Day Fifty-Seven

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 This is gonna take like two million weeks to write.

  Arriving back at home, Dark set my things down for me as I took my boots off. 
 "Sorry I feel asleep." I then say, turning to him, and he doesn't seem to look back at me as he assorted the things sitting on the table right beside my door.
 "Don't worry about it darling." Dark says. "I didn't mind in the slightest.. Chica didn't seem to mind either."
 I nod, smiling, and I take his hand. I pull him towards the couch, of course wanting to spend more time with him. I can't tell if i'm being clingy by doing this or not, but he smiles at me, so I don't feel too bad about it. 
 Sitting down on the couch, I lay my legs over his lap and I turn to the television, grabbing the remote and turning it on. I scoot closer, resting my head onto his shoulder as his arm wraps around me. Staring at the TV, switching through the shows, before I set upon the perfect movie. I set the remote aside and I scoot closer to Dark, in which he grunts a little.
 "Sorry." I mutter, attempting to scoot a little away, but he doesn't let me.
 I look up at him, my eyes staring at his jawline more so, before he slowly looks back down at me.
 "..You're alright." He says, a soft tone in his voice. 
 "..Okay." I say, giving him a smile, and then leaning up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, and he kisses back, his free hand cupping my neck as he does so.
 Soon enough the kiss ends, and my attention is back on the TV, watching the movie that was playing before my eyes. His hand had gone into my hand, and we held that comfortable position for a good half an hour, every now and then I found him stroking my wrist with his thumb. It was then that I had to take my hand back to scratch my face, and he set his hand down on my thigh.
 I glanced down, a little surprised seeing as he never got anywhere too close to my thighs unless it was my waist. I look up at him, and he seems to be dazing off into his own world, or too mesmerized by the TV to realize. I look away, looking at the TV as well, putting my hand down on his forearm to rest. 
 A few seconds after he pulls me in a little closer, me obliging to do so, and looking up at him, my face was practically an inch away. He turned to me, and suddenly his lips were on mine, of course not taking too long for me to respond in my own kiss. This one lasted longer than the other ones, the taste of mint chocolate apparently coming from him. I break the kiss.
 "Where did you get the chocolaty taste?" I ask, and he smiles.
 "I can give you one later."
 "..Yeah." I say, ignoring the fact that he didn't answer, seemingly eager to get back to what we were doing already.
 He leans forward, lips back on mine and my body being pulled a little closer, until suddenly I'm in his lap. He adjusts me to a position in which I face him, my back to the TV screen, and his hands are on my midriff. I break the kiss once more, looking down and back up at him. I can feel my face heat up with a bit of blush.
 "..Are you alright?" He asks, a soft tone in his voice as the color of blue surrounds us.
 "Yeah, I.. I just never been in this position with you before."
 Dark stares into my eyes, searching for any hint as to lead to what he wants to do. "..Do you think we could go further than this?" He asks me.
 I pause, my breath hitching in my throat for a moment, before shrugging. "Well.. We'll see." I say, then clearing my throat.
 He nods, and he pulls me back down, pressing his lips against mine once more. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he sits up, my torso pressing up against his soon enough as I was scooted closer into his waist. It felt like it was moving so fast, but I was certainly enjoying it regardless. 
 His fingers were now stuck in the loop holes of my pants and he shifted his hips a little more forward, giving me more space to sit on that was more on his own waist than his legs. His hands are removed from my waist and slowly his hands are gliding up my midriff, massaging my body through my shirt very lightly. I moan a little into the kiss, my fingers gliding up the back of his head and into his hair, feeling his wavy, somewhat curly hair twirl around my fingers.
 It was soft, as it usually always was. the feeling of it surrounding the palm of my hand made me feel calm, and the world around me seemed to no longer exist. I broke the kiss and opened my eyes to make sure it actually still was, and I wasn't in the void with him suddenly. 
 Going back to the kiss, it was rougher this next time, seemingly he was getting more into it, and certainly more intimate. His hands go down, and soon find them under my shirt. I squeaked a little, his hands were cold, feeling against my much warmer skin, but they still felt so comforting. Going up my body slowly, reaching up to my bra and feeling the outside of it, he breaks the kiss and lets his forehead rest against mine.
 "Are you okay with this?" He asks once more, except his voice was raspier, more guttural.
 "Just take me." I say, and he seemed to freeze, before he chuckles, his hands going down and suddenly I'm up in the air as he stands.
 My legs wrap around his waist as he grunted lightly, lifting me up on top of his body. I break the kiss, allowing him to walk towards wherever, as I lower my head and I press a kiss to his neck, and I can feel him twitch a little bit. Walking into my bedroom, He drops me down, as i take him down with me. I press more kisses to his neck as he kicks his shoes off, and then grunts lightly to the feeling of me biting him.
 His hands go back to my waist, then gliding up my shirt, before taking it off of me with my help. As he sat up, I reach high, taking off his tux, then going for the top button of his shirt, and soon enough after the multiple buttons down, he takes that off as well, leaving his tie around his neck. I almost froze, staring at his body, but I didn't get much time to marvel in the beauty of his body before he pushes me back down and forces his lips against mine, much more rough than the last time.
 He reaches around my body, my back arching as I allow him to unhook my bra. It's thrown soon enough, out of our lives and reduced to atoms, not literally, but it's not on me anymore. He presses a kiss to my neck, a mild sigh of relief coming from me as he does, and he presses multiple all over, before biting down. I yelp a little, my legs that are wrapped around his waist attempt to tighten the space in between them, but only bring him closer as his elbow rests on the bed to my side and his other hand explores my body.
 Feeling my torso, my midriff, my everything just before his hand catches my breast, and he massages it gently, making me melt under his touch. I run my fingers back through his hair, then moaning lightly to the feeling of him nibbling, before he starts a hickey on my neck, sucking hardly. I reach down, grabbing at the edge of his pants for a second before I begin to unbuckle the belt that he had on him, and soon enough his pants were loose. It didn't take long until he himself were working on getting them off. 
 I make him sit up, in which he looks at me with somewhat betrayed eyes, but those eyes were more so filled with lust and neediness, and were rounded with all blue color, and not a single ounce of red was on him at the moment. Which I found odd, but I chose not to question it.
 He pushes his pants down, throwing them to the side as the residue of glitchy blue followed it. As soon as he was freed from such imprisonment, I can see him trying to escape from the boxers he was wearing. I scoot closer, pressing a kiss to his collar bone, and then to his lips, muffling the moan that attempted to escape him as my hand rubbed against the bulge. One hand went behind him as to support his body weight before he fell backwards entirely, and the other went to the back of my head, his fingers running against the back of my scalp.
 My fingers attempted to explore him through the boxers, feeling how hard and how big he was, and he was certainly a little bigger than average. He removes his hand from my head, and he breaks the kiss just to focus on taking off his boxers, seemingly urgent to do so. I pull off his boxers with him, thus exposing his body entirely. As soon as it is off, I lean down and I kiss his chest, moving his tie from out of my way, then kiss down his torso, until I was down to his waist, my hand wrapping around his shaft. I could feel him twitch beneath my touch.
 I press a kiss to it, him sighing quietly as I seemed to relieve him of some touch starvation, and I could feel his eyes on me as I pressed kisses up and down, exploring him as much as I can. As I reach the bottom, I come back up with my tongue, up until I reach the very top of him. I didn't take much time until I put him in my mouth, I can tell he holds his breath as I do. Going down his shaft was something different though.
 I put my hands on his waist for a moment, before sliding down to his thighs, until one of his hands grabs mine, then intertwining the fingers with one another, and his other hand goes back to the back of my head. Going up and down his shaft, I can hear his breathing change a little. It was a little harder, and somewhat more so delayed to get to the next breath. 
 I could feel him get harder as I went on, getting faster with it, being a bit harder. It didn't take long until he got me to stop, and I look up at him. He cupped my face with both of his hands, before leaning down, pressing a kiss to my lips and tasting himself a little. He puts his hands on my midriff next, and then he pulls me, laying me on my back. I expected us to go directly into it, but first he presses a kiss to my cheek, then to my lips, before he makes his way down my body, pressing sweet and soft kisses all the way.
 He unbuttons my pants soon enough, pushing them down quickly and moving out of the way to do so. He throws them across the room, before he leaned down and presses a kiss to the outside of my undies, making me arch my back a little for a moment. My body was yearning for more, as he pressed more kisses there, then rubbing me through with his fingers. I whine a little, and I listen to him chuckle quietly before he takes my panties off as well.
 It was when he pressed a kiss to my inner thigh that my body twitched in delight, my hands reaching back and grabbing a pillow so that I'd then have somewhere for my head to go. I look down, watching as he adjusted my legs to sit on top of his shoulders, pressing more kisses to my inner thighs before he got closer. I grabbed at the pillow a little tightly, biting my lip as he found his way to the sweeter spot. He presses a kiss there, as well, sending a shiver through my body before I felt his tongue glide against me. He looked at me for a moment, before he leaned forward and found my clit with his tongue, making me twitch once again.
 His hands glided up my body and grabbed a hold of my waist before he pushed himself into me with his tongue, making me let out a quiet sigh in a somewhat relieving way. I then moaned, feeling his tongue feel around my walls, and then pressing into a sweet spot softly. I reach down, my hand running through his hair as my other grabbed at the bed instead. He hummed a little as I began to play with it, then pushing himself in a little farther. I groaned a little, closing my eyes and enjoying the feeling.
 I suddenly gripped a little hardly, moaning once more as he continued to hit one of the greater spots. In which he winced, whined very quietly, but he kept going for it, rubbing his tongue against that spot over and over again, my moans lasting longer than just the few seconds they had been. As I began to feel myself shake before him, my grip getting tighter on him, he removed himself from me, and I open my eyes.
 I let go, watching as his arms are removed from underneath my legs, and and he makes his way up my body, pressing a kiss or two here and there before he presses a kiss to my jaw, and then to my lips, making it last much longer than it usually does, slipping his tongue in there as well. His tongue almost instantly dominates mine, making me whine a little as i feel his hands go down to my legs and adjust me in his lap, I then can feel him press up against me. I push him away, in which he goes down to kissing and nibbling at my neck, before I suddenly push him again.
 I grab his tie and I roll him onto his back, catching him off guard for a moment, before he realizes what I'm doing. I adjust myself above him, reaching down and taking it into my hand as I pull him up onto his elbows with his tie. I look at him directly in his soft, pitch black orbs, and he licks his bottom lip, an extremely hungry and needy look in his eyes. I lean down, pressing one kiss to his lips before I sit down on him. He gasps, very quietly and slowly in match of pace to how slowly I sit down upon him. I hear him mutter the word 'fuck' under his breath.
 He looks up at me, sorta leaning his head back and staring up at my face as I slowly make my up and down in his lap. He presses his lips together tightly, his eyes going down my body and staring down at what was happening for a few seconds, before looking back up at me. He's about to attempt to sit up, but I push him back down, my hand on the palm of his chest, and he just grunts a little angrily.
 I put my other hand on his knee, which weakens to my touch before it holds in place. I start picking up the pace, listening to his breathing as it becomes a little more ragged, and he lets out very soft moans every now and then, seemingly sensitive to it all. In which I admit to liking. 
 I lean back down, my hand going from his knee to the bed as I press a kiss to his lips, him kissing me back. It was then that suddenly his hands went to my waist, and he puts me on my back, making me grunt a little on impact, although it didn't hurt. I giggle a little though, looking down as he adjusted himself to be comfortable, my legs sitting on top of his just as he did before. He wraps his arms around my torso, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my neck as he then hides his face there.
 I yelped as he started pounding into me quickly, my hands going to his back and accidentally scratching at it, in which all he does is grunt quietly, but he continues going. He bites down on me, making me moan and grab at his shoulders instead of harming him. 
 "Fuck.." I say under my breath, feeling as he quickens the pace and starts to leave more hickeys all over my neck.
 His kisses then trail up to my jaw, before he presses a kiss to my lips, going harder and forcing me to muffle my moans. My legs go around his waist and tighten, my body adjusting itself to try to get more of him into me, or just try to get more of him in general. He breaks the kiss, then adjusting himself upward, hovering about me as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer, roughly slamming into me and causing me to moan at every thrust he gives upon impact.
 His eyes trail to mine, staring at me for a moment before he closes his eyes.
 "F-Fuck, (Y/N)." He growls a little, then quickening his pace, and dropping his head down, his forehead pressed against mine as I can feel his heated breath his my face. "I-I can't hold it much longer."
 "O-Okay." I say, and I wrap my arms around him, pressing a kiss to his lips, in which he moans a little into, his body weakening and his thrusts getting sloppier.
 One of his hands comes in front of himself, and begins to rub against my clit, causing me to break the kiss and moan out loudly, his head dropping into my shoulder. I can't help but continuously moan, almost not having enough time to breathe as I feel him pound in harder, and a little deeper, my finger nails mercilessly digging into his back as he grunted into my neck.
 I felt myself give in, hugging him tightly as I warn him quietly under my breath that I'm about to come undone, and he just goes faster, as fast as he can possibly make himself. I moan about a few more times before I come completely undone, hiding my face into his neck and closing my eyes as I almost scream over the pleasure taking over my body, my legs tightening around him as I cum onto his shaft. Directly after it is know that I am finished, he pulls back, presses a kiss to my lips and sits up.
 He takes himself out, and he takes it within his hand, grabbing at my thigh and I watch him stroke himself, moaning under his breath and saying my name quietly until he let's go. He furrows his brows, holding his breath as he lets it out on me, warm sticky liquid landing on my body and almost in between my legs. I watch him ride out his high until there's nothing left in him, in which he slowly makes his way down, and lays on top of me, panting heavily.
 I wrap my arms around him tightly, closing my eyes and letting myself smile, until he got up seconds afterwards.
 I watch him as he glances out the window, and looks down at me.
 "..Rest with me, for at least.. Five, twenty minutes." I say, reaching up and grabbing his tie.
 He smiles softly, and leans down, pressing a kiss to my lips before he gets into the bed beside me, bringing the blanket over the both of us.
 I cuddle up against his side, resting my head against his chest and wrapping my arms around his body, closing my eyes. He wraps his arms around me best he can and he kisses the top of my head.
 "I love you Darki." I say softly.
 "Yup, Darki."
 He chuckles a little. "I love you too (Y/N)."

 Woah holy shet it didn't take me three whole weeks to make a fucking smut part dear GOD.

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