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"Do you have everything packed?" Colby asked as I looked at my bags. We're flying out to Hawaii today and I can't believe the three weeks went by so fast.

"Yeah, I triple checked everything." I say as I check the time. We should be heading to the airport. "You ready Vee?" He asked as I sighed. "As ready as I'll ever be." I grab my bag as I head out the door. Brennen was driving us to the airport so we wouldn't have to leave our cars there.

"What's up?" Brennen said as we put our stuff in the bed of his truck. We get in his truck as he drives to the airport. "How long is the flight to the island you live on?" Brennen asked making conversation. "Five hours so Colby and I will have a fantastic time." I joke as he rolls his eyes.

It was nine in the morning and our flight is at ten. We'll get there at three L.A. time but noon Hawaii time so we'll experience some jetlag. "Damn. That sounds like fun." Brennen sarcastically said. We got to the airport and said our goodbyes to Brennen.

We went through all the security measures at lax and right when we got through, they were boarding our plane. When we found our seats, Colby put our bags up in the carry on loft. I had window seat while Colby was right next to me.

He pulled out his laptop while grabbing a double headphone adapter. "Wanna watch a few movies with me? We have time to spare." I couldn't say no. I grabbed my earbuds and stick them in the adapter.

The first movie we ended up watching was called father of the year and it was a movie on Netflix that he had downloaded. I'm honestly so happy that Colby came with me to Hawaii.

My parents didn't agree to it at first but he ended up contacting my mom on Facebook to tell her that he would love to come and meet everyone. They had talked for a few hours and he explained how he was there for me throughout some stuff and explained how I let my guard down with him.

That's when my mom was thrilled to meet him cause she thinks he's the cutest thing. But really she wants to meet the person that cracked me out of my shell. And they know how difficult this trip is for me so if I have to bring Colby, they're fine with it. They just had to understand everything.

Five long hours later, we had made it to Maui. As everyone boarded off the plane, Colby looked at me with a hopeful look. "You ready?" He asked me. I looked over at him and smiled. "Let's do this." I say standing up.

I had told my parents I was flying today, I just didn't tell them when I was coming so it'll be a surprise. While we got our bags, we called for an Uber to come pick us up. It honestly feels weird being here again when I used to call this place my home.

We met up with our Uber and he let us place our bags in the trunk. "You guys here for a vacation?" He asked as he started driving. "Kinda, it's my brothers graduation." I say staring out the window.

It's such a pretty day today, I loved seeing the ocean again. "Oh cool. Here, listen to this Post Malone song." He said as we shrug him off.

It was around a twenty minute drive from the airport to my parents house but it was fun to see the view again. We grab our things and head towards the door. I can't believe it's been two years since I've been here.

"You ready to meet my parents?" I ask as he nods his head. I ring the doorbell as we wait for it to open. I then see the door swing open with my mom standing there. "Hey mom." I instantly smile when she pulls me into a hug.

"I've missed you so much." She said as she tightly hugged me. "Mom, I can't breathe." I say as she let go. She then looked over at Colby and smiled. "Vee, he's cuter in person. Why don't you guys come in here." I turned red as I was the first to walk inside.

Nothing's changed in the past two years. "Hey Colby, you can call me Wendy. I'm so happy to finally meet you." She said wrapping her arms around him. "You too. Thanks for letting me stay." He told her as they let go.

"Here, let me show you around the house." She told him as he agreed. "I'm going to put my stuff in my old room." I say as I start walking to the direction of it. When I opened the door, nothing had changed in it.

There were so many memories in this room that were flooding my head. I looked on my wall to see I still had all my pictures from high school. Most were of me and Brandon. My favorite one was where we were sitting against the wall, our shoulders touching, and completely not ready.

Holy shit, I miss him so much. I looked on my bed to see a Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal that he had given me. I sit on my bed while picking it up. I looked at it while taking a deep breath. "You okay sweetie?" My mom asked from my door. I look over to see them looking over at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smile as I stand up. I put my luggage near my bed as my mom gives Colby the rest of the tour. I moved to the living and plopped myself on the couch. "Where's everyone at?" I ask as they came back to the living room.

"Your father is at work, Maggie is at her apartment with her boyfriend, and Porter is at graduation practice." My mom explained as she sat next to me. When did Maggie get an apartment and boyfriend?

"When did Maggie move out?" I ask confused. "A few months ago. You'll be able to meet her boyfriend, he's the sweetest." This is exactly what I had feared.

Being forgotten by my family.

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