as I smiled. "I'll meet you there." I hang up the call as I head over to the starbucks that's closer to them.

When I get there, I walk inside to see them standing in line. "Hey." I say grabbing their attention. They turned around and smiled at me. "We just got here, we ordered you a drink." Kat told me as I couldn't help but smile.

She's probably one of the nicest in the friend group. I still can't believe Tara is the youngest, she's eighteen and I would've thought she was twenty. Just to think, when I was her age, I was just moving here and it had been a year since I lost Brandon.

Thinking about it, it'll be four years in a week. I've some how lived four years without Brandon. And for three of the four years I've been living here in L.A. "Vee, you okay?" I hear Tara ask, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I fake a smile as I nod my head. "I'm fine, I was just thinking." We spent most of the night together. I yawn as I sit in my music area and see that it's almost one. I decide to go to sleep cause I'm tired. I go lay down in my bed, getting comfortable.

I feel like I couldn't sleep. I look around and I see Colby as we're driving. He looks over at me while headlights come behind him. "Colby! Watch out!" I scream right as we get hit. I crawl over towards him to make sure he was okay.

He looked over at me as I reached him. He had blood running on his face as I grabbed his hand. "You're okay, Colby. I can't lose you either." My throat tightened as I watched his eyes flutter to me. "I'm sorry." His eyes were watery as a few tears slipped from my eyes.

"You're the only thing I know. Please, don't leave me." I cry as I look at him. I see the light fade in his eyes as the grip loosened in my hand. "No." I sob as I lay my head on his chest. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I started in scream in anger as I cried. That's when I shot up and was screaming in my bed. I slid off my bed as I started crying.

I picked up my phone and called the first person I could think of. "Vee, you okay?" Colby asked groggily.

I'm so happy that he's okay. I look at time to see it was four in the morning. That means its six in the morning there. I let a little sob out as I try to think of something. "Venus. What's the matter? Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly.

"I just needed to hear your voice." I suck a breath in so I don't let a few tears out. "Did someone hurt you because if someone hurt I swear to god." He said as I shook my head no.

"It was just a nightmare. I had to hear your voice to know you were okay." I bite my lip as I think about my dream.

This is how it always is when Brandon's death anniversary comes along. I get get nightmares almost every night. "I'm okay, you don't have to worry about me. Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked calming down.

"I should be fine, I just freaked out. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I hang up before he could say anything. I know I'm far from going back to sleep so I guess I'll be up. I just want Colby here.

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