Day Twenty-Five

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 I adjusted my dress over my legs as I entered the ballroom. Today was the day that Celine and Mark were getting married, and I was suppose to be one of the bridesmaids. Celine hated people, and refused to make friends with petty females, and seeing as I was just one of Damien's best friends, she just chose me as one. I remember her deadpan expression as she asked.
 "Do you want to be one of my bridesmaids?"
 I snorted at the memory of it, taking a sip of my drink. That was when Damien walked over to me, and I lifted my head to gaze into those brown eyes of his. My smile formed faster than the words in my throat as he spoke his "Hello."
 "How are you doing?" He asks me. "I haven't seen you since a month ago.. I know you've been busy."
 "I've been doing alright.. I've survived." I laugh a little, my laughter is often contagious to him, so he laughs as well.
 I can't tell if my laugh is just contagious as it is, or if he just laughs with me to laugh. Or maybe there's more to it than that. 
 "I see that." He says, tilting his head slightly before he looks up and down at my body. He then sighs looking at the drinks. "I can't believe that my sister is getting married.." He then adds. "It was like yesterday we were five and she was still putting caterpillars in my juice.."
 "Your sister has always been a very lovely lady."
 "Trust me when I say that it's true. She is often times one of the most lovely women in the world. Mark is a lucky man." He laughs at his own jokes, causing me to laugh as well.
 Makes me realize that his laughter is just as contagious as mine. 
 "When do you plan on getting married?"
 As I ask this, his smile is wiped off of his face faster than I could imagine, and his eyes widen slightly. He turns to me, and then he smiles once more and chuckles, but now more so nervous.  "I'm a bit young for that, don't you think?"
 "Your sister is only ten minutes older than you."
 "That's right. I have to wait ten more minutes until I can get married."
 I snort my drink almost, bringing my hand up to my face. "Yeah, sure." I say. "But seriously.. You should probably try getting into a relationship." I look down from him and at my drink, swirling the beverage around inside as it licks every surface it hadn't before hand on the inside. "You're very lovable.. I'm sure any woman would die to be with you."
 "C'mon, (Y/N).." Damien smirks. "You know I have too much work in my life to have to deal with any relationships."
 "Work shouldn't hold you back from happiness, Mr.Mayor." I lift my head to gaze back into those dark orbs. "You need to try to follow your heart more so your mind."
 He pauses and his gaze softens, reaching over and putting his hand on mine, the one that's holding the drink. I notice this look inside of his eyes, and I give him a mildly confused expression. "I'll try to follow my heart." He says. 
 "..That's good." I say, smiling a little, in which he smiled back. I can't identify the look in his eyes, and the reasoning behind why his thumb traces my wrist a little, but it makes me feel safe.
 He was about to say something else, until Mark approaches. "Hello!" He says, in his casual announcer voice, and I look over. "I'm happy you two could make it."
 "We wouldn't miss it for the world." Damien says, his hand coming off of mine. Mark's eyes were staring daggers into our contact for a moment, before his eyes goes up to Damien's.
 "Why won't me and you talk in private?" He asks, raising his brows a little.
 Damien looks over at me, and I nod, smiling. "I'm gonna find Celine, figure out how hard it was to make a wedding as beautiful as this." I say. "You two have fun."
 Damien nods, before he walks with Mark away from me.
 After those two were done talking, and I ran into him again. Damien seemed so sad, he tried not to show it, but I could most certainly see it. He didn't seem like his mind was in the most kind place.
 But of course, he's always been stubborn. I never got the chance to figure out what was wrong.

I was at my own father's wedding, standing beside Damien next to the punch stand. I had that dream earlier, and somehow it feels like it's happening right now. Lifting my eyes, he's wearing the same thing he did then. Almost exactly alike except his hair is messily pushed back without any work and he just didn't look like he tried so much. I scoffed, reaching over and adjusting it to be straighter.
 "You're such a messy man." I say, and he chuckles a little, allowing me to fix up a few things. 
  "I try."
 "What, do you have classes for being a messy boi?" 
 I adjust his bow and tighten it up a little bit, him lifting his head up a little. Looking up at him, the way he looks makes me feel a way that I feel like I shouldn't. 
 "Maybe." He smirks a little, and then he takes my hand in his. "I've taken a lot of classes, for many things.." (I'Ve bEEn EdUCaTEd iN cerTAIn waYs To disCIPlIne bAd BoIS)
 I smile. "I'm sure you have." I say, taking my hands back as he runs his fingers into his hair and pushing it back and on top of his head.
 It was then that it was time for my father and Diane to speak, the priest standing before my father as he adjusts his tie. Damien takes my hand and walks with me to our seats, sitting the both of us down. I lift my head and I smile, it was after Diane walked up the aisle and then they were in the midst of their vows. I remember my parents getting married, I was their little flower girl. I remember it partially. I remember there being family.
 Mom and dad, Grandpa, Grandma, another Grandmother.. Grandmother.

 "Mom!"  My young voice cried as I ran up to her, they were adjusting her dress. "I dropped some of my flowers."
 "It's alright sweetie." She smiles, and then looking over to her mother who sticks a pin in her dress.
 "It's just a few flowers." Grandma says, then looking at my face. Her face was blurry for a moment, but then I rubbed my eyes, and I looked at her face. I looked at her features.
 All of those features.

 All of those god damn familiar features. The woman with the same features standing in front of my father about to get married to him. She's almost wearing the same dress as my mother.
 She's almost wearing the same damn dress..
 As her own daughter.
 I feel so shocked that I didn't realize sooner.. I never remembered my grandmother that well, but now that I remember her vividly, I feel so stupid for not realizing earlier.
 "(Y/N)?" Damien reaches over, and I then grab his hand. Suddenly.
 I turn to him, and the look of shock and pain in my eyes is obvious. I understand now.. All of the memories I suppressed and forced down my own throat to save myself from the realization, all that work is gone. 
 My father cheated on my mother with her own mother, and he drove her off the edge to the point of suicide. My father and my grandmother are now getting married for all to see.. No one's questioning a damn thing about it. Then again all of the people here are Diane's friends. Diane got to plan the wedding, and she didn't even want me as a bridesmaid. or neither of them did. They never gave a shit about family anyways.
 "..Hey, you're okay.." He says quietly, and he glances at the couple before looking at me. "They'll be done soon, and you can tell me what's wrong, okay? We don't want to be disrespectful."
 I stare at him, and I look forward. They're happy, is what I'm telling myself now. But fuck, it's so.. Wrong. I furrow my brows angrily, all the respect I ever had for my family is gone at this point. I grab Damien's hand a little tighter, and I stand up, and I just leave with him. The priest became quiet for a moment, watching us leave, but in attempts to make this not seem so bad, he continues on.
 I get into the car and he gets in as well, and I sigh, putting my hands up to my face.
 "That woman is my grandmother."
 Damien become silent, speechless. Just like how I was. "..Di.. Did you not know until..?"
 "N-No, I didn't... I didn't remember my grandma at all up until this point."
 Silence, and he reaches over, taking my hand. I lift my head and I look at him, my eyes are bubbling mildly in tears. I'm just angry, really. But I'm more upset for my mother. How horrible that must've felt..
 "..Let's go to dairy queen, or something." He says, taking out his wallet. "I'm craving a.. A.. Fries, I guess. I'm not a big sugar guy. But I bet you'll want something." I pause and I clear my throat. "Just to forget, okay?" He then adds.
 "To.. Forget." I look forward. "I.. I forget too much."
 "Well it's better not to know this." Damien says, and he looks forward. "Actually, how about you choose?"
 I pause, and I choose a place(If it were me it'd still be dairy queen because fuck ye), and I start the car. I drive there.
 It's stuck in my mind up until the moment Damien shows me a picture of his dog, and tells me all these crazy stories. Most of them are fiction however, or so he wants me to believe that they are..
 He's too sweet, for me at least.. He's too much. 
 I don't deserve someone so precious.

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