Ten toes down

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Issaiah Love

I check my phone for what seems like the thousandth time today. Foreign has yet to come home or even call. What was going on and why wasn't Von keeping me updated? I hope that he's good. My baby doesn't deserve to be in this situation.

I run my hands down my face and turn my attention to the computer screen in front of me. I was looking up pieces for my new room at Zanah's. Hell Foreign and I could just move in with them an pay rent.

"Sai you coming with us to get lunch?" Jeremiah asks coming from the back putting on his jacket.

"Uh nah, I'm good."

"You sure, Ty's paying."

"Yeah I really don't have an appetite right now."

"Aight suit yourself." He walks out leaving me alone to my thoughts. I twist and turn in my chair trying to calm all the bad thoughts in my head. Don't get yourself riled up when you don't know what's going on. He could be good and just went home to take a nice long nap. Positive thoughts Sai.

"Hey niecey."

"What's up uncle Kaz, how are you?"

"I should be asking you that question." I sigh heavily and shake my head.

"Things could be way better but I'm trying to give it to God."

"Trouble in paradise?"

"No more like this is America."

"What happened?" I chew on my lip to keep myself from crying out of anger. I fucking hate when I get emotional, but they had my baby and I didn't know what they were doing.

"Yesterday my boyfriend and I took Zanah's kids out to spend some time with them and also allow Zanah and Chris to have them with less stress while they're getting moved in to their new house. We had just left from bowling and were headed to our next destination when a cop pulls us over. He claims that it there had been reports of car theft and mine matched the description. We explain that it's my car and he's on my insurance. The cop still takes his license and the registration to the car. The kids are in the back petrified and confused and I'm trying to calm them down. Vision is panicking so much that she needs her inhaler. This motherfucker comes back and pulls out his gun and draws it on them. Foreign and I both go into protective mode and I run to the back to shield the kids from his craziness. The cop hit me which made Foreign swing on him and now Foreign is waiting to be released."

Uncle Kaz nods his head trying to digest everything that I told him. He has a look of compassion on his face. Being around my sperm donor he knows the struggle of black people in Amerikkka.

"Is there anything that I can do to help?"

"Von went down there to get him out but I have yet to hear anything back from her yet."

"I'm sure she's got it handled just be positive."

"I just hate that this happened to us. I would have been more receptive to it if it wasn't in front of the kids. Innocent kids that have never dealt with this situation first hand until now."

"I get that this is a hard world to live in but you still have your sanity and God."

"I do and I'm trying to give it to God and not go get revenge but it's hard. I'm going to have pray a little harder." Lord know's I've been praying up a storm.

"Do that." My phone rings and I'm quick to turn it over to see who it is. It's Zanah probably looking for an update.

"I'm going to take this. Thank you for checking on me."

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