Day Forty-Five

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 He visits pretty frequently, a little too frequently. Of course I don't mind, I find it quite pleasing actually, that he seems so invested in me. I can't become annoyed in him but I know that a boyfriend doesn't naturally start acting like your husband directly into the relationship. He doesn't expose his body like a husband would, sleeping in his boxers or leaving the door open when he uses the bathroom. Which all he does is put his makeup on and clean it aggressively. I don't know if he even uses the bathroom.. He doesn't actually eat much.
 Sure he eats during the dinners we have but he doesn't order much then either. 
 I was sitting in my living room watching some of my favorite TV show episodes with my legs crossed on the couch when I heard Dark knock into the table in the kitchen. He said two words at the same time, in two different voices, which he didn't often do, but lately I've noticed it's just something he does.
 Both voices said something along the lines of "FUCK!" Really angrily in a woman's voice, and then "Woops" in a softer male voice.
 "Are you okay?" I ask, and I can hear him shuffling to gain his composure.
 "Yes, I'm fine. I apologize for my profanity."
 I giggle a little bit under my breath. "You're fine.. What are you doing?" I ask, pausing the episode on my TV and then walking over into the kitchen. 
 He took off the tux and he was just now in his dress shirt. He was seemingly trying to make something using the phone for recipes, but he was walking with his phone in his face and some of the things sitting upon the table had knocked over.
 "I'm cooking." He says. "But the phone keeps.. Glitching."
 I walk over, and I step beside him. He's in his home screen. "Get the thing back on the phone."
 He nods a little bit, and he taps in the website he was going to, tilting the phone and tapping on that bitch like a computer's keyboard. He then opens the website, and his finger drags across screen casually. Everything seems fine until he drags down on the phone and he brings down the contents containing his notifications and other settings.
 "THIS." He says. "WHAT IS THIS?"
 I can't help but laugh, bringing both of my hands to my face before I reach over and I tap under it. He becomes quiet, and he just sets his phone down on the table and walks away from me.
 "Man I love you."
 "I love you too." He grumbles, of course now feeling stupid as he picks up the things on the table.
 I walk over and I help him, setting things up on the table and I reach up, ruffling his hair. He doesn't mind so much. He used to, but he simply gave up trying to argue with me.
 "Hold on, lemme grab a towel or two.. To make sure you don't knock anything else over because you can't walk while reading your phone apparently.
 "Do not take me for clumsy, (Y/N)."
 "I'm not. I'm just not taking you for the type to be good at multi-task." 
 "I AM FANTASTIC AT MULTI-TASK. I've done a million things multiplied!"
 I snicker a little and I walk away from him. "Of course.."
 I walk into the bathroom and I pick up the towel of brown and black stripes, and then the extra towel colored in orange and white polka dots. I would have rags awaiting in the kitchen, but recently they've all been put into the wash, and it's not something I can actually use at the moment.
 "(Y/N)," I hear Dark's voice call for me in the other room, except the tone he was using was in a soft, sing-song way. "Have I ever informed you how beautiful you are?"
 "..Uh, no? Thank you." I say, a small smile coming onto my face.
 "I was saying thank you, for the compliment." I say, walking back into the kitchen, and he turned around and looked at me with a somewhat confused expression.
 "..I didn't say anything, darling."
 "What do you mean, you didn't say anything?"
 "What'd you think I said?"
 "I dunno, you said, uh.." I pause, feeling stupid. "Whatever, I probably was hearing things."
 "..Okay, how about you help me out with cooking, darling?" He asks me, raising his brows mildly, and my eyes scan the kitchen counter before nodding, and walking over to stand beside Darkiplier himself.
 "Alright.. Don't break anything."
 "Be quiet."

Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now