Day Fifty-One

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 At the club, I hold my cup in between both of my hands, listing to Emily bicker back and forth with Lisa. I bring it up to my lips, taking a sip and letting it go down my throat slowly. I didn't get anything too strong, so I wouldn't be out of my mind.. Dark didn't come along this time around, not a big fan of the flashing lights and the loud music. He's more of a ballroom type of guy. But he will come around when it's time for me to leave though, to make sure I get home safely.
 I can't stop thinking about that Wilford guy, and the way he looked at me like Dark does. All loving and kind. Except it was of course a bit different, seeing as Wilford and Dark are completely two different people. Although they don't look like it.
 "Hey." I turn to look at Hannah, as she sat down in the seat beside me.
 "Hello." I say, taking another sip of my drink. "What's up?"
 "Nothing much, uh.. I went to a house a couple days ago, about an attempted murder." I turn to her as she continued talking. "I saw something... Insane." Hannah laughs a little. "Some, man.. Without eyes."
 I raise my brows. "Holy shit, really? What was that like?"
 "Like, just.. Two gaping holes in his face where his eyes would be.. Lots and lots of blood." Hannah says, turning to me. "I went there because some girl's brother was trying to kill her in this abandoned house, and, uh.. He was just there. He talked to me, even. Clear as day.."
 "..What happened?"
 "Well, Some strange shit happened and then I accidentally shot the girl trying to shoot the.. Thing. I can tell it wasn't human. It didn't seem human. Sharper teeth, longer more jagged finger nails. It was like something you would see from your nightmares."
 "Jeebus." I take a sip of my drink.
 "..Well, one of those most important things about it, though, was.. Uh.. The girl." Hannah glanced down at her cup, then looking at me. "..You don't have a twin sister, do you?"
 "No, no I don't." I shake my head, tilting my head to the side. "Why? Did she look like me?"
 "Yeah.. She also had your name." Hannah says. "There wasn't a thing different about the both of you other than the fact that she was wearing something I would never see you wearing."
 I laugh a little bit, looking down at the cup in my hands. "Damn, that's.. I can't even say anything about that, that's wild."
 "Yeah, it was." Hannah looks at her drink. "After I shot her, the.. Thing picked her up and ran with her, and we can't find either one of them. Their tracks went cold one hour ago apparently."
 "Do you think that maybe they're hiding in plain sight? If that thing looked somewhat human, maybe the girl wasn't real either, and she was just.. Good at hiding."
 "You're scaring me and making me think." Hannah says, laughing a little bit and takes a sip of her drink. "Let's just leave it as a story." Hannah pats my shoulder. "Not make theories of it."
 "Yeah, yeah." I shrug, looking over my shoulder at the people dancing on the dance floor. "Did.. The creature look like anyone?"
 Hannah pauses for a moment, thinking, and she frowns a little. "A.. A little like Damien."
 My mind flashes back to Wilford for a moment, and the man I saw in the future a few years forward. I clear my throat, looking down at the cup in my hands. "..Concerning."
 "Yeah.." Hannah hops off of her seat. "I'm gonna go forget I exist. I'll see you after."
 I nod, and I watch her walk away, before looking down at my drink.

 I sit in the living room as I watch Dark put my new TV down and silently attempt to figure out how to put the cords in, and wherever the hell they're supposed to go. I stare at the screen for a moment, before I look at him.
 "Can I ask you a question?"
 "Ask away."
 "..What happened to that guy yesterday?" I ask, and he stops, before turning to me.
 "Why do you want to know?"
 "I dunno, he seemed.. So happy to see me, and on the TV he seemed so sad before hand."
 Dark paused, before looking back at the work he was doing, and he stands up, turning the TV on with the press of the remote button. He walks over to me, and sits about a foot away as to not put me in his aura.
 "Wilford and I.. We've known each other for a while." He explains, of course knowing I was curious about that too. "Wilford had just lost someone important, and I wanted to talk him through it a bit.. He understands now."
 "Is there a chance that person looked like me?"
 Dark's breath hitched in his throat, his eyes widening mildly, before looking over at me. "..I.."
"They do, don't they? Is that why he seemed so happy to see me?"
 "..Yes." Dark says, furrowing his brows in confusion and also concern. "How did you guess?"
 "Hannah said she saw someone who looked like me, and she shot them.." I shrug, looking at the TV. "There was someone that looked like you, too."
 "..Don't think about it too much, darling." Dark says. "The world is confusing and you should focus on your own world for right now.."
 "But what if I wanna focus on everything else? If there's someone out there impersonating me, and fucking around with other people's lives, I wanna.. Do something about it." I say, and I look back at him.
 He sighs, leaning forward and then pressing a kiss to my forehead, before cupping my face, scooting closer to me. "I will take care of it."
 "You take care of everything." I say, putting my hands onto his. "Let me help you.. Let me in. Please."
 He stares at me for a moment, before he sighs through his nose, leaning down and pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. "Maybe one day." He says. "But for right now, I have too many promises that I've kept that I need to settle.. But I promise I'll let you in sometime. Just not yet."
 "..Okay." I say, and I wrap my arms around him, my head adjusting its placement on his shoulder. "What about Wilford? He's alright, right?"
 "He will be, trust me." Dark wraps his arms around me, hugging me tight. "I promised him he would be."
 I smile a little, tilting my head upward and pressing a kiss to his jawline. "..I'm glad I met you."
 "That's a little sudden, is it not?"
 "..No, I don't think so. I just think you needed to hear it."
 He hugs me a little bit tighter, sighing through his nose. "I'm glad I met you too, (Y/N)."

Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now