Day Ten

337 11 4

 I grunt angrily as I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I fell asleep on the couch texting Damien.. It was odd to me, how I ended up having two dreams about the man. I hardly even know him. But why does it always seem so real?
 I look around the living room before turning on my phone. I reread something on Damien's texts and I smile a little bit. I learned that he worked as an exorcist at some church. I don't know how I felt about it when I read it, since honestly I'm a bit indifferent when it comes to demons, but he seems happy about it.. He also says that he has some pretty good seer skills, meaning that he can see what the future holds through supernatural insight. I can't tell if that's just him being edgy, but.. He seems like an edgy guy so far.
 He's into a lot of horror movies and resurrection type of stuff. You're typical emo boy, but better and kinda more attractive. Far more attractive, actually. We ended up making plans to meet each other in real life today, seeing as I couldn't help but actually want to meet him after learning all of these fun things about him. 
 Another few details about him, is that he doesn't seem so kept up and hip with the kids nowadays. He doesn't know what memes are and for sure doesn't find them comedic. He's still funny in his own ways, though. He likes dark humored jokes, and he always seems to make them so detailed. 
 I got up and walked to my bedroom and over to my dresser, taking off the clothes I fell asleep in. I changed them out for the clothes of my picking, in which I chose out very thoroughly. I felt like I needed to look okay, or more so ten times better than okay. He just gives me that feeling.
 I put on a dark looking dress and put on a little bit more makeup then I usually do. I open my phone and I send him a text.

"You said you wanted to meet at Ten in the morning, correct?" It was nine-thirty right now. I was lucky that I woke up on my own.

"Yeah, that's the plan."

It was a little bit of a shock to me that he messaged me back so swiftly. "Alright." I respond. "I'll see you soon."

We planned on going to this restaurant about five blocks away from my house, which was convenient for me. I sat down on the edge of my bed and I looked at myself in the reflection of my phone. I fixed up a couple more things before I got up and made my way to my car.

I drove up into the parking lot and I stepped out, making my way to the door. I looked down at my phone, but I then jumped to the hand on my shoulder. I turned around an I looked at Damien, who chuckled.
 "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He says. "Are you alright?"
 "Yeah, yeah.. It's alright." I say, smiling a little bit as I put my phone into my purse. "Did you just show up?"
 "Yeah. Gladly we showed up at the same time." He reaches over and takes my arm in his, and my eyes spark a little. I remember the dream that I had last night.
 Looking at him, he seems to be wearing the tuxedo he was wearing when he was on the date with the other girl.. Although I'm sure that he only has one tuxedo. He walks me into the restaurant and then we are sat down at a table by the hostess. He sits across from me, and I take the menu, giving the hostess my thanks. 
 "I would suggest.. This." He shows me his menu and points at something that does in fact sound appetizing. It matches to my taste buds pretty well.
 "Yeah, I.. I'll try that." I say, nodding, and he nods, taking his own menu back. "Thank you."
 "Of course." He smiles.
 I stare at his face as his eyes scan the menu. That was when I realized.. Is he wearing eyeliner? I can't help but snicker a little, and his dark black eyes lift from the menu to see mine. 
 "S-Sorry." I say, bringing my hand up to my face. "I didn't mean to laugh."
 "What is it?"
 "I.. I just didn't expect to see you wearing eye liner."
 "Oh, right.. I.." He reaches up, but to try to get rid of it, before I reach over and I take his arm. 
 "Don't worry about it, seriously." I say. "If you wanna wear make-up you can, I only laughed because I didn't expect it." I smile, and he nods slowly, slowly taking my hand in his.
 "Thank you for being so understanding." He says. "Some people don't tend to be."
 I nod, and I grip his hand a little bit. "Well, I can't really judge you because you like something. I like some weird things too.. I mean, you remember the memes I sent you?"
 "Me-Mes?" He furrows his brows a little before he raises them. "Oh, wait, no.. Memes." 
 I laugh, bringing one of me hands up to my face. "How old are you?" I ask, and I can see a coat of blush grow on his face. 
 "I-I'm twenty-eight." (Author's note: I know Mark is thirty currently, silence.)
 "Ah, a man that does not own an internet."
 He reaches into his pocket and shows me his flip-phone, and I stare at it for a moment. "..Are you serious?"
 "I am dead serious."
 "Dear lord." I reach over and he lets me take it. I look it over. "You literally text in T-9. How do you text so fast?"
 He chuckles, crossing his arms on top of the table. "I'm just not used to the new tech.. I'm just, really old. I suppose."
 I smile a little and I hand it to him. "Text me something."
 He nods, and he takes the phone in his hands, and then texts me something with about four words in the matter of like one or two seconds. I take my phone out, and it reads "Here you go sweetheart."
 I snort. "Thanks." I say, and I put my phone back. 
 "Gotta say, one of the most simple requests from a woman I've ever gotten." He says. "The highest one I've ever gotten was to go vegan."
 "Did you?"
 He pauses and he looks down at his menu for a second, and then off to the side. This causes me to giggle a little, in which he smiles. "I'm sorry, I don't think I did."
 "Don't worry.. I don't mind." I say, putting my hands into my lap. The waitress comes over, and asks us about the drinks. I order(Order something bitch) and Damien himself orders something alcoholic, and strong.
 That was when the waitress walks away, and I turn back to Damien. "Try not to get too buzzed." I say, and he smiles.
 "Don't worry.. I can take a lot." He says, then reaching is hand over, and offers me a place to set my own.
 I take his hand, and he holds mine in his, his thumb caressing the side of my hand. I glance down for a second before I look at his face. 
 "Have you ever considered getting a more important job?" He asks. "I mean, I can believe that working where you do makes you pretty important there. I'm sure it'd be hard to do anything without you.. But I'm just saying, you're a smart woman. You'd do well in a different job than the one you're in."
 I scoff a little, resting my elbow on the table and then resting my head in my hand. "Yeah, sure.. What job would I even be able to get, even if I was smart?"
 "You are smart." He says. "I think you'd do well in a city job, something like a District Attorney." I pause for a second, staring at his face as it seemed like he chose his words carefully. But then he looks confused. "What?"
 "Nothing.. Yeah, maybe." I say, dropping my arm and sitting up. "Thank you for the compliment, but.. I don't know well enough." I shrug. 
 "I'm sure you do." He says, reaching over and moving some of the hair out from my forehead. "You're a lot smarter than you think, you just don't know it yet."
 I press my lips together and I just nod, not thinking I can handle anymore of his compliments. "Thank you, Damien." I say. "I, uh.. I think you're pretty smart too."
 He chuckles. "Thank you, (Y/N)." He takes his hand back, and he takes his drink when it's handed to him. "Thank you." He tells the waitress, and I say thank you as well.
 Tonight was a good night. Damien went on to make me laugh and also feel better about myself.. It got dark, but I managed to not even notice the darkness when I stood beside him. I went home.

Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now