Day Six

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 It had been about a couple of weeks since I visited my father and I decided that today I wanted to see how he was doing. I drove up to his place after my doctor's appointment, and as I drove into the driveway, I took a couple of pills and I popped them into my mouth. I really hope that they'll work with the hallucinations.
 I stepped up on the porch, and knocked on the door. It didn't take long until I was let in, and I walked into the living room. The sweet scent of the living room that really reminds you that you are in an elderly person's house. Somehow they all manage to just smell really nice.
 At least from the one's I've been in.
 I sat down in the couch beside my father, and I turn to him, as he turns to me.
 "Hey, hon." He says, a smile coming on his face. "It's been a while." 
 "Yeah, it has." I nod, reaching over and taking his hand. "How are you doing?"
 "I'm doing alright love.. It gets pretty boring." He nods.
 "I bet it does. You don't really do much, do you?"
 "No, I don't. But things have been getting better.. You remember Diana, correct?"
 "Yeah, Diana. The woman from the nursing home, she's your age right?"
 "Yes.. I've been meaning to tell you this, but me and her have been a thing for a while now."
 "I kinda already knew." I shrugged. "I mean, you can't get away with kissing each other in front of me." 
 "..We did that?"
 "Oh." Silence, and then he continues. "Well then that makes what I'm about to tell you here soon a lot less weird." He reaches over to his coffee table, his hand shaking as he grabs out a little case from under the top. He shows it to me, and I put two and two together.
 "..Dad, you've only been a couple for like, what? Five months? You can't get married in five months." (YeaH bUt YoU cAN gEt mArRied aFTEr TwO oR ThrEE mONthS iN ThE MarKiPLieRXReadER--)
 "But she makes me happy, love." He argues. "It'll be alright.. As long as she says yes, everything will go well."
 I pause and I sigh a bit, leaning back into the couch and facing forward. The picture, the large one of me, mom, and dad is covered in a curtain. It had been for a while now. It was covered a week after losing mom.. One of the things I remember is that dad didn't miss her all that much. Maybe there was something to do with that.
 Or maybe he was just trying to be okay, to try to help me go through it. I like to believe that's the truth behind his sociopathic reaction.
 "..Okay, I guess if she makes you happy." I say. "Is she here right now, or is she still in the nursing home?"
 "She's still in the nursing home, but eventually she'll be visiting. Not today, however. Tomorrow. I plan on asking her then."
 "Okay.. Alright." I sigh a little, and it becomes quiet.
 He turns on the TV in the room, which is still pretty old timey. It was at this moment that I thought about what my therapist said.. I might be forgetting something. I close my eyes, locking my fingers together as I thought. It felt weird, trying to remember. I can't say I've never tried, but I've never truly tried this hard.
 I bite the inside of my cheek as I furrow my brows a little bit, and a simple memory comes to mind.

 "I don't understand why you're so upset." I hear my mother in the other room talking to my father, as I hold my doll in my hand. "All I did was go out with my friends. You go out with your friends all the time."
 "As if you went out with your friends. As far as I'm concerned you don't have any of those."
 "What are you trying to hint at? I've been nothing but loyal to you. I've spent most of my days with you and the one day I leave you instantly begin to believe that I go behind your back?"
 "Why wouldn't you? You never seem happy."
 "You know why I never seem happy.. You yourself said you wanted me to be honest, and here I am. I'm being honest with you."
 "Yeah? Well I don't like the honest you if you're gonna be such a bitch."
 I reach up and I plug my ears with my tiny fingers, and I stare down at the doll in my lap. The doll herself has a pretty red dress with sparkles, and my mind instantly focuses on how pretty it is. I pull my hands from my ears and pick up the doll, running to the other side of my room.
 "Were you listening to me Neo?" I say, hushed under my breath as I set the red dressed doll up against the wall and grab two ken dolls. "Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?"

 If I wasn't thinking of old time movies at the time, I probably wouldn't have remembered that memory at all. I lifted my head and I turned to my father. He seems so much happier than he did at the time, but it just seemed so odd to me. I remember them being so happy together.. Or maybe that's all I was willing to remember. 
 I look away from him, looking over to the TV to see one of those old shows on. I furrowed my brows slightly and I leaned back, crossing my arms over my stomach. I would take out my phone right now, but my father usually gets a little upset about it. Seeing as I came over to see him and not spend my time on my phone, like I "always do".
 I was starting to piece things together little by little, though. But I still haven't quite pulled it together.
 I'm not ready to believe it, I don't think. 

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