Day Thirty-Five

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 Darkiplier's POV

 I stared at the closed phone on my desk, my hands clasped together. I just couldn't get over it, thinking about what happened five days ago. It went back and forth to how adorable it was to see (Y/N) so happy and then back to Mark.. Mark has seen (Y/N), or at least this one. It just concerns me, if he's planning on doing something to me, or to her.. I remember what he's done to me last time.
 He took it all from me. If there was anything else he could take, it'd be her.. Maybe I should let him, knowing what I would have to do eventually.. But I wouldn't be able to let him do anything to her. I won't.
 I reach over and I pick my phone up from the desk, and i get to my contacts.

(Y/N)'s POV

 I picked up my phone, glanced at the contact name and reading Damien, before pressing the answer button and bringing it to my ear.
 "Hey Darki."
 "Oooh, Are you in the scary place?"
 "Yes, I am.. Are you in.. Your kitchen?" 
 "How did you know??"
 "It was a guess." He chuckles. "I was wondering how you were doing since the last time we hung out together.. I wanted to make sure you were doing alright."
 "Oh, yeah. I'm doing great.. Why do you seem concerned?"
 "I'm not concerned. I just wanted to see how you were doing.. Also whether or not you were open today?"
 "I'm open after five." I say. "What do you wanna do? Do you just wanna like, watch a movie, or like.. Maybe we could go skating? It is getting kinda cold. I'm gonna start working at this skating rink, it's usually always open but since I can't work at the petting zoo during winter, it's just.. My winter job."
 "Oh, good to know.. I'll visit you sometimes. We can go skating. How well are you at skating?"
 "I'm good, I suppose.. I don't do much of it, so I'm not perfect, but I definitely know how to do it."
 "Alright.. How about I show up after five directly and then we can head to the skating rink?"
 "Yeah, sounds great." I say, a tint of optimism in my voice. "Do you wanna talk a little bit more, or.. Are you busy?"
 "I'm not busy, as a matter of fact I would much appreciate spending my time talking to you." He says. "It feels so much better talking to someone I feel comfortable with."
 "..I feel comfortable with you too, Dark." Which is odd, seeing as I am nyctophobic.. But there's something different with him. 
 It might be because he's a human being, or.. Some kind of human being. I haven't been able to ask about it, because he says he doesn't know entirely or he just thinks it's too personal. Maybe I'll eventually be able to bring it up.
 I yawn a little bit, stretching mildly as I grab an apple from the basket on my dining table.
 "Are you tired love?"
 "..Uh, yeah." I say, my face becoming a little red to the nickname. "Not too tired, though. I can definitely handle talking a bit longer."
 "No, go and take a nap.. I'm sure my knocking on the door will wake you up."
 "Or you can come inside and wake me up."
 "I could do that."
 I giggle a little, walking towards my room and laying down in my bed, getting into comfort. "How's Chica doing?"

 I walked out of my room, my head banging up back and forth on the inside. The hangover was the most painful thing in the world, that I've ever experienced. It read 8:30, and as I sat up, my hand ran up to my head and felt it. I furrowed my brows down at the ground, staring at my feet. I woke up with my heels/slip ons on and it was most likely not gonna go well for the rest of my day. 
 I stand up and make my way out the door, grunting a little. That was when I ran into Benjamin, and he offered me a drink. He was talking, and said something about cocaine being in the drink. At first it was odd to me, but then I remembered what year I was in, so cocaine is fine right now.
 Cocaine is not chill though dog don't do it--
 When Benjamin walked away, my eyes gazed upon Damien's back, as he was staring out the window over the staircase. I pause, remembering what happened last night, and I gulped down a little bit of embarrassment and mild sense of fear. I walk over towards him, and he looks over his shoulder, and slowly faced me. He almost didn't smile, but he pulls one off.
 "There you are.." He says. "You really knocked 'em dead last night. I haven't seen you go wild like that since our days at university."
 I laugh a little, looking down at the seltzer that was handed to me. "Y-Yeah, I uh.. Had a bit too much."
 "No, don't concern yourself too much.. It's good to let the beast out every once in a while, eh, old friend?" I pause, nodding slowly before looking back up at his face. He was holding the smile there, as if he didn't see me and Mark, nor did he believe that me and Mark spent the night together. "..Th-Then again," He looks away from me, looking down the steps, his smile then fading away. "I'm-I'm still not exactly sure as to what we're supposed to be celebrating here." He says, looking back at me.
 "Me neither, it's.. Odd."
 "Right.. I mean, it's good to have the gang back together, but.. Out of the blue it seems..." He pauses, before continuing to speak. "Anyway, now is not the time to become conspiratorial. Life is ours to choose, as I always say."
 "You say it too much." I scoff, laughing a bit.
 "I apologize if I seem like a broken record." He smiles. "I have some work to finish, but I'll meet you at breakfast. We'll catch up soon--"
 "Damien." I cut him off, not exactly meaning to, but he doesn't move.
 "..I was out of my mind buzzed last night." I say, reaching up and pushing the hair out from my forehead. The look in his eyes seems so saddened but he just nods with a smile. "B-But, y'know, the thing in the kitchen, I--"
 "We don't need to talk about that."
 "But Damien, I want to." I say, frowning at him for a moment, before he just presses his lips together and lets me talk. "..Me and Mark didn't do anything." I say. "I just want you to know that."
 He nods slowly. "Alright.." He says, although it seems like he didn't quite believe me. "I'll see you at breakfast, old friend." He smiles a little before walking away form me.
I just got my thicc ass friend-zoned twice in one conversation.

 I woke up, and almost yelled out at the sight of Dark standing beside the bed.
 "I see you took a nap.. That's why you stopped talking." He says, seemingly relieved by the tone of his voice. "I apologize if I frightened you." 
 "No, don't worry.. I, uh.. I just didn't expect you to show up inside." I say, grabbing my phone and taking a look at it. "Especially half an hour before you were supposed to show up."
 "I was worried."
 "..That's.. Sweet." I smile, throwing my legs over the bed and standing up slowly. "Thank you for being worried for me." 
 He nods slowly, and offers his hand. "I made breakfast, after realizing that you were okay." He tells me. "Come with me, please.."
I hold his hand, noting the mention of breakfast oddly enough, and I follow him. "..Why'd you choose the name Damien, to hide yourself?" I ask.
 "It's a name that I used to use, beforehand."
 I pause, and oddly enough that makes sense. I connect it to the dreams I've been having lately, but I don't say anything about them. I think talking about them, or thinking too much on them will make them stop.
 I sit down at the dining table. "You said you were a mayor, or a seer.. Both, actually. What was that like?"
 "Busy.. I had a lot of paperwork, and a lot of clients." He nods. "I had to deal with a lot of grieving, idiotic people.. But sometimes when I look back at it, they had every right to feel the sadness they felt. They just lost someone important.. That was their process." 
 "..I didn't think seers existed anymore. What year do you think you were in?"
 "..A year where cars didn't exist."
 "You're old."
 I laugh a little, bringing my hand up to my face as he glanced at me over his shoulder. "Really? Are you sure? You're not telling me what year your from because you're super old." He huffs through his nose, frowning a little as he picks up his and my plate before walking over. He sets it down in front of me, and I take the fork. "Thank you so much, though.. For making breakfast."
 He nods. "Of course.."
I take a bite of the food, and I pause for a moment, before swallowing it. "It's amazing." I say. "I didn't know you could cook." He shrugs a little, looking off to the side for a second before he looks back at me. "You don't take compliments well, do you?"
 "I suppose not."
 "That seems odd to me for some reason.. You've probably been complimented by a whole bunch of people."
 "I have, but not from people I tend to see every week." He says. "Most of my compliments have been paid from people that I never really spoke to."
 "Welp, you're gonna have to get used to it. Because I'm gonna say a lot of nice things." I reach over, and I boop his nose softly, in which he just furrowed his brows a little. But a small smile did come upon his face.
 We went to the skating rink after eating breakfast, and watching an episode of my favorite show on my phone. He seems to take interest in a lot of the things I'm interested, and he tries not to pretend like he gives a shit when he doesn't, which I like. He's not a liar.
 But I know that if he wanted to deceive me, he could. 

 And I wouldn't have a clue.

Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now