Day Thirty-Eight

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 I walked into the cabin with the big poofy coat that Darkiplier had given me, carrying the big bag of dog food. Chica wanted to me to feed her, while Darkiplier was looking over the cracks around the abode. I poured the whole bag into the bowl, sighing a bit.
 "Dark must have to get a ton of money to feed you every day." I say, as Chica walks around me and sits down at the bowl. "Or does it just, exist?"
 "He picks it up from the store.. Reality is all that he wants it to be, as long as he has control of it."
 "..Does he have control over me?"
 Chica stares down at me. "No." She says. "No one does."
 "..How do you talk to me without opening your mouth??"
 Chica blinks at me before leaning down and over, taking bites into her food. "He took down his aura for you." She tells me as she eats. "You should most likely explore this place while it won't hurt you."
 I pause, before I nod. I reach over and I scratch the top of her head. "Thank you." She says. "Enjoy your food."
 I made my way out of the cabin after she responded quietly, and I felt the wind hit my face. I look across the waste land and I remember the trees. I take a deep breath before running across the snowy field, my feet leaving large marks in the white, coated surface. I always loved how beautiful the snow was when it was untouched, but here I was destroying it.
 I made it to the first trunk, breathing heavily before my hands went down and touched it. I sat down onto it, and I take yet another deep breath before I become set into a bit of comfort. My feet shifted in the snow and knocked into something, and thus I paused. I reach over, and I feel my hands through the snow. I reach in, and I feel something icy, making my hand yank back a little bit. I reach back in, and I grab onto it, before I pull it out.
 My hand picked up the ax by the sharp end, the snow falling off of it, although some parts still had snow stuck to it. I adjusted it to the point my hands were now holding onto the handle. I tilt my head to the side a little bit, looking it over. It seems old, like it hadn't been touched in years. but it also seemed stable, like I would be able to easily use it to chop something to pieces.
 It was then that my phone buzzed, and I take it out of my pocket. My boss, John had sent me something. It didn't tell me when, but it definitely told me now.

"So we'll be packing up all the animals this next week." He sent me. "I was wondering if you could help me?"

"I wouldn't mind." I send back. "What day of the week is it?"


"Alright, cool. I'll be around."

"Thank you (Y/N)."

I sigh, putting my phone back in my pocket and standing up with the ax. It was then that I heard the echoing from afar. A voice, that seems so oddly familiar, but at the same time, so.. Not.
 "Wow, such a compliment... I know, I'm always a comfortable man."
 His voice slurred into a deep, dark tone as he spoke, his voice almost echoing around me. For some odd reason, out of some instinct, I respond.
 "Yup, best man in the world right here."
 "Oh, stop it..." A pause. "...Keep it comin'."
 I laugh, and then the odd affect fades away. I pause for a moment, before I walk away from the direction where the voices were coming from. "Dark!" I yell out, and soon enough he appears five feet before me.
 He steps closer to me. "Ye.. Where did you find that?"
 I look down at the ax, and I look back up at him. "I went walking around a little bit, so like.. I ran into it. It was buried under the snow."
 I hand it to him, and he holds it in both of his hands. One of his hands feels the blade a little, his eyes grazing its surface. He then looks at me once more.
 "Next time, tell me you're going on a walk.. This place may seem like a cold field of trunks and snow, but it's also extremely dangerous here.. I'm not the only one who can get here."
 "..Alright." I nods slowly. "Which, I was about to say something, uh.. There was this voice, from really far away. It was talking, and I was kinda.. Responding? I didn't think about responding, but I did. Which was weird."
 He pauses, his eyes grazing my face before reaching over and taking my hand. "Like I said, tell me.. I'm not the only thing here." He says. "Your hands are cold.. I should've given you gloves."
 "My hands can take a bit of cold." I laugh, and I pull back, reaching down and picking up snow. "See? Can your face handle snow though??" I throw it at him, and he grunts angrily as it hits his face.
 "How dare you attempt to harm me with this frozen liquid bullet?"
"Frozen liquid bullet." I mock. "HOw dARe yOu aTteMPt to HarM mE wiTH thIs frOZeN lIQuiD buLLEt??--" A frozen liquid bullet hits my face, and I jump a little. "FUck that's CHILLY."
 He laughs as I smack the snow off my face. It was odd to see the man smile so wildly in this form, but I just smiles as well. I grab my own bit of snow, and I throw it at him, and he ducks down beneath it, then running towards the cabin.
 "Coward!" I yell, running after him as I grab some more snow from the ground. He goes around the corner, and I chase him, and I stop when I don't see him. "Fast bitch--"
 That was when all the snow on the top of the roof caved down onto me, and I squealed out of anger. I turned around to see him laughing at me, his hand coming up to his face and the other to his stomach.
 "You dumb childish emo big bitch baby." I hissed, grabbing the snow off my body and throwing it at his face, in which he took a couple steps back, being hit of course. 
 I walk over to push him, but he grabs me by my wrists, and looks down at me. "You started it, love." He says "I only do this to amuse you."
 "You're the one who looks amused." I hiss, and he tilts his head to the side with that big smug grin on his face.
 "Well, I can't help but admit that I am pretty amused.."
 I grunt angrily, and I fall into him, my chin resting on his chest, in which he lifts his head to look down at me in the correct angle. "I didn't start shit." I argue.
 "Is that so? I thought you were the one throwing the ball first."
 "Yeah but you're more of an adult than I am so you were allowed to let me beat you up with snow." I say, then taking some snow off the hood of my jacket and smashing it on his face, in which he lets me. "Suffer."
 "I can not feel the cold."
 "But you'll be feeling these hands."
 "Watch your words, darling."
 "I can't see sound waves."
 He then grunts angrily, now being the salty one, and he reaches down, lifting me up into the air. I yelp a little, his arms wrapped around my waist before i giggle a little bit. My hands go to his shoulders, and I wrap my legs around him. He glances down for a second before looking up at me and smiling a little, before he carries m
e into the cabin and sits me down on the bed to the side. I notice that Chica had left the cabin, in which it seems odd to me.. How the hell did that dog get outta here? She's huge, and there's no doggy door the size of her for her to get out of.
 I look up at Dark as he sits down beside me and he sighs. I take out my phone and I open up some Wattpad, wanting to read something since we're not doing anything currently. He looks over, his eyes peering over my shoulder, and I look over to him. He pauses, his eyes connecting into mine before he pulls away and looks forward.
 "Here." I say, handing my phone over. "Choose a book."
 He pauses and takes it. "How do I..?"
 "Touch it, and drag your finger around."
 He touches the screen, and pauses before his finger slowly drags it around the phone. He furrows his brows. "..Okay." 
 "Here." I adjust his hands so he's using his thumbs, but then he picks his hand back up and continues using his index finger like the Author's forty-eight year old mother that looks at facebook memes.
 I sigh a bit, putting my hands in my lap and watching him look at things. He taps on the magnifying glass and he raises his brows, and then slowly taps of the letters one of his favorite books. It doesn't show up.
 "..I wanted to show you a book. How do I show you a book that I like?"
 "Dark, this isn't exactly a library of real books, I think those are on kindles.. I wouldn't know though because I don't have one." 
 "Here, I can show you a new book that exists." I say, reaching my hand over and tapping on one of the horror books I've been reading. "You'll like this one."
 He nods slowly and he curls his index finger like a fucking hook before he taps on the screen, forgetting how to move, and then he turns to me. "How do I read more?"
 "You've read all that already?"
 "I have more than one set of eyes. I can read quickly."
 I pause, furrowing my brows a little bit. "You don't have glasses." He pauses before he looks down at the small TV. He taps on the screen, and then I show him how to go down. "You're literally like ninety years old or something." I laugh. "I love it and I love you."
 "..I love you too."
 I laugh a little, scooting closer. I didn't notice the way he looked at me, but he looked away from me as he reads the rest of the chapter. Once he gets done, however, I show him how to use several other apps.
 Which he appreciates.

Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now