Day Forty

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 Dark had invited me to go out to eat with him today, and thus the plan to go out to eat out in the restaurant I went to on day one, the one where I supposedly saw him with another girl. Although, after I saw that other guy in the future or whatever, I wasn't entirely sure how to feel about the moment. I've noticed he doesn't seem to care about what I'm wearing, but I still put something nice looking on because I know his dumbass is gonna wear the same tuxedo he wears every day. Or he just has multiple suits. Honestly who fuckin' knows.
 I put on another one of my good outfits, the dress being my favorite length and not exactly my favorite color, but akin to it. I look at my phone where he texted me that he was ready to see me, and I stared at his text for a moment. I felt something in my chest bubble a little bit, making me smile, before I headed out of the house.

 I spent the day with Dark, but instead the highlight had been him taking me back into his realm. It was odd how much I liked it here, but I liked it so much more so knowing that it was apparently the inside of his mind. It makes no sense, of course, but that doesn't matter so much to me. Everything about him doesn't make a tiny bit of sense to me. Especially since how he managed to make anything around me not his aura. His has been giving me a mild headache lately.
 He stood beside me as I discussed something about a book that I've read recently. He seems entranced in my voice, of course I did not notice this as much, and he was more so oblivious than I was. 
 it was then that I felt a tiny drop of water on the top of my head, and I blinked a couple times. He noticed my silence, and his eyes followed my eyesight as I looked up at the cabin's roof edge above me. The snow.. Was melting.
 I furrowed my brows lightly, and it dribbled on my forehead. For a moment when I felt the water I thought it had been Chica. But I was very obviously incorrect.
 I reached up, and I wiped it off of my face. I then look at Dark, giving him a mildly concerned look. I have never been informed that the snow was supposed to melt or not, in this place he had created. But he seemed just as confused as I am. He looks to the side, and he stares at the coruscating snow. 
 I look over, and even the snow itself was melting fast, unbelievably quick that is. I stepped forward away from the cabin, maybe an inch too close to Darkiplier himself as my eyes gaze upon the sight. I look up at Dark, but all I can only see his small smile. He seems.. Genuinely happy.
 "It's finally spring..." He then scoffs at his own comment, and he looks down at me, his usually coal charcoal eyes, that are commonly known to be serene and welcoming to me, are now more than that. 
 They seem more loving, and languid. Like a set of eyes that I had seen before, more so in my dreams.. Damien, the Damien in my dreams. I certainly recognize his look. But I then furrowed my brows a little.
 "..Dami.. Dark." I stutter only a little and the mild mention of Damien made his smile fade slightly into mild shock that I could have even come up with the name, but of course he remembers that he told me that name as his original. I don't address the moment though. "I didn't know the climate could change here..?"
 He stares at me for a moment before looking back at the plains of chopped trees and dead grass, which was nimbly becoming green. "This place is supposed to represent me." He informs. "How I feel.." 
 Of course, feeling so dead that he couldn't even feel his heart, he's so used to standing within the snow. Now, he's feeling the temperature become warmer. Sure his heart isn't beating strong enough to grow the trees back but his emotions are strong enough to melt the snow and making this place lurid and green.
 "..So I suppose you're feeling better?" I ask, tilting my head to the side to try to get a look at his face. 
 He looks at me, and he nods a little, pressing his lips together before he smiles entirely. I can't help but smile, liking the sight of it. His smile was very contagious to me, more so now that he's actually in a good place. 
 He then flinches mildly as a big splash of water comes from the cabin, and on top of his head, and he grunts a little. I laugh, bringing my hand up to my face before I reach up, running my fingers into his dampened floof.
 "Thought you needed a shower?"
 He raises his brows, huffing through his nose. He grabs my arm and pulls it away from me genuinely. "Be quiet." He grunts, and before I can respond, he then suddenly leans forward, and presses his lips to mine.
 For a moment my senses were clicked off, and I had no idea what was happening. But eventually I found it. His lips felt a bit cold, and in some places he had a cut or two, caused by his own teeth. Besides how he felt he tasted almost like ice, accompanied by the taste of the dinner we had a few hours ago.
 I let my eyes close and I managed to kiss him back before he found my vacancy as rejection. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he released my arm in the process, his hands going to my midriff before he broke the kiss and simply rested his forehead onto mine, his cold breath hitting against my face.
 Despite the fact that the world around us had melting snow and became a little more alive, he always will feel cold.. But I don't mind, truly. It's not unbearable. It's a little numbing, but in an odd way it's a good thing. Like it's numbing out the bad parts. 
 I reach my hands to each side of his face instead, my fingers gliding across the scruffy parts of his beard. I can't help but smile over the contact, not naturally used to feeling something so loving. He leaned back down into me, and he kissed me again.

Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now