Day Fifty

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 I went into work today, and I set my coat in the worker's room. It was only then that Alesa walked in, and I look at her with somewhat wide eyes. She didn't seem to react to me at all, putting her own coat as well as her purse in her own locker. She gave me a glance, though, before turning around and walking out of the room.
I slowly close my locker, furrowing my brows in confusion as to why she seemed to just act as if I was hardly there. I walk out of the room and I watch her walk away from the counter.
 "..She seems better." I look over at Kevin who leaned forward, watching as Alesa walked around and picked up small things from off of the ground that the vacuum seemed to miss about fifteen minutes ago. 
 "Yeah, she does." I say, turning back to Kevin. "Hopefully she doesn't do anything dumb, though."
 "Yeah.. It was pretty dumb already that she decided to act up on her first day of work." Kevin scoffed, before walking past me. "We'll see how today goes."
 I nod, watching him walk into his office, setting the keys down on the counter for me to take. I check my phone, five minutes until opening time. I turn my head upward and look in Alesa's direction in curiosity. I grab the keys, putting them in my back pocket as to not lose them, and as I was about to walk out of the counter's space, I hear a voice echo in the back of my mind.
 "He tortured her, (Y/N)." A sing-song tone, something I've heard before. "He's a horrible being, a snake.. And you're wrapped around his finger. Who knows what he's gonna do to you.."
 I look around me for a moment, before I shake my head, reaching up and rushing my fingers through my hair, trying to comb out the headache that was building. But I couldn't quite get it to go away.
 "I don't know what you're talking about." I growl, before walking in the direction of Alesa, just listening to him speak to me.
 I would ignore him if I could.
 "Oh, but you do.. You've seen what he's capable of. You've seen the real him through his eyes, doll."
 Pitch black eyes flash within my mind as a reminder, and I frown.
 "Alesa!" I call out, and she turns to me, a shocked expression on her face. As I approach her, she faces me entirely. "How are you doing?"
 "..I'm.." Alesa pauses, staring at my face before looking out at the skating rink. "I'm fine.." 
 "..Okay." I furrow my eyebrows a little bit. "Are you sure?"
 "..Yeah, I am." Alesa nods, and turns back to me. "Are you feeling okay?"
 "I'm okay." I say, looking her over.
 Not a mark on her body that I can see so far. I look at her face once more, and the only thing that is different is her set of expressions.
 "..I, uh. Went to therapy yesterday, and I learned a lot of new things.. About myself." Alesa explains. "That I'm.. A bitch."
 "..You can be."
 "I know, and.. I'm sorry." She almost seemed uncomfortable saying it, but it also almost seemed like if she didn't she would be in a lot more trouble right now. "I won't do what I did to you, ever again."
 "Thanks." I say. "I'm.. Gonna go open up, and you can help me at the counter for the first few minutes.."
 I stare at her for a few more seconds, trying to understand what he did, but there's not a hint on her. I turn around and I make my way towards the doors.

 A few hours in, I talk to the kid that showed up a couple days ago again, he didn't seem so afraid of me now that he understands what was really going on. His mother however didn't seem to be around, which was odd to me.
 I was looking at my phone under the counter when I looked over and saw Dark, or most likely Damien at the moment walk over, giving me a sweet smile.
 "What are you doing here?" I ask, looking him over a little. 
 Of course he was still wearing his white tuxedo. It's like it's one of the only things he wears next to his black one and all of his ties.
 "I came to visit you." He says, leaning against the counter. His eyes drift towards Alesa, who seemed to be staring him down for a good few seconds before she hurried away. "Also to make sure you're doing alright.." He adds, looking back at me.
 "..Can you tell me what you did?" I ask, glancing at Alesa and looking back at him.
 He seemed to pause, before he sighs. "You remember how I told you.. Alesa had done some horrible things, to a girl. Right?"
 "..I showed her what she did." Dark gives me a smile. "And she certainly won't be doing it to anyone ever again."
 "Well, that's good, but does she have to seem so.. Scared all the time?" I ask.
 "She seems to act straight when she's scared."
 "Yeah, but wouldn't that be hellish? I know what it's like to be scared all the time.." I say, frowning a little, and I can see a little bit of sympathy grow in his eyes.
 He takes my hands and kisses my knuckles softly before resting his chin upon them, like a dog or a puppy would rest their head on your lap. I can't help but smile a little bit.
 "..Trust me, it'll only last for a bit." He says, eyes locked with mine. "She won't get the message out of it if it doesn't last long enough."
 "..Yeah." I nod, and then that voice comes back to me. The words it was telling me. "..I've.. Been hearing things."
 "Like what--"
 "(Y/N)." I look over at Kevin, who seemed to give a glance to Dark, before walking over to me. "I need you to check the girl's bathroom."
 "I lost one of my keys before I handed you the keys, and I was in the girl's bathroom beforehand taking care of the trash. I can't check anywhere else."
 I sigh, a small smile coming on my face, due to the fact it seemed so stupid. I turn to Dark.
 "I'll be right back." I say, before walking past Kevin.
 I find the back door key under the sinks, and I forget all about the voice and the topic I had just left.

 Dark left a few minutes before closing time, telling me that he'll be at my place taking care of some of the chores. He acts like he lives with me now, which I don't mind. His own home is literally in his head, and mine is.. Well, outside of his head. 
 Before closing I say a quick goodbye to Alesa, in which her response is simple yet much better then every other goodbye she's given me. Making my way outside with a jacket on my back, I checked my phone, before SUDDENLY OOOOO I'm hugged tightly from behind.
 I jump, almost screaming, but I'm caught off guard as they lift me from the ground and spin me around swiftly. I land back on my feet, and they spin me around, making me face them, and for a moment I can't recognize who they are. But then I realize, it's the man with the pink mustache from the TV, and holy shit does he seem happy to see me.
 "It's really you." Wilford says, cupping my face. "I almost didn't recognize you at first, but it truly is you."
 "..Uh.." I furrow my brows, taking his hands from my face, but as soon as I do, he just holds his hands in mine. "Who.. Hi." 
 "Hello Cupcake." Wilford chuckles, and stands up straight. "I almost thought you were never going to come back."
 I laugh nervously, furrowing my eyebrows and glancing around the parking lot and then looking back up at him. "..Do.. I mean, I do know you.. But.. How do you know me?"
 Wilford stares at me, blinking a couple times before laughing. "You never cease to make me laugh." Wilford says, then giving a kiss to my hands individually, before he let's go of one and drags me by the other. "C'mon, I have a few things to show you."
 "Uuuuuuhhh okay."
 I glance over at my car for a moment, stumbling over my feet. My eyes look at Wilford, and I notice the features of his face look much like the ones on the man that I've fallen in love with. I yank my hand back, and he turns to me, looking at me with a confused look.
 "..What's wrong?" He asks.
 "I.. I need to call someone for a second." I say, and he presses his lips together, a patient and soft look overcoming his face.
 A look in which I'd never ever actually be able to imagine on a face like his. "Okay. Take your time sweetheart." He says, then giving me a smile.
 I nod, taking a couple steps back and taking my phone out of my pocket. I dial the number that Dark has, and not even the first ring he shows up behind Wilford.
 Wilford jumps, turning around and almost stumbling back into me. In which my hands are brought up and I put them on Wilford's back.
 "Oh, no no no." Wilford waves his finger at Dark. "I'm not doing what you made me do again." 
 Dark gives him a sad expression, giving me only a small glance. "..Wilford." Dark speaks his name, watching me walk a few steps away from the both of them.
 Shit, they both look exactly alike. Except Dark doesn't have a mustache, and isn't so colorful. Sure as hell wouldn't be wearing booty-shorts.
 "..Yes?" Wilford raises his brows, sass overcoming his stance as he tilts his head. "What do you want?"
 Dark gave me a glance, before looking at Wil. "(Y/N), go home. This is private."
 "What? She doesn't have to go anywhere--"
 "This is private."
 It becomes quiet, and I nod a little. "Okay." I say. "I'll.. See you at home then." I wave, turning around and walking away towards my car.
 Getting to my car, and glancing back, they were no longer there anymore. I furrow my brows, and as I grab the door handle, I pause.
 "That's a shame, isn't it doll?" The sing-song voice spoke to me. "You can't remember a single thing.."

 "You're always so forgetful." 

Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now