It'll be over soon

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 My hand bursts through the ice, cutting up my forearm as I slowly pull myself out. I cough heavily, the water escaping my lungs, and soon I'm on my knees. Snow and wind hit me hard, if I were in any other world, I'd have hypothermia by now. But I can certainly feel the cold. Coming back out, I was in his aura, this world broken up and engulfed in it.
 The sky is covered in purple lilac, and deep royal blue.
 "Celine!" I call, looking back down, but she's not down there. "Celine?"
 I stare, before I scoff angrily.. She might not be able to come back out. I look around for a moment, trying to see any hint of where I should go from here through the snow. It was then that it came to my mind.
 "..DAMIEN!" I yell out, and it echoes through. But I got an answer.
 "(Y/N)!" He yelled back for me, and I silently prepare myself for it to actually be Mark.
 But if it is, I'll just do what Celine would do.. Attack instantly, no conversation.
 I start running, almost slipping on the ice but I'm actually running more so on the snow, since there's so much of it. I try to cover my face, trying to be able to see through the mist, and I yell his name out once more.
 He's in a completely different direction now, and I start running that direction anyways. It took twenty minutes, or so, or maybe longer, or shorter than that. Either way it felt like forever before I saw a figure, and the snow seemed to calm as I did. I opened my eyes wider, and I see his figure in the snow. I felt anxiety, fear and relief all at once as I saw him. It was then that another figure collided with him instantly that all of those feelings disappeared within seconds and I felt panic instead. 
 I run over, my hands landing on the two male figures in the snow, one pinning down the other by its neck.
 "Don't you dare fucking touch her!" I heard one yell, I believe it's the top one.
 That's when the top one attempts to pull something off of his back, but then he's kicked in the stomach, and shot backward, hitting his back. Whatever was in his hand conveniently flies in my direction, and I reach down, brushing all the snow off of it.
 It was heavy, and as it fit so nicely in my hand, but it was big. I pick it up with both hands, and soon enough I realize what it was.. A gun. A shotgun no less.
 I aim forward, and they seemed to stop. The blowing wind started to calm a little, but it was still awfully misty, and I can't figure out which one was which.. They were also wearing jackets, the both of them. They were also both Damien, and seeing as Mark and Damien look exactly alike, and there's definitely not two Damien's literally, so one of these people are Mark.
 What a fuckin' cliche. Like, seriously dude. Why you gotta pull this.
 For the reference to A Date With Markiplier. 
 Oh okay.
 I I take a deep breath, and I grip the shotgun a little tighter.
 "..(Y/N)." I hear one of them speak, the one on the right. "Can you see me?"
 "..No, Yeah?" I say, taking a step back and somewhat looking at that one as I kept my eyes on both of them.
 "Okay.. Can you see the other guy, right there?"
 "I can see both of you."
 "I need you to shoot him."
 "No!" Mr.Left side snapped. "Don't you see he's trying to deceive you? Shoot him!"
 "(Y/N), don't!"
 "Shut up, both of you!" I snap, and they both become quiet. It becomes easier to see them, but it doesn't help like literally at all.
 They're both still the exact same person at the time. 
 I squint my eyes, looking down at the ground, and I can't see much of a shadow on either one of them, but the one on the left, however, has a fade tint of shade coming off of them. I recall Damien, or Dark, not having a shadow. But I can't be certain yet.
 "..Fuck.." I whisper. "I.. I don't wanna hurt you." I mutter.
 "...It's okay doll."
 I pause, turning to the one on the left, and I aim my gun. "What'd you call me?" Damien never once called me doll, he usually refers to me by my name, or Darling.. Mark seems to realize this soon after.
 "..Darling, please--" I shoot the gun at him, but as I do, I'm flung backward, into the snow.
 I grunt, then I yelp out, grabbing at my stomach, and then looking down. My body seemed to shatter upon impact, and the gunshot is ringing in my ears.
 I'm not meant to be here and this place knows this. It's trying to get rid of me. I close my eyes tightly, grabbing at my shirt, and suddenly, the wind stops blowing. I open my eyes, and I slowly sit up. 
 The man that I shot is gone, and Damien rushes over towards me, grabbing me by my shoulders.
 "(Y/N)." I look up at him, his bangs hanging in front of his face.
 "..You're so pretty." I say, and his look softens. 
 He takes off his coat, and wraps it around me, but I cough again, spluttering a bit of liquid onto my chin. I touch it, and my eyes scan the deep red.
 "..I-I.. Damien--"
 "It's okay, Darling, you're okay.. I swear it.."
 Damien puts his arms beneath me, and he lifts me from the ground. 
 "Wh-Where did Mark go? Di-Did I get him?"
 Damien pauses, and he looks down at me, snow scattering all over his body. "..I'll get him for you, okay? I promise--" He yells out, his body glitching and suddenly he drops me.
 I hit the ground, and I look back at him. 
 "C-Celine!" He yells, and I sit up, looking up at him.
 He drops down beside me, cupping my face with his hands, cold finger tips touching my cheekbones. It's starting to get darker, this world trying to destroy me.
 "It's okay! It's going to be okay!" He says, almost as if he was trying to believe it himself. 
 His eyes were glowing with baby blue color, and his breath was getting misty. He grabs at his chest, then, and he groans. "I-I.. I.. I can't feel.."
 "I can't feel my heart.." He whines, his hand dropping to my shoulder and grabbing it tightly. "..I.. It'll be okay, Darling. I promise.." He looks at me again, and he then hugs me, the world getting darker in my eyes, before suddenly it's pitch black.
 "I-I can't see." I say, and I feel my body lift from the ground, but I'm becoming numb. "I.. Damien."
 But it's like he's not there anymore.
 I'm floating, in pitch black darkness. I twirl around, hoping to see something, anything, and I look down at my torso. My body is cracked, but those cracks are filled with my blood, and there's a hole in my body. I touch it, and I wince.. It hurts.
 I turn around, and I can see Mark, his head casually poking out through the cracked mirror that I was left at. I glance down, noticing I was in an entirely different outfit, one in which I remember wearing in my dreams. I look back up, and Mark has a sinister smile.
 "..I've made something beautiful, haven't I?"
 "Fuck off." I hiss, and he rests his face into the palm of his hand.
 "I'm sorry, doll.. I didn't mean to make you mad." Then he suddenly climbs through, completely unaffected by the cracks and sharp edges of anything.
 I stumble backward, but moving hurts so bad, making me fall onto my back. But it was soft, or so it felt. I close my eyes tightly, beginning to feel them water. "D-Dark."
 "He's not here, hon.. He's left you." I open them back and I see him step beside me, then leaning over to look at me, the can landing on the ground beside me. "Close your eyes."
 "It'll make this so much easier."
 "Go away."
 "...It'll be over soon." Mark says, standing up and looking at the mirror. "It was nice having you as a love interest in my story, really, but.. I'm gonna have to cut you out of this body and put you in someone else more.. Submissive." I groan a little, rolling onto my side, ignoring the pain and then using my elbow to hoist myself up. "You're a fighter."
 "Fuck you."
 Mark chuckles, and he then grabs me by the back of my shirt, in which I'm too weak to go against him. I look at his face as he holds me by my midriff, and I drop onto him, and I can't help but close my eyes.
 "It's okay, doll.. You need your rest.. I'm right here, though."
 "No.." I whine, closing my eyes a little tightly. "..Stay away from me."
 "Stay away.."

 "Wake up, (Y/N). Please."


Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now