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Colby, my mom, and I were sitting on the couch making jokes while waiting for everyone to get here. It was two thirty and my dad gets off at three. I was kinda worried for my dad to meet Colby. I didn't want him to get the wrong impression.

I know Colby and I are just friends but I want them to like each other. When the time came around, I hid around the corner so I could surprise my dad. Colby stood next to me, shoulders touching.

I heard the front door open making me smile a little. "Hey honey, how was work?" My mom asked my dad. "It was pretty good." He told her. It was so weird hearing his voice again in person after two years.

"Look, I wanna show you something on Facebook." My mom said giving me the signal. I look over to Colby as he smiled and winked at me. I walk over there without him noticing and look at my moms phone.

"Can you tilt the phone this way so I can see it?" I ask getting on my dads attention. "Woah! Vee! When'd you get here?" He asked all smiley and happy.

He picked me up and spun me around making me laugh out loud. "I got a here a few hours ago." I say as he put me down. "You look so good. Also, where's your friend?" He asked as I heard footsteps behind me.

I turn around to see Colby slowly walking over to us. "Hey man, I'm Michael." He said sticking his hand out. "I'm Colby." They shook hands while introducing each other.

"You like the beach?" My dad asked him as I stood there watching. "I love the beach. Are you kidding?" Colby smiled as my dad did the same. "Well come here, I gotta show you the backyard." Our house wasn't on the beach but you could see it from a distance.

They walked outside leaving me and my mom together. "He's really cute, Vee." My mom said making me look at her. "Yeah, he is but he's not into me like that. He got out of a relationship a few weeks ago." I explain as I sit down on the couch.

"I think he's into you. And who cares if he got out of a relationship a few weeks ago?" My mom told me as I looked at her. "I'm not a rebound mom. Plus I don't want a relationship." I say as I look at the guys outside.

Colby started laughing along with my dad which made me smile. "Just let time take it's course." My mom said as they walked back in laughing. "Where'd you find this guy, Vee? He's hilarious." My dad laughed as I smiled. I'm happy my dad likes him.

I heard a car pull up near the house so I guess either Porter or Maggie is here. Colby sat next to me as I heard the car door shut. The door opened to Porter looking down on his phone. He's grown so much in the passed two years, what the hell.

"Hey guys." He said keeping his head down while throwing his things on the ground. "Hey Porter." I say as he instantly looked up. A smile grew on his face while he looked at me. "You gotta be shitting me." He said as I stood up to give him a hug. "Porter!" My mom said getting butthurt cause Porter cussed.

"I didn't know you were gonna be here today. I gotta show you some of my tricks on my skateboard." He said happily. He then looked behind me, his jaw dropping when his eyes reached Colby. "No way. I love your videos!" He said pushing me aside.

Colby stood up smiling to my little brother. "Awe thanks man." Colby said bro hugging Porter. "Keep doing what you're doing, my friends and I love it." I'm not gonna lie, this was amazing. "You guys wanna come hang out with me outside?" Porter asked as we agreed.

We agreed so we followed him out the door. Porter grabbed a basketball and started dribbling it. "You wanna play two on two?" Colby asked as I stood on his hoverboard. Porter and I used to love riding on it. "Yeah but don't get upset when I whoop your ass." Porter trash talked causing Colby to look at me with his jaw dropped.

"Is he trash talking? You don't wanna do that." Colby said taking his beanie off and throwing it at me. They started playing as I rode around on the hoverboard. Watching them play was honestly so much fun.

We spend a couple hours hanging outside and do a bunch of different things. Colby was helping my mom cook since she's letting him stay in the guest room for a couple of days while Porter and I hang out in his room. He was on his phone but he left his laptop open so I decided to prank him.

I see that one of his popular sites is pornhub so I click on it. I click on the first video and lightly push it near him. The girl started moaning causing Porter to jump up. "Mom! Porter's watching porn!" I scream as he screamed no. "That's you!" He screamed back as he shut his laptop.

"Why would I watch porn infront of my little brother?" I ask laughing. He opened his computer back up to see the porn is still up. He was laying in front of me with the laptop screen facing me. He looked at the screen to see them moaning again. "Mom, Porters watching porn again!" I scream as he shuts the laptop and throws it on the bed.

We got quiet as we heard more moans coming from the computer. I screamed along with Porter as it moans. "Turn it off!" He yelled while I heard footsteps. "What is going on in here?" My mom asked, Colby right behind her. "I caught Porter watching porn." My moms face got serious as she looked at Porter.

"She thinks you're serious." Porter told me. "It's true Wendy, Vee and I walked in gasping at him." Colby said trying to get Porter in more trouble. "You weren't even in here." I laugh as he does the same. "Momma, trust me it happened. I'll show you the receipts." I say as my looks at us shockingly.

"Receipts?" She asked looking horrified as us three all laughed. She shakes her head as she walks out the room. Porter picks a pillow up from his bed and throws it at me. "You're such a bitch." He laughed as I shrugged. "Oh shut up, you missed me." I say smiling as he did the same.

I've definitely missed my little brother.

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