Day Four

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"Ms.(L/N)." I lifted my head from my desk to see the Mayor approach my desk. "It had been a while since you've come into work."
 "Yeah, I've been rather ill." I say, and he reaches over, the back of his hand rested up against my forehead.
 "You're still a bit hot.."
 "Are you sure that's not my body heat?"
 He chuckled, putting his hand back to his side, his hand softly curling into a weak fist. "I'm sure.. Are you feeling well? You can take another few days off, if you need."
 "No, I couldn't.. I feel like that'd be cruel."
 "Trying to take care of yourself couldn't be considered cruel.. Nor could it be selfish, if that's what you've considered yourself." He turns to look outside, and he stares for a moment. "I apologize for coming to visit you so late, I was caught up in meetings."
 "It's alright, y'know? You're the Mayor."
 "Yes, but you're my friend. I should at least try to make time for you.." A pause, and he sighs. "I know how much the dark concerns you."
 "I don't want you to view me as a child, Damien.. Don't worry about me. I'll be able to get outside and handle it myself."
 "(Y/N), please. Allow me to assist you to at least your car." Damien steps over to my side, and I looked up at him.
 I wanted to decide against it, but I had respect for this man. A bit too much respect to say no to him, especially when he's simply trying to be nice. He smiles at me, and it makes my heart warm up a bit.
 I stand up, and he takes my arm in his. 
 "..My sister Celine is coming to visit tomorrow, you remember her, yes?" Damien started speaking, we were soon enough outside and walking through the darkness. 
 "Yes, I do.. What about her?"
 "I wanted you to meet her tomorrow.. I know you've met before, but she hasn't gotten to know you as much as I wish you two had."
 I giggled a little, looking up at Damien. "I wouldn't mind meeting your sister.. Let's just hope that she softens up in her grumpy old man attitude."
 "I highly doubt that.."

 I woke up to the sight of my ceiling, as the usual. The dream I just had rings through my head and it almost felt a little real, but now it feels so fake now that I've opened my eyes. I furrowed my brows, wondering why I brought the man from the restaurant into my dream.. Who was Celine, most importantly?
 I reach my hands up and I rub my eyes for a moment before I sit up, Today's the day I scheduled my meeting with my therapist. It's been a bit since I've talked to her, but I'm sure that I definitely need to. At least now I do.

 I was sitting across from her as she was checking over some of my paperwork, and I had my hands in my lap. I've always felt extremely nervous when I went to talk to her, but I do in fact trust her. 
 "Ms.(L/N)," She spoke. "You scheduled a meeting with me a couple days ago, telling me that you were experiencing.. Hallucinations?" 
 Her eyes perked above her glasses and stared at my face as I stared back at her. I nodded slowly, then looking down at the ground.
 "Y-Yeah, I, uh.. It happened in the bathroom at this restaurant, there were these two men fighting in the other room and then this guy just, screaming.. He was loud, and.. He didn't sound human."
 "Are there any other incidents?"
 "Yeah, that one was the first.. I saw a male figure in my bedroom, and he was just standing there in the dark.. The lights wouldn't work or anything. Then yesterday, I was at work, and the lights stopped working again, and he was there. He helped me calm down when I was, uh.. Panicking, y'know." I bat my hand a little, and then nervously fiddle with the sleeves of my shirt.
 "So the first one, can you tell me how that made you feel.. What do you think started it?"
 "I don't know, I was just.. Going to the bathroom, and there it was." I shrug. "There was a guy in the restaurant that sounded exactly like.. Both of the men, just one sounded raspier and angrier, and then another one sounded all sing-songy.. It was weird. Like I took his voice and I bent it around and used two different versions of it. But I never heard his voice before."
 "Maybe you had, when you entered the building.. How about the second experience? What do you suppose triggered that."
 "Just, the dark, I guess.. He was just standing in the corner." I pause. "I think he told me something but I can't remember it much.. I think it had something to do with going back to sleep."
 "Okay.." I can hear her pencil scratching the paper in her hand. "What about the third experience?"
 "..Yesterday, I felt.. Comfortable." I shrug. "Like I said, I was at work and it became dark, I thought about, my.. Uh, mom, and.. Then he appeared, and helped me calm down. He made me feel.. Safe." I say, a little uncertainty in my voice. "I just felt at home, when he spoke to me. It was a small time to talk but it just felt okay."
 "..Is there a possibility that there was a male figure in your life, that made you feel this way?.. Scared, and safe at the same time?" She asks, and I paused. "..(Y/N), were you ever in a relationship that made you feel that way?"
 C̵̵̴̵̵̴̸̶̶̵̴̸̸̸̷h̶̶̸̵̷̷̸̴̸̴̴̷̴̵̵r̸̸̴̷̵̶̴̵̶̷̶̵̵̶̴i̵̸̴̵̸̴̷̸̸̶̴̶̴̵̴s̷̶̴̶̵̴̴̵̵̶̸̷̴̷̴t̶̵̶̸̶̶̵̵̷̵̷̴̴̵̵o̸̶̷̵̴̸̸̷̴̴̸̵̸̶̶p̸̷̷̸̶̶̷̵̵̶̸̸̷̵̶h̷̸̴̵̵̴̸̶̸̶̸̵̸̷̴e̵̶̴̸̶̸̵̸̸̸̵̴̴̶̷r̴̴̷̴̸̷̷̷̷̸̴̴̶̷̶For some odd reason I get the hint that maybe I had something like that, but I know I didn't. I shake my head. "No, no.. I don't know anyone that made me feel that way."
 "..Okay." She nods. "..You never really spoke about your father, (Y/N). I've noticed this in our sessions that you seemingly forgot about what type of person your father was entirely in the moment that your mother became deceased.. When people are exposed to severe trauma, they have multiple reactions, and some remove memories from their mind entirely. Maybe the memories of your father at the time, don't show up in your mind for a reason."
 I pause, and I clear my throat, shaking my head. "Mrs... Mrs.Wilts I don't.. I can't see it." I say. "My father was an amazing man, and he had to go through what I went through just the same. Taking care of me was hell and he.. He pulled through for me, in those times."
 "I understand, that you remember him with good morals.. But just consider it, (Y/N)." A pause of silence. "..I can prescribe you some medication for your hallucinations, you can talk to your doctor about them as well."
 I nod. "Alright, I.. I just wanted to talk about the hallucinations. What are you giving me for meds?" I question, and thus she talks.
 I almost forgot to listen, I was just thinking about what she had said about my father. It makes mild sense, but I just refuse to believe it.. But I'm open-minded, because there has to be a reason.
 A reason as to why my mother did what she did that night.

Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now