Day Fifteen

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Warning, this part contains sexual interaction

I took another sip of my alcoholic beverage as Damien and the Colonel were fighting over something small in the other room. It was something about the game of darts they were playing, and seeing as we were all buzzed, if I weren't buzzed myself I wouldn't let them play the game. It was dangerous.. But they were adults, and so was I. They do their own shit and I do mine.
 Me and the detective don't seem to get along while drunk, it seems. We got into a fight but it was settled after he attacked me and then laughed about it afterwards, because we're dumb.
 Currently I was in the kitchen, the chef was yelling at me to get out but I don't know what English is and I cuss him out in Spanish.
 "「ワッカーを解体する」. "Wait a minute that's Japanese.
 "The fuck?" The chef comments, and of course not even I know what I said, so I looked just as confused as he did. 
 That was when Markiplier himself walked over, and batted his hand at the Chef. "Don't be so cruel to our guests." He says. "You go on, get goin'."
 The chef glances at Mark and glares for a second before he walks out of the kitchen. I look at Mark, and I realize how much he looks like Damien. I can't tell if I just think that because I'm drunk out of my mind right now, but it's like they're literally the same person. I smile like a buffoon just looking at him, and I sit on the counter.
 "Thank you." I coo, and he turns to me, taking another sip of his drink before smiling back at me.
 "Don't worry, it was my pleasure." He says.
 Looking at his drink, he had seemingly only been drinking water.. That's right. Mark couldn't have any alcohol. If he did, he'd die. Which I'm one-hundred percent sure that's not his intention.
 At least I don't think so.
 He walks over to me and puts his hand on the counter beside, me, standing directly in front of me. I look at his face and I can see the sober in his eyes, and I'm sure he can see the buzz in mine. I smile.
 "Hello there." I slur, reaching my hand up and destroying his once was slick back hair. "You looked nice."
 "I looked nice? I'm pretty sure I always look nice."
 I snort a little bit, bringing my hand up to my face as I laughed, he just chuckles at how I'm easily humored. "I guess." I say.
 "..Honestly, if I thought about you being the only woman here I would've attempted to invite more women." Mark then says. "It must feel a bit awkward for you, being the only girl here."
 "It's not that bad." I say, shrugging as I take another sip of my drink. "Everyone here is fun t-to hang out with."
 "Well, at least your having fun." He looks me up and down for a moment before he sets his water down beside my drink,  as I had set it down on the counter, and he sets his hand on the other side of me, trapping me in front of him as I lean against it.
 I look down, and I look back up at his face, noticing the odd look in his eyes. If it wasn't for the fact that he looked like someone I felt comfortable with I wouldn't have let this slide.. Also to mention that I have a crush on Damien himself. It's mild, honestly, or at least I thought it was. But I wouldn't let it be obvious, of course. He has way too much to work to deal with to be dealing with a relationship with me.
 "..I'm glad you've been liking the party so far." He says. "I was sorta worried about the party not going all that well."
 "W-Well it's going fine." I say, booping his nose. "It-It's great."
 His right hand goes to my thigh, and I glance down, then looking at his face. I can see what he's going for. I feel blush heat up on my face as his hand went under the dress I was wearing, and touched my inner thigh. I look away from him, feeling a little timid about going any further than this. He leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to my neck, and then he faced the doorway.
 "Oh." Mark comments, and I look over.
 Damien stood there, holding his drink in his hand. He glances at me and at Mark, before he looks away. "Sorry." He says, and I feel a large tang of guilt in my chest. 
 Mostly due to the fact I could see something in his eyes, even though he was about a couple yards away. In the dark orbs of the Mayor himself, I could see something break, and 
s̵h̶a̷t̵t̸e̷r̵. I could see his heart being ripped out of his chest within seconds.
 I get off of the counter top as Damien walks away, and Mark grabs a hold of my waist. I look up at him. "Where are you going?"
  "I-I don't wanna do this."
 "I'm sure you do." He says, then grabbing my hand. "C'mon." He says, and I reluctantly follow him.

 I sat down on the bench at work, looking over the children. My mind had been on the dream I had last night all day, and it was starting to get annoying. I looked over my phone, trying to get it off my mind, and then I pause. I remember that little girl from like three days ago, and suddenly I realize.. She was on the Amber alert list.
 I stand up and I glance around for a moment. I felt my heart fall into the bottom of my chest, I just saw that girl three fucking days ago. Now she's gone, and God only knows where she is right now. I look over and I see John in my vision. I don't know if I should tell him, since I remember him helping her out. Something about asking him about it though, making my gut feel.. swirly. I look down at my phone and I stare at it for a second.
 She went missing three days ago.
 I gulp down the feeling in my throat and I put my phone away.

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