Day Twelve

306 9 1

Your POV 

I woke up hugging my pillow tightly and my face was stuffed into it. I huffed through my nose, remembering that I was talking to Damien in the middle of the night again. I must be keeping him up.. But then again he is an exorcist, so that is probably placed around in the night time. I don't know how many people get possessed by demons and ghosts a day, but it must have good pay if it's the only job he has. 
 I sit up slowly, holding the pillow in my lap. I wrap my arms around it, and I rest my chin atop. I take my phone and I reread some of what we talked about. It still baffles me a little how fast he responds through T-9 text. I send him a message.

"I know you said that it was okay, but I'm still sorry about sending you messages in the middle of the night."

"Don't worry about it."

"Jesus. Are you like always awake?"

"Maybe. Don't worry about it lol"
"Don't you have work today?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Maybe I can visit you, it depends on how much free time I have today."

"I hope you do. It gets so boring over at my workplace sometimes."

"I'll see what I can do.. I'll talk to you later."

I sigh through my nose and I turn off my phone, and I get up from my bed. I walk over to the dresser in my room and I open up one of the drawers, reaching in and grabbing my set of work clothes.

 I walked into the cattle pen and I make my way quickly to the unattended child about to jump off the tall wall, and I catch them as they jump.
 "Jesus." I say silently to myself, setting the kid down as the laugh and run from me.
 It really doesn't seem like anyone's watching their kids anymore. I look over and I see my manager, John, looking over some paperwork on his clipboard. His eyes went to the little girl for a second, watching her run into the other pen after unlocking the gate, and he looks back down at the clipboard. I make my way over to him.
 "Hey." I say, and he turns to me. 
 "Hello (Y/N)." He says, looking back at the clipboard. "How are you doing today?"
 "I'm doing alright.. I was wondering if there was any reordering that you wanted to do around the zoo?"
 He shakes his head. "No, not at all.. Just one thing I wanted to mention though." He says, lowering the board and turning to me. "Do not enter my office without my permission, ever."
 "..I've never entered your office anyways."
 "I know, but someone entered in and took a look at my personal items, and I prefer that no one does that." He nods. "I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows that I like to keep my privacy."
 "Alright, I understand. I'll keep that in mind."
 He nods, giving me a polite smile before walking away from me. He holds the gate open for a couple of little boys running in to see the cattle, and his eyes went back to the unattended little girl. As he approaches her, I assume that he's planning on finding her parents for her. John has always been a kind man like that. He's a hard worker, too. Whoever his wife is, she's a lucky woman.
 I exited the cattle pen and I walked around a bit, that was when I saw Damien sitting on the bench with one of his hands on his side and the other holding his flip phone. I snort, just seeing him holding it makes me smile. I walk over and put my hands on my hips, in which he lifts his head and smiles.
 Something was wrong with him. It was mostly because of the fact he had a bandage on his face, as well as he looked like he was in pain, but it went away as soon as he saw me.
 "Are you okay?" I ask, and he glances down for a second before he stands up, grunting a little.
 "Yeah, don't worry about me." He says. "I just got into a fight with someone who wasn't entirely comfortable with me and what I do for a job, is all." I reach up and I lift his head up slightly, looking around the bandage a little, and he smiles, unable to hold it back. He puts his hand onto mine. "(Y/N), please."
 "I'm sorry, I'm just.. concerned." I nod, and I lower my hand, his hand then holding onto mine. 
 "That's sweet of you.. Really." He says. "But don't be. I'll be fine. I'll heal up soon." He says, and I nod. 
 "Okay." I say, and he looks around for a second before he looks down at me.
 "You get off of work in a couple hours. How about we go somewhere?"
 "Yeah, I know a place." He smiles, and I pause for a second before I nod, smiling back.
 "Okay, yeah. I'd love to.."
 He releases my hand. "Alright.. I've got something to do, so I'll come back soon."
 He waves at me as he walks backwards before turning around and hurrying a little to his car, a hand still on his side. I look down, and I remember that he doesn't own a shadow that casts. It still confused me, how he doesn't have one.. Maybe he's not even real. But that wouldn't make any sense, since I've been taking my hallucination pills.
 Maybe he's a ghost?
...Nah, that's just stupid.

 I sat at the table with Damien, sitting across from him as he wears the same tuxedo. He didn't give me the chance to change out of my work clothes but he doesn't seem to give a single fuck what I'm wearing. Which, I can't tell if I find that flattering or if I find it odd. 
 There was some violin music playing in the background, which I find the song saddening. So far what I've heard about it, it's about some sort of death, and honestly I usually wouldn't be listening to the background music, but this one is luring. 
 "Hey." Damien catches my attention. "Are you alright?"
 "Yeah, I'm alright.. I was just listening to the music for a second."
 He pauses, just as the singer was singing the line 'With shortness of breath, you explained, the infinite'. "..The song's called Saturn." He says. "Originally made from Sleeping At Last."
 "Now how do you know that?"
 "I enjoy songs holding violin, piano.. I'm not entirely interested in the newer songs with electric guitar and the bop music."
 And the bop music.
 "Don't worry, I'm pretty diverse when it comes to music." I nod, and I then look down at the menu. "After you left, there was this woman registering for a job, so I'll have a new co-worker most likely."
 "Oh, how nice. What's her name?"
 "Her name was Lisa, she's really optimistic."
 He sighs a little bit, and nods. "She sounds like she'll he a good co-worker. If you two end up getting along, I'd love to meet her."
 "I'll keep that in mind." I pause for a moment, and I remember a call that I got from my father. 
 It wasn't too long ago that he gave me my invitation, then giving me the plus one opportunity. I lift my eyes and I look at Damien as his own eyes scanned the menu, his hand reaching up and lightly feeling the bandage on his face.
 Maybe he could be my plus one, but I'm not entirely sure if he'd want to. Not yet, anyways. I'll ask him when it gets closer to the time. He looks at me, realizing he's being looked at, and he smiles.
 "Hello." He says, and I look down, blushing a little.
"...Have I ever mentioned how beautiful your eyes were?"
 I lift my head and my eyes connect with his. I smile a little, becoming a little more awkward as he says that. "N-No, you haven't." I say. "Thank you.."
 He chuckles a little, and reaches over, taking a leaf out of my hair. "Don't worry about it darling."
 I nod a little, and I blush a little harder. I wish I knew about the leaf beforehand.
 "So how's your dog?" I ask, and he raises his brows for a second.
 "Oh, yeah." He nods, and smiles. "She's doing alright.. She's been a lot more.. I guess energized since last time I spoke about her."
 "That's sweet.. I would ask for a picture, but I don't really know if your flip phone can take pictures."
 "Oh, it can.. Uh, hold on." He opens his phone, and finds a picture that doesn't look entirely menacing. He shows it to me, and I smile. "She's adorable."
 He chuckles. "I know.. She's not a people person though." He says, letting me take his phone. "Be careful about going to the other pictures, I sorta like to keep my privacy."
 I pause before I nod and I hand it back over to him. "Maybe one day I can scroll through your photos."
 "That'll be the day I get an actually phone." He coos, and puts his phone away.
 "Man, that'll be forever from now."
 "I don't think so." He says, and he sets his menu aside. "It may be sooner than you think."
 "I hope so. I wanna show you face time and stuff."
 "..Face time? Face time, yeah." He nods.
 "..Are you sure you're in your late twenties?"
 "..I hope I am."
 I laugh a bit, and that's when the waiter approaches us, and I let him know what drink I want.

Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now