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"Hey, Vee." I heard my boss say from the sound booth. I work at a radio station in Los Angles with a guy named Leonard and our boss, Luke. I walk over to the soundbooth and stick my head through. "What's up?" I ask wondering what he wanted. "You still making beats?" He asked spinning around in his chair.

Whenever I get done with one I really like, I give it to him so he could listen to it. But he actually hasn't played it so I'm waiting on that. "I'm currently working on one, I'll give it to you when it's done." I say as he nods his head.

"Okay, sounds great. You can go home early if you want. Leonard has everything taken care of, right Leonard?" He asked as I look over at him trying to eat footlong hot dog. He gave a thumbs up as I said my goodbyes and left.

I don't mind working there, it just gets boring there sometimes. I get in my car and start to drive to my complex. Thank god it's the last day of Feburary, I'm ready for Spring. When I pull up to the parking lot, I see a few Uhaul vans near my complex. These must be my new neighbors.

I see a guy walk out with dark hair and he was wearing all black. I get my stuff and get out of the car. I walk over to my new neighbor to see if he needs help. "Hi, I was wondering if you needed any help? I live in the building." I speak up while walking up to him.

When I got closer, I noticed he was attractive. But I knew I can't let my guard down. "Are you sure? I don't wanna be a nuisance." He told me as we reached each other. "No, it's fine. I was just walking up there now." I tell him. He agreed so I followed him to the back of the Uhaul.

He climbs in and starts looking around for something. "Can you handle a bag of clothes?" He asked picking it up. "Yeah, I should." He handed me the bag and it was a lot heavier than I expected.

How many clothes does one person need? He grabbed another bag as he climbed out. We walked side by side into the lobby. I pushed the elevator door button and wait for it to open. When it does, I stepped in and pushed my floor button. "Which floor?" I ask as he tells me it's the same one I pushed.

"I never got your name." He spoke up as the elevator started to go up. "It's Vee." I looked over at him to see him trying to think. "Like the letter?" He asked as I shrug. "It's V-e-e. That's what people call me." I explain to him as he listened.

"What's your real name then?" He sure did ask a lot of questions. "It's Venus." The elevator opened up so we walked out into the hallway. "That's a pretty name." I lightly smile as I follow him to his apartment. "I'm Colby by the way." I never pictured his name to be Colby.

I thought it would be Evan or something. We get into his apartment, which is right next to mine. "Where do you want me to put this?" I ask as I stand in the kitchen. He looks at me while sitting his bag down. "I can take it, thank you." He said taking the heavy bag out of my hands. "Do you need any other help?" I ask looking around.

"I should be fine, I have a couple friends stopping by to help." He said taking a deep breath. "If you need anything just let me know, I'm actually right next door." I smile as he does the same. "It was nice meeting you." He waved as I walked off. I walked to my apartment and go inside once I unlock the door.

I take my backpack off and walk up my spiral staircase. I have all my music stuff up there so I spend most of my time up there. It really doesn't get lonely living alone, I've learned to deal with my lonlieness. Ever since Brandon died, I pushed everyone away so I wouldn't get hurt again.

After graduation, I took the next flight out to Los Angles and I haven't been back since. I still talk to my family, they just know how I don't wanna go back right now. I put my headphones on as I sit on my office chair and start working on my new track.

I sit there for a couple of hours working on so I'm almost done. I decieded I need a break so I get up from my chair and walk towards my spiral staircase. I walk out to my balcany to get some fresh air.

I lean against the railing and look out into the view while the sun sets. "You watching the sunset too?" I hear from the left to me. I look over to see Colby looking over at it too. "Yeah, I love L.A. sunsets." I tell him honestly. That's one I liked about living here, the sunsets.

"Have you lived here your whole life?" He asked making me think about the night three years ago. I have no idea if I should trust him or not. The only people who know about my accident is my family and Luke. But I don't have to tell him yet.

"I'm from Hawaii." He had a surprised look on his face when I said that. "I bet it's nice there." It's not. That's what I wanna say to him. I wanna tell him it's not what everyone thinks. But I can't tell him that. "Yeah, I guess. But I better get back to my work. I'll see you sometime soon." I walk back inside and walk back to the my loft area.

I was up til two thirty trying to finish the mixtape, which I did, and when I did I went to my room to sleep. But I kept overthinking shit. It was a long night of staring up at my celing.


The guy on the left is Luke and the guy on the right is Leonard , I forgot to put them in the cast list -Rachel

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