Day Eighteen

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 "(Y/N)." I looked over my shoulder at Damien as he gave me a confused yet humored look. "What are you doing?"
 "What does it look like I'm doing?" I ask, picking up Celine's cat and the bow was held in my other hand. 
 Me and Damien were looking through his past belongings, and we found this bow and a picture of him and his sister Celine. Celine herself was wearing the bow in her hair, and seeing as we found it, we were gonna show it to her. For laughs. But I found the purrfect way to remind her how much of a girly girl she was back then.
 "It looks like you're making a mistake." He says, putting his hands on his hips. "No one touches Celine's cat." 
 "Well, here I am." I sit down and I set the cat on my lap, then put the bow around the sweet thing's neck.
 Although Celine was a deadpan, scary woman, her cat was the exact opposite. He was soft and cuddly, and often times he'd be the one greeting you. So of course he was alright with being where he was now.
 "She's only using the bathroom, she'll be here in like.. A minute." Damien says, and then taking the fur ball from me as soon as I was done adding the bow to his aesthetic. 
 "Perfect. We'll be here to see her reaction as soon as possible."
 "What about my reaction?"
 Celine walking into the room, and Damien turned around, holding the fluff in his arms. I smiled as her eyes looked at the cat and stayed on him. She didn't seem to react, but then she seemed mildly annoyed, reaching over. "Very funny." Celine says, and I snicker.
 "He's beautiful."
 Celine rolls her eyes, and takes the bow off of him. "How old is this thing?"
 "More then twenty." Damien says, crossing his arms. "We found it in mom's box."
 "You know I don't like looking back on the past. There's no point in reminiscing when everything is happening right now."
 "C'mon, it should be nice to think about how much we've grown." Damien said, his soft voice becoming more so soft as he spoke. "Also, you have some great stories to tell (Y/N)."
 "Like the one time you wet your pants in front of everyone during show and tell?"
 "No, the time you broke that one kids arm because he said that your red slip on shoes looked nice."
 "I don't regret that."
 "Yeah, because mom and dad regretted it for you.. C'mon, just one or two good ones. Then we'll be back at it."
 Celine pauses for a moment, glancing down at the bow in her hand before sighing. "Fine.. Sit down kids."
 I clap my hands, laughing a little out of the joyous situation and sit down with Damien in front of Celine.

I still mildly remember those stories. They didn't show up in the dream at all, but I just know them. It's like when you wake up and still remember the dream but then you also remember aspects of it that didn't happen. But you just know them. Like they're just things of the past that you experienced once.
 Damien is supposed to come over today. I don't wanna talk to him about the constant occurrences of him showing up inside of my dreams, but I sorta do. But I know I'm not going to. Especially if I end up getting some things right. Then I'd just feel weird and it'll just make me afraid of my dreams more so. Seeing as then my dreams would be future telling.
  I got into some of my comfortable clothes and also made myself look good. There was a guest coming today after all. I was thinking that maybe I should ask him about being my Plus-One to my father's wedding, I know I just met him and all, but.. He's so captivating. He's been clouding my thoughts lately, and I can't get away from them. So he's all I can think of right now.
 He arrived at the house and I let him in, seeing his smile warmed my heart faster than I run to my bed after I turn off the light. He takes a swift look around before turning to look at me. 
 "You have a nice place." He says, and I nod.
 "I know, I try to keep it clean." I say. "When I'm not looking at my phone, and just.. Doing nothing." I shrug a little, then giggling a little nervously.
 I hope to God he never notices the affect that he has on me.
 "Yeah, of course.. Sometimes it's okay to do nothing though. If you can keep yourself entertained while you're doing absolutely nothing, then props to you. That's amazing."
 I smile, laughing a little more before walking over to the couch and sitting down, with him following beside me. I look at the TV across the room and I look up at him. He keeps his hands reserved in his lap and he turns to look back at me. He smiles, and it makes me have to look away.
 ".. How has work been?" He asks, and I shrug.
 "Nice.. The animals have been pretty solemn lately, nothing bad has been happening.. So I'm thankful for that."
 He nods. "I'm happy things are going well for you."
 "What about you? How's life going for you??"
 "Oh, Life.. Its been pretty repetitive. But it's nice, in some aspects. I'm not stuck in any drama right now."
 "Yeah.. I hate drama. I like it when I'm watching it, or something, but I can't handle being in the middle of it. I just get angry too quick, or.. It's overwhelming, and annoying."
 "It's better to stay out of drama than to go into it.. Which, reminds me, have you talked to that one girl from yesterday, at the club?"
 "Uh, no. I haven't talked to anyone from yesterday." I shake my head. "I've been to sleepy to do all that." I giggle a little bit, reaching up and scratching the back of my neck. 
 He snorts a little. "That's alright.. Hopefully you don't got anything stirring up over there. I don't want you getting into drama."
 "Now, why would you care?" I ask, tilting my head and raising my brows. "You're not my parent."
 He pauses, and then reaches up and pretends to pull off a mask. "Walla! I'm secretly your father." 
 I snicker a little, looking away from him. "I was just picking on you." I say. "I don't mind that you care as much as you do.. It feels nice anyways.. I have a question."
 "Ask away."
 "Uh, my dad is having his wedding in a week from now, and I'm supposed to bring a plus one, and.. I don't know anyone to bring, so.." I turn back to him and he's just smiling. I can't tell if it's dorky or if it's sweet. "..Would you wanna go?"
 "I would love to." He says. "I have nothing to do next week anyways. I don't get too occupied in work."
 "Alright." I pause. "What is work like, anyway?"
 "Oh, it's pretty easy if you're good in pressuring situations." He shrugs. "People only get possessed like a few times a year so, I don't really end up having to do much." He says.
 I nod a little, then remembering everything else I read about the exorcist career but I decide not to ask him about it. Especially since I don't think right now is the time.
 "Sounds like fun." I joke, and he laughs.
 "No, not really.. But it's what gets me money, so." He shrugs, and he sighs a bit, looking at the TV. "What do you usually watch?"
 "What's your favorite TV show?"
 "Oh, right, uh.." I look at the TV, and I then tell him, in which he agrees and we so on speak about the TV show, which the topic slowly changes off onto actors and so on.
 He stays for about like five hours, and helped me make lunch and dinner, up until he had left to go back home. He told me more about his dog, and many other things that he lives with. His house doesn't seem like a very fun eventful place, much like mine, but something about the way he described it made it feel empty, and dangerous. But at least he's not alone.
 Like I am. 

Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now