Day Thirty

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I decided to go out with the gorls again. It was odd last time, how things turned out. Lisa apologized to me so much, which I found sweet. But I was still pretty saddened about it. Damien hasn't responded and it was beginning to concern me. He had been obviously avoiding me since what happened.
Maybe he's secretly a demon and his inner self was coming out. Or he accidentally lit himself on fire on the inside?? Or maybe it's just some strange ass medical condition. But none of those seem right.
It was nearing the end of the night and Alesa was drunk out of her mind, shouting rude words at me. I endured them, each and every word reminded me of the nights my mother would have to deal with. Just thinking that way made me tear up, and that was when Lisa got Alesa to leave.
A lot of what Alesa said was confusing, though. How this man named Mark yelled at her because of me, and then how the fuck was I out of the hospital already.
Not to mention, all throughout the day I felt like I was being watched, from the shadows. This guy would also not leave me alone. Things have been going horribly today and I just wanted it to end.. The day. Not everything.
I left the raving building and I sigh, walking over to my car. I take my car keys out, and then I look over to see the man that had been following me around stumble through the door. I sigh a bit, and I look away from him, trying to unlock the door. But for some reason it wouldn't unlock.
Some of the script is still intact, bits and pieces even after the fire. Let's just hope he'll still follow his role.
I grunt angrily, and I turn to him as he made his way beside me. His hand smack the top of my car as his drink is held in the other.
"Wh-Where are we going?"
"How about you go back inside?"
"Let-Let you leave without me? We've just gotten started." Suddenly he grabs me by the shirt, and I furrow my brows.
Something about the way he looks at me.. It's like he knows me. "..You-You can't just keep running away, aft-after what you've done to all those people.."
"You're not getting away from me."
He drops his drink and tries to pin me to the car, but out of instinct, I bring my leg up and slam it into his gut.
He grunted and I fell backwards, before getting up and running away. I know my car is behind me, and I wish I could've gotten into it, but my keys are garbage.
I made my way around the corner in hopes he didn't see me, and I take out my phone. I remember the street, and I'm two numbers into dialing 911 when he suddenly grabs me. I yell, and he throws me to the ground, and gets above me. He pins me the ground as I start kicking. I realize how dark it is, and the adrenaline starts kicking in.
This what it feels like to feel restricted down, like something is being taken away from you. That must've been how mom felt when dad legit smashed her own mom and felt like what he did wasn't wrong.
I continue to struggle, kicking my legs, and that was when he was grabbed and suddenly ripped off. I sat up swiftly, and I saw he was thrown all the way down the alley way. I couldn't help but stare as the other figure grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt.
This figure was nothing but black beside his pale gray hands, and the back of his neck under his hair. His aura was surrounded in red and blue and he gave me both a terrifying yet protected feeling. I didn't know how to react to this sudden beast saving me, so I sat there and watched.
Whatever was happening, the man was scared out of his mind, begging for his life and to be set down. He seemed like he was also in visible pain. That was when he was dropped, and the man ran instantly, like a cat who didn't want to be held.
Then I just stared at the man in the suit who just stood there, waiting for the man to get away before he sighed. I got onto my feet slowly, and I paused for a moment. Then, I stepped into his aura. He instantly knew I was there.
He looked over his shoulder for a moment before walking away, but I ran after him.
"W-Wait!" I reach over and I grab his arm, in which his body tensed, and I could see another him for a few milliseconds, like his body was glitching out.
He was hunched over, covering his face for those few moments, like he was angry, or saddened. Trapped in some sort of world or despair. But he came back to his solemn body. It took a moment, I couldn't speak but he read my mind.. Who are you?
He turned around and faced me, in which my eyes widened at the sight of Damien. Except it wasn't Damien. Some other name rang in my head.
I furrowed my brows, and he was gonna try walking away again, but I grab his arm with my other hand as well. He looks down at my grip, then up at me. He furrows his brows in confusion.
"..Why aren't you afraid of me?" He asks. "We're surrounded, in.."
I pause, glancing around. The whole place around me was becoming pitch black, but I look back up at him. "I-If you don't leave me, I won't be afraid.. P-please don't leave me."
He pauses, some noise of glass cracking in the background is heard from not too far. He looked away from me, seemingly saddened.
"I apologize (Y/N)." He says. "I'm not supposed to be here, with you.."
"But you are.. You saved me." I say, my hands trailing down to his, and holding it in both.
He turns to look at me once more, his expression cold but there was something else on his eyes. "..I can help you home."
"Stay with me when we get there."
I let go with one hand and I pull him through the alley, but I stop after a few feet. He walks in front of me.
"Hold on.." He wraps his arms around me and blocks my vision with his chesticals, and then when he pulls back, we are in my living room. I look around, and then I look up at him.
"Don't worry. Your car is in the garage."
I pause, and I nod. He then holds his breath for a second, looking away from me, and his aura fades. He now looks like Damien once more, but it doesn't feel right to call him by his fake name. Although it isn't as fake as I think it is.
"..Dark." I say, and he looks at me.
"I wish.." He stops himself from speaking, before sighing through his nose. "Next time jab his eyes out with your keys."
I laugh a little bit, and I look away from him for a second, before looking back at him. "Is it tiring?" I ask. "Putting on a facade like this.."
He pauses, and shrugs. "It's better than making you afraid of me.."
Honestly he was in fact terrifying when he's in his other form. I almost didn't want to approach him. But, maybe this is what I need. Maybe with him, I can try to get over what's happened. It's hopeful thinking, but I have strong feelings about this man.
I reach up and I wipe a smudged eyeliner spot from his cheek. "Goddamn fashionista." I say. "You can't even put your makeup on right."
He huffs through his nose, smiling a little, before he grabs my hand and takes it away from his face.
"How can you act like I'm not what I am?" He asks. "I'm a monster, (Y/N)."
"You're not a monster.. A monster would've let whatever that man was gonna do, do it to me. Then act like they felt bad in the other form.."
He pauses, and he looks away from me, staring at the black TV. "I'm a monster in everyone else's story."
"Not in mine.. Maybe you're just misunderstood in theirs."
Dark scoffs, smiling a bit as if what I said was hilarious. His smile then fades. "...Sure."
"..C'mon, let's go to my room. We can watch videos on my phone." I walk past him, and he slowly follows after me.

"Mommy!" I yelled out, and soon enough came inside my room. No matter how tired, sore, or unstable. She came in.
"What is it love?"
"I-I can't fall asleep.. The dark is so scary. Can you turn on the night light?"
"Of course love." She walks over, and crouches down before the outlet. She turns it on soon enough, and the light flickers to life, showing my favorite cartoon character. I smile, and she stands up. "Anything else you need?"
I pause, then putting my tiny finger to my bottom lip and pretending to think. "Can mommy sing me a song?"
"Of course." She walks over and sits down on the edge of the bed and reaches over, her hand combing the top of my head.
It takes her a moment, but she starts singing.
"...You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you.."
Please don't take,
My sunshine,


Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now