Daddy's Maybe

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Bitch Fuuuuuck you Wattpad!!! You know damn well you could have saved my shit as soon as I finished writing. Now I have to start over for a third time because you can't just accept the changes that I've made from two different devices. Bitch you knew it was me. It's all good though, I'm going to get it together and when I do you better save my shit so I can post. WHORE!!!

Y'all, I had this ready to go all I needed was a good lil edit and then it'd be ready for y'all to read. Wattpad ass is going to ask me if I want to keep my changes from my laptop or my phone and my dumb ass clicked from my phone so everything I wrote on my laptop got deleted. I tried to write it over again and closed my laptop to go to bed and not a single thing was saved like it was supposed to. Yo just know if this chapter sucks, it's not my fault. Blame Wattpad's punk ass.

Much Love ~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

I sit in Merci's house right along with Elle and Denise. Merci had the bright idea to have a spa day for us. Denise decided to bring her kit and give us all a well needed fullset. Unfortunately, Zanah couldn't make it because she's been stuck at work. My sis and Chris are real ones and I appreciate them for their bravery.

"Thank you so much Nisey, I really need my nails done. Your girl has been struggling."

"Period, my hands are all beat up." Elle and I slap hands and join in a laugh.

"No problem, I'm glad I can do this. I have a lot of ideas and I need people to practice on."

"Well you've come to the right place." Merci comes over passing out drinks that I wish I could partake in.

"Here Sai, how's my baby doing in there?"

"Baby Art is doing good. I'm out of the high risk miscarriage zone, thank God."

"That's good."

"How far along are you?" Elle asks rubbing my stomach.

"I am twenty three weeks."

"So you're able to find out the gender, right?" Denise asks starting my put the acrylic on my nails.

"Yes, and I'm so excited. I wanted to have a gender reveal party but now this virus has stopped all of our plans."

"What are you two going to do now?"

"I think I want Rome to draw a painting for us so we can hang it up in the nursery. I definitely want you guys to be apart of it so we might just get on facetime."

"That'll be cute. I started buying gifts as soon as I found out. Eric thinks I'm getting ready for us."

"Awww thank you so much. Y'all better not get pregnant right now. Enjoy your newlywed lifestyle while you can."

"Trust me I'm taking all precaution."

"How's Foreign with this pregnancy?" I roll my eyes and Denise's question, thinking about everything I've been putting up with Foreign.

"This man really think he's running shit. He's making sure I'm doing everything by the book. Nigga's going to be the best daddy in the world."

"Yes ma'am, he's not going to know how to act when this baby get her."

"Hell if I'm lucky I can get him to push this baby out for me." We all lean our heads back and laugh. If only that worked in real life.

"How's Zanah and Chris dealing with this virus?" Merci asks genuinely concerned about them.

"It's been really hard on them. They've been taking turns staying home with the kids so they can see both of them. I told them that Foreign and I would watch Shy and JoJo to give them a break. I'm going to make them care packages and get them some groceries and supplies for the house."

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