Day Forty-Nine

144 7 2

Warning: Things get a little bloody here. Also references to a suicide attempt.

 Lisa texted me not too long ago, asking me to come over to the club tonight to spend some time with her, Emily and Hannah. I oblige, getting ready for work at the time. I don't like the idea of having to spend another day with someone who hates me so much but by the time that I actually get there, I hear news from Kevin that she didn't actually show up today.
 Instead she left him a text telling him that she was gonna be busy with a sudden therapy session today, trying to work on her anger issues. Which, Kevin was actually pretty cool with. The guy was pretty cool as it was, letting me break out of work every now and then when the staff numbers are not too short, but he was even more cool with it because this meant that, maybe Alesa was gonna be less mean with me.
 But I knew, deep down she wasn't going to any therapy session. That was just Dark's message, and it unsettled me.
 I know I should trust him, he's not all that bad, and he certainly doesn't make himself out to be that bad. But sometimes Dark can come off as unsettling, whether it be something he said, the way he looked at me or just some subtle hint. It feels like there's something devious about him I'm missing. 
 Going to the club, I expected that if it wasn't something that Dark did, she would be here. But as I truly expected, she hadn't been. I decided to have Dark tag along, taking the name as Damien once more for the purpose of not allowing my friends to know what or who he is entirely. 
 "Damien." I say his name, the name rolling off my tongue in such a weird way, now that I'm so comfortable calling him by his true name.
 He turns to me, raising his brows, the light of red and blue flashing against his face from the rave party behind him. I was leaning on the counter and he was sitting in front of it. 
 "What is it darling?" He asks, and I scoot closer, glancing over at Lisa who was talking to Hannah and Emily about some wild thing that happened at her own bar a few days ago. 
 I turn back to him, and I say it quietly. "..What did you do to Alesa?"
 He stares at me, before he takes a shot of whiskey, and then scoots out of his seat. He wraps an arm around my shoulders, seemingly mildly buzzed at this point, but he seems.. Kinda all together as he speaks. 
 "She's.. In the void." He says, looking at the crowd of people. "Nothing has happened yet, and as I promised, I won't ruin her, or hurt her.. She'll be back at work tomorrow.. But she just needs some attitude readjustment."
 "..Okay." I say, looking at the crowd of people as well, feeling once again a little uneasy. 
 He presses a kiss to my head, and reaches down, taking my hand in his. "C'mon." He says, then pulling me into the crowd, in which I feel a bit of anxiety kick in.
 His hands go to my waist, pulling me into him and sorta spinning to the middle of the crowd, surprisingly not running into anyone. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, before opening them, and looking at his face. He gives me a warm smile, wrapping his arms around my body and leaning forward to give me a soft kiss on the lips, before simply resting his forehead against mind. Despite the rave music in the background, he seems to only know how to slow dance, in which I scoff.
 I push back, in which he gives me this confused, mildly betrayed look. I take his hands.
 "Feel the music, dork." I say, before I start moving to the beat more so, and he stares at me, confused, before he just moves with me.
 He gets into it eventually.

 Opening her eyes, Alesa found herself in pitch black darkness. She almost tried to open her eyes again, almost believing she hadn't done it already, but once she looking down to see her body, she could tell she was just floating about. She couldn't move her limbs, but she felt herself stand, her feet on some sort of ground. That was when she heard the ringing.
 "Horrifying, isn't it?" She lifted her head, seeing Darkiplier sitting in a chair, with a noose above his head. "Feeling as if you're no longer in control of your body.. Unable to move, or make the ringing stop."
 She attempted to move, her body stayed still however. Hell, she didn't even feel her muscles move for her. Like her brain was cut off from the rest of her body, including her tongue. All she had were her eyes, and the ability to blink.
 Dark had his legs crossed, fingers intertwined in his lap. He stares at her face, but it was more of a glare, the color of red swallowing his surroundings. There was no Damien, here. Just Celine. Alesa knew that.
 "..That's how she felt." Dark says, looking away from her as his mind traces back to watching that girl that Alesa tormented.
 Dark had been watching this so called girl for quite some time, another one of Mark's little dummies. He wanted to understand why Mark would just base her off of depression, and sadness. That he would create someone with such a sad, horrifying backstory, and for what? Entertainment? To feel more so like a hero? He believes so.
 "Except, it wasn't her body." Dark then continued, looking at Alesa. "It was her mind. Filled with thoughts, of.. Well, y'know.."
  "Is it true that you cut yourself?" Alesa's own voice fills her ears, and she remembers typing those words, even. "He probably doesn't care, right? He wouldn't... Is it? If it is you should probably just do it, y'know... You ran off and cried? You're fucking weak..."
Dark stands up, walking over to Alesa slowly with his hands behind his back. Alesa closes her eyes, listening to her own voice repeat those words.. She's actually regretting it.
 She only opened her eyes to hear Dark laugh, furrowing his brows. "Wow, really? You really do feel bad, don't you?" Dark says, then his smile fades, his eyes dropping down to the corner after he remembers all of what he's done to the person he's loved the most. 
 All of what he's done just to get back at Mark and how many people were hurt in the process. His eyes drooped to become half lidded, and he presses his lips together.
 "..I suppose I feel bad too." He says, looking at her again. "..But not as bad as you're gonna feel."
 The pitch black darkness flickers away, and Alesa blinks, then looking down at the girl's body. She was crying, bleeding out immensely on the bathroom floor, and Alesa's eyes seemed to widen. She knew that sometimes people did this sort of thing, but never once had she witnessed it with her own eyes. Raw sadness, and emotion. Raw fear, and it's all happening in a bathroom.
 Alesa tries to move, but she can't. She's just staring at the person weeping on the floor.
 "Do you wanna see what she did to someone else, too?" Dark asks, leaning over to speak to Alesa's ear instead. "It's far more brutal than this."
 "..Why are you doing this?" Alesa asks, finally able to get something out.
ou of course should get to see your own masterpiece, like a mother sees her newborn child." Dark growls. "You should get to see the lives you've ruined, the tears you've lead people to shed.. You're gonna feel it all too, but I'm never gonna let you kill yourself.. That's just the coward's way out, is it not." 
 He reaches around her head, covering her eyes with his hands. "..I'm gonna show you something else, and you're going to regret harming my baby brother's dove." He mutters, red coating his surroundings. 
 Pure blood red, soaking the light in the room, up until Dark closes his eyes, and it all goes


Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now