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"Luke, I'm telling you. She's cheating, I have to go tell him somehow." I explain the next morning. I got there early so we could talk about it. "Vee. You can't tell him. It's that simple. I know you care about him but it's not your business to be snooping around her to see if she's cheating." Luke explained as I followed him around the station.

"What if it was me? What if I was getting cheated on and you knew. You would tell me, right?" I ask making him sigh. "That's different. I've known you for two years. He's known you for a month. He could take it differently." He explained while restocking the shelves.

"Fine, I won't tell him. What should I do then?" I ask following him like a lost puppy. "Just wait it out, alright? Wait until he comes back and if she says anything." He explained as I groaned. Just feel like I have to do something to help.

The next couple of days was super boring. I didn't do anything over the weekend but catch up on my music and Netflix.

On Monday, I stayed after so I could Luke with some stuff. I got home around five thirty and was exhausted by the time I got home. It's not even a full minute before I hear some knocks on my door.

I walk over to it, and see Colby standing there smiling. I couldn't help but smile when I saw him. "Hey, dork. Get in here." I stand aside so he could walk in.

"How was Coachella?" I ask him as he sat on my couch. "It was so much fun. I wish you could've been there, we all missed you." He said as I smiled.

He looked like he was glowing. "What about you, what'd you do?" He asked as I immediately thought about how I stalked Gemma.

Luke was right, I can't tell him. "Nothing, I worked and hung out here." I lie as he nodded his head. "Wanna hang out with Brennen and I? He's on the way." He asked as I agreed. I missed those two.

When Brennen came, I offered to drive so we headed down to the parking lot. We get into my car and I turn the key but my car wouldn't start. Great. "Brennen can you start the key when I tell you to." I tell him as I get out of the car.

I pop the hood so I could see what was wrong with my car. I need to get a new one. Colby got out so he could me but he randomly got a phone call. "Turn it." I tell Brennen as Colby walks away. As he turns it, it doesn't turn on.

I start to get aggravated as Colby walked back. "I'm sorry, that was Gemma." He said as I rolled my eyes and tried to fix my car. "You still don't trust her do you?" Colby asked as I told Brennen to turn the key. And of course, the car wouldn't start making me more pissed off.

"Not really." I say without looking at him. "Why don't you give her the benefit of the doubt?" Colby asked as I tried to focus on my car. Brennen kept turning it but it wouldn't start. I knew what I was doing too cause my dad taught me all of this in high school.

"I give people the benefit of the doubt. I've given a lot of benefit, to a lot of people. Try it again." I tell Brennen as it doesn't start. "Like Luke?" He asked making me look up. He did have a point. I just shake my head and continue to work on my car.

This was just pissing me off that Colby was asking me this shit while my car wasn't working. "Why don't you trust anyone?" Colby asked with his arms crossed. I couldn't handle my anger anymore. "Because you trust everyone!" I yell while punching the shit out of my car.

I look down to my hand to see it shaking and already swelling. "Are you okay, Vee?" Colby asked looking at it. "I'm fine." I say ignoring the pain in my hand.

"Vee, I think you broke your hand." Colby said lightly touching it. I winced in pain and pulled it away so he wouldn't hurt it worse.

"Brennen I think we need to get her to a hospital." Colby said as Brennen ran out of the car. Colby took my keys and locked my car as Brennen made sure my hood was down. They help me in Brennen's truck as they drive me to a hospital.

"I don't need a hospital. I'm fine, I just bruised it." I say as I groan in pain. I can't move it cause it hurts too bad. Brennen raced to the emergency room even though, I thought it was fine.

When we got to the hospital, Colby helped me through the doors as Brennen found a parking spot. "Hi nurse, I think my friend here broke her hand so we need to get it check out." Colby said for me while getting her attention.

"Do you think you can fill out this paper work?" The nurse asked as I looked down at my swollen hand. "I'll fill it out for you." Colby said as she got the the papers. "Just fill everything out and a doctor will be with you shortly." She smiled as we went and sat down.

"Vee, what's your full name?" He asked looking at the paper. "Venus Kathryn Sutton." I say leaning my head back. "Date of birth?" He asked glancing over at me.

"November twenty seventh, nineteen ninety-eight." I say as I see Brennen walk in and sit next to us. "You feeling okay?" He asked as I nodded my head yes.

"Do you have any allergies?" Colby asked continuing to fill the form out. "Peanuts." I say as he turns to me. "You're allergic to peanuts?" He asked as I nodded my head.

It took us a few minutes to fill everything out so Colby gave her the papers. "I'm getting food from the vending machine. I'm starving." Brennen said as he got up and walked away.

As I sat there, I realized how much of a dick I was. "I'm sorry for snapping back there Colbs. I just have a lot on my mind." I apologize as he looks over at me.

He sighs while looking up at the ceiling. "Everyone has their moments. I guess I was just pissed off that Gemma and I fought and I was taking it out on you." He said even though he didn't know the half of it.

I laid my head on his shoulder from being exhausted. "I know you love her and everything but she doesn't deserve you." I say being completely honest.

She really doesn't deserve Colby. What I've learned about him was that he doesn't give up on people. He trusts everyone he meets and is the most caring person I know.

He doesn't deserve someone like Gemma because he's too good for her. "I just don't know how to let go." He said looking down at me, sadness filling his eyes. This is exactly what I'm talking about, I don't want him hurt.

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