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I looked like death when I was getting ready to leave my house. I had one of Colby's sweatshirt on with under armor sweats and my hair up.

It was ten thirty and we were about to leave. I haven't slept since yesterday and it was just a couple of hours. I got a text from Kat saying her and Tara were here.

I'm taking my car so I could take Colby and they're gonna take Jake and Sam. I walk down to the lobby so I could meet up with the girls.

They were waiting for me in the lobby as I walked in there. "Are you okay? You don't look so good." Tara mentioned about my look.

"Yeah, I haven't slept. I'm fine though." They looked at each other before looking over at me. "You okay to drive?" Kat asked as I got to my car. I nodded my head and smiled as they got into Kat's car.

They both met up here and were both meeting back here so they could hang out with their boyfriends. I follow them towards the airport and made sure my music was loud enough so I could stay up.

The thought of seeing Colby makes it better. After the nightmare and the no sleep last night, I'm sure actually seeing him would make me feel better.

We go to the spot where they would meet us at and wait for them. I lean up against the wall and sigh. Tara started talking about how she needed to get her nails done as Kat said she would tag along.

That's when I heard a squeal and look up to see the three boys walking over to us. Colby walked straight towards me with a worried look on his face. "Are you sick?" He asked looking at me up and down.

"Well hey to you too. And no. Haven't slept, I was up all night." I say as he pouts. We both didn't get any sleep last night. "How many hours of sleep did you get?" He asked as I looked down.

"Two. But don't worry. It's cause of the nightmare." I don't want him blaming himself so I won't tell him I was stressed about him.

"Come here." He opened his arms up as I walked into it. Embracing his warmth and cologne. "You guys ready?" Sam asked as we nodded our heads. I help Colby with his luggage causing him to smile.

He grabs my free hand and laces our fingers together. I felt so happy that Colby's back. We drive to the apartments and make our separate ways.

I hang out in Colby's with him and he plops in his couch. "So what'd you do last night to stay up?" Colby asked looking over at me.

"I laid in bed until one and then Brennen took me to get food and we went to his elementary school and ate. We then played some flashlight tag for the rest of the night so that was pretty fun." I explained as he looked over at me.

"I'm not gonna have to get jealous of Brennen, am I?" I gave him a questionable look as he asked that. "Why would you get jealous of Brennen?" I ask crossing my legs.

"I just don't want you gaining feelings for him." He said quietly. I grab his arm and lace his fingers with mine. He looked over causing us to lock eye contact. Good lord, we both need sleep.

"Colby. We both know I only like you. I see him as an older brother that I don't have." I say making him smile. He starts rubbing his thumb on my hand knowing it'll make me tired.

"I think we're both just sleep deprived." I couldn't agree more with him. "Let's go take a nap then. We need it after the weekend we had." I said standing up. We go into his room and close the door.

I plop onto his bed as he does the same. "You're bed is so much more comfortable than mine." I say into his pillow. "You can sleep in it all you want." He flirted with a raspy voice.

His raspy voice always gave me butterflies in my stomach. "As long as you're next to me." I flirted back while he chuckled.

"Just come get into my arms." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. I could feel his body heat as I laid my head on his chest.

He rubbed my back as I closed my eyes. I feel like I could be in his arms forever. I instantly fell asleep when I was in his arms and it felt so good to be in someone's arms.

Colby and I ended up sleeping for a couple of hours cause of how tired we were. When I woke up, it was almost six pm and I was hungry. I look around to see Colby gone.

I smell food so I get up and go into the kitchen to see him making food. "Hey." I groggily say as he turns to me.

"Hey sleepyhead. I'm making food if you don't mind." He told me as I sat on the stool at the island. "I'm starving." I smile as I watch him cook. I don't understand how someone can be so good looking.

I don't know if it's his tattoos or his smile or his eyes but I do know one thing. His personality shines brighter than any. I was foolish for not letting him in sooner.

I just know that he makes my heart race and makes me feel like I belong. I can talk to him about anything and he'll listen. Trying to think about it, I don't know what life would be like without him in it.

"And here are some Dino nuggets!" He handed me a plate, bringing me out of my thoughts. He really made dinosaur nuggets with macaroni and cheese.

"You're so cute, I hope you know that." I flirt as he sat next to me. "You're the cute one. More like beautiful." He flirted making my face red. "I'm far from cute." I tried to deny it but he just shook his head.

He took a bite of his food before speaking. "I always thought you were cute. Even when I first met you." And I thought I knew everything. I'm surprised he hasn't told me.

"You've never told me that. Is that why Gemma hated me so much?" I asked curious of the answer. "She hated the fact that I was so into trying to figure you out. But she doesn't matter. I'm just glad I figured you out." He winked as he ate his food.

"You know, for a good month or two, my coworker and boss called you my 'hot neighbor' and did it to aggravate me." I honestly say, making his eyebrows raise.

"Don't look at me like that. I mentioned one time after you moved in how you were hot and they made fun of me for it and they still do." I laugh as he does the same.

"I can't believe you gossiped at me at work. How immature of you." He acted butt hurt as he bit into his nugget. "Says the one who made dinosaur nuggets." I playfully punch him as he laughs some more.

I really enjoy Colby's company. I can be my true self when I'm with him. And I love the feeling.

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