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"So it looks like you have a boxers fracture in your knuckles and you've broken a few fingers." The doctor said when he walked in. I sigh as I look down at my hand.

"What color do you want your cast to be?" He asked as I already had one in mind. "Black please, if you have it." I say as he pulls it out. I look over at Colby with sad eyes as he lightly smiles.

"How long does this have to stay on?" I ask concerned because I didn't want it on for too long. "Six weeks." I sigh as he puts the cast on me.

I can't believe I have a broken hand. "Am I able to drive to work?" I ask worried about missing work. "I would suggest either having someone drive you or stay at home." He smiled as he finished casting my arm.

"Okay, thanks doctor." I smile as he stands up, looking at his papers. "It's no problem sweetie." After he said that, he looked in between us which confused me.

"You two make a cute couple." He smiled as we both shook our heads with a chorus of no's. "Just friends." I say standing up from the chair.

"Yeah, what she said. We're just friends." Colby said standing up behind me. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I just thought you were a thing because of the way you look at each other." The way we look at each other? I look at him like an idiot while he looks at me like a screw up.

I look up as he looks down at me. We both smiled as we looked back over at the doctor. He releases us so we walk out of the room. We walk to the waiting room where Brennen was waiting. When we got out there, he was on his phone.

"Hey Bren." I say grabbing his attention. He looked up at us and then looked down on my arm. "Damn, I know now not to mess with you." He joked while standing up.

We walk to his truck and all pile inside. "Guys, I'm sorry I ruined the night." I say leaning my head on the window.

"You didn't ruin it Vee. Here, let's go get some ice cream." Brennen said smiling as he drove. I was quiet throughout the ride.

It was late so I don't know what ice cream place is open but hopefully something is. "I know a Baskin Robbins that's open til eleven so it should be open now." Colby told him, basically reading my mind.

We drive to it and luckily, it was open. "Go ahead and sit down, I'll order yours for you." Colby said smiling sweetly as me. I pick the first table I see and sit down. That's when I FaceTime Luke to tell him.

"Hey buddy, what's up?" He asked when he popped up. The first thing I see is his hair gelled up like usual. "I need to show you something." I look at myself and I look absolutely terrible.

"What is it?" He asked as I flipped the camera towards my broken hand. His jaw dropped as I showed him what happened. "How'd that happen?" He asked as I flipped the camera back to my face.

"Let's just say I lost my temper and punched the shit out of my car." I say as he laughs. "Damn Vee. Can you drive?" He asked as I shook my head no.

I don't know how I'm getting to work tomorrow and I'm nervous. "How long do you have it on for?" He asked as I told him six weeks. I look over at Colby and Brennen to see Colby staring at me, he quickly turned away as they waited in line.

"I'll come pick you up for work tomorrow." He offered which made me smile. "Are you sure, Luke?" I ask as he nodded his head. "I'll be your personal Uber to and from work for the next six weeks. Also where are you?" He asked trying to look at the picture behind me.

"I'm at a Baskin Robbins with Colby and Brennen." I say as he smirks at me. I look back over at them to see them walking towards me. I end the call with Luke as they sat next to me.

"I got you Chocolate Fudge so it better be good." Colby said handing it to me. I thank him as I start eating it. We eat it together and all joke to stupid stuff.

When we get done, we get in the truck so Brennen can take us home. My head was on the window and I could feel my eyes get heavy. I close my eyes and drift asleep. But I can still hear everything they're saying.

"That was kinda dope what she did, you know." Brennen told Colby. "I've never seen her act like that before. I mean yeah, she's been pissed off but I've never seen her like that." Colby explained to him.

Why am I not surprised they're talking about me? "It's cause she cares for you man. She doesn't want to see you hurt because of Gemma." Brennen does have a point. "Do you think there's something that's bothering her that she hasn't told us?" Colby asked wondering what was up with me earlier.

"I don't know man, she's closer to you than me. If there was something bothering her, she would tell you before me." When did Brennen become so intellectual?

"I just don't get it, something must've happened when we were at Coachella." You're not wrong, Colby. Your girlfriend cheated on you. "I say wait until she comes to you. You saw what happened when you asked her about not trusting her." Brennen told him.

"You think I did something?" Colby asked worriedly. "Dude, why are you stressing so much? You have a girlfriend and you're worried about another girl." He asked also making a point.

"It's cause Vee is different from Gemma. There's something about her that's interesting." He honestly said which confused me. "The hell does that mean?" Brennen asked, how long is this drive?

"I don't know exactly." I felt the truck come to a stop so I made sure to stay still. I felt the door open up and someone pick me up from the seat.

"You sure you got her bro?" Brennen asked so I guess Colby had me. "Yeah, thanks man. I'll call you." Colby said as I felt him start walking. After a minute, we got to our floor and I felt him reach for my keys.

I groan as he stopped moving them. "You awake?" He asked as I looked up at him. He looked cute from this angle. "Yeah." He put me down and let me unlock my door.

I turned to him before walking into my apartment. "Thanks Colby for being here for me." I smile as he does the same. "Anything for a friend." He said as he waved and walked off.

It's been a long ass day.

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