It's getting harder to breathe

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 I feel my body being hit by the moving waters, spinning around in circles, trapped within a never ending twirl. I suddenly feel someone's hands grab a hold of me, however, and I'm lifted into the air. I cough heavily as I feel my body press into there's, and I close my eyes tightly, my body limp until I find my feet touching the ground.
 "You're alright doll."
 I stand up and I turn to look at Mark, a sense of relief coming over me. I see his smile, in which originally had been sinister, but at the moment it feels so comforting.
 "Mark, I.. I'm sorry I didn't remember any sooner." I say, an urgency to apologize coming over me.
 He simply cups my face. "Don't worry, it's alright. It took me a bit to realize that I had been betrayed by them as well." He says, glancing up and over my for a moment, before looking down at me. "I'm right--"
 Suddenly he bumps into me, causing me to stumble back a few steps. I blink a couple times before I realize, a hatchet was sitting into the back of his shoulder. He attempts to turn around, but he's not quick enough, as the hatchet is yanked out of his back, and he is pushed to the ground, and before the attacker can get another hit, Mark disappears into smoke.
 I cup my hands together and my eyes land on Celine, who looks at me with a usual glare. The glare she's always giving to me.
 "..(Y/N)." Celine says, reaching towards me, but I don't move. "(Y/N), listen."
 "You left me." I say, furrowing my brows. "I'm tired of listening to you."
 "You're not seeing the bigger picture here." Celine then tried to explain to me, but I wasn't allowing her to fuck with me again. She's just t̴r̷y̶i̸n̷g̶ ̶t̷o̶ ̴g̶e̴t̸ ̴i̸n̴ ̵m̵y̶ ̷h̶e̷a̸d̸ ̵a̸s̷ ̶s̴h̸e̷ ̷u̸s̷u̸a̷l̴l̶y̴ ̶d̴o̷e̸s̶.̶
 "I've seen the bigger picture well enough." I say, and she frowns at me.
 "Don't be such an idiot, (Y/N)." Celine seemed to hiss, her tone becoming angrier as she spoke. "Mark showed you what we did and he didn't even try to show you what he'd done.. He's trying to get into your head."
 "Trying to get into my head? Like you did?!" I snap.
 "We did what we had to do! There wasn't room for all of us, and I promised Damien that we would come back for you, but Mark had already taken all of you by the time we got back!"
 "You're unbelievable."
 "You're not listening."
 "I don't need to fucking listen to your bullshit!--"
 Celine walks over quickly, and grabs my shoulder tightly, and suddenly it begins to get harder to breathe. She looks down at my torso, her eyes widening mildly.
 "..You're breaking." Celine says, and I look down. My body was cracking and a bright color was seeping through. "You've been here too long.."
 "Look, I just need you to see something, and I need you to come out with me, okay? We.. We need to stop this."
 I look at Celine, and once more I nod to her.
 Celine takes a deep breath, holding it in her throat as she inspects my eyes, before sighing.
 "..Just relax."

 It was dark, at first, but it didn't take long until I opened my eyes. I was in a place where I wasn't, but Celine was showing it to me either way. Somehow she managed to do so.. A light then flickers, and I can see Mark standing before bright baby blue cracks within the wall behind him, heat seeping through and making him seem misty.
 "Damien, you are a hard man to find." Mark says, Damien turned around to face him.
 Damien himself had long hair, a rougher and mildly bushier beard as well as a thick jacket. "..Wha... Who are you? Where's Celine?"
 Mark chuckles. "Now there's a hard woman to avoid."
 "..If you did anything to her, I will--"
 "Easy there cowboy. I've done nothin' to her. I don't even think I could. That woman would carve my heart out and feed it to me if she even saw me."
 "What? Then why am I here? What do you want from me?"
 "Oh, Damien.. Oh my poor sweet Damien... I've come to apologize."

 "Do.. Do I know you?"
 "Of course you know me! Dare I say you probably know me as well as you know yourself." Mark chuckles. "Sorry.. Bad joke. Couldn't help myself."
 "..I know you."
 "Oh, c'mon Damien." Mark began to sound annoyed. "Celine really did a number on you, didn't she?"
 "And circle takes the square!" Mark said loudly, bringing his hands up into the air. "Took you a while, friend, but you made it."
 "But this doesn't make any sense. We were just at your party and then, we.. Were.. And you..and Celine--"
 "Woah there! Easy boy. I'mma stop you right there because I just don't have time for the whole catching up thing."
 "No, you need to answer me. How did I get here? Where even am I?!"
 "WOaH, hold on, okay. Alright, I'll just summarize, and it's best summarized by saying that.. Mistakes were made." Mark's own corpse shows up in the glass behind him. "Plans weren't exactly properly executed." The picture behind him changes tot eh Colonel and The Detective pointing their guns at one another. "The right people started pointing fingers at the wrong people, and uh," A gunshot is shot in the background. "A good night with some good friends may have taken a wrong turn at some point."
 Some sort of lightning is heard in the background. "And okay," Mark continued. "I may have made a deal to possibly make sure that a certain lady couldn't go around breaking anyone else's hearts," A picture of Celine glows in the glass as well. "Ever again.. T̸H̴A̸T̶ ̷w̵a̷s̵ ̶d̴o̵i̷n̸g̸ ̶e̶v̶e̸r̸y̶o̴n̶e̸ ̶a̴ ̴f̵a̸v̴o̵r̵.̴"̶Mark turned around and pointed at Damien, his tone suddenly changing into an obviously angry one, the aura turning a blood, pinkish red. "But that's all in the past. What matters now, is moving forward, and OH how beautiful future is gonna be with you, and Celine, and.. (Y/N)."
 Damien brought his hands up to his head, combing through his hair as it was coming to him. "You.. You murderer."
 "Oh please, you sound like that idiot Detective." The color changed back to icy cold blue. "C'mon, you're better than that. I don't need to hold your hand through all this."
 "Through all of what? Just leave me alone."
 "You don't realize?? This place is a dream! A never ending starring role as the hero.. But what is a hero, without.. A villain?" 
 "A villain! Every good story needs a villain!"
 "You honestly think, that you're the hero in all of this?"
 "Well, of course I am. Who else can I possibly be? My humble upbringing, my tragic backstory, there's no other role for me to play."
 "You're out of your mind."
 "Oh, you.. You are going to make the perfect villain in my story."
 "Uhuh, that makes sense. Well you can tell your story all you want to your other prisoners."
 "Oh c'mon Damien let it go!" Mark snapped. "Always the righteous crusader. Pure as the driven snow! Acting l̴i̵k̷e̶ ̶y̶o̵u̸'̴r̴e̴ ̴t̷h̶e̵ ̸o̵n̶l̷y̴ ̶o̵n̷e̴ ̴w̶i̴t̶h̸o̴u̷t̶ ̸B̵L̷O̷O̵D̸ ̸O̸N̶ ̴Y̴O̷U̸R̷ ̸H̷A̴N̷D̸S̵!̴"̸
 "You stole everything from me!"
"̶Y̸O̴U̶ ̴W̸O̵U̸L̷D̷N̴'̶T̴ ̷E̵V̷E̴N̴ ̴H̴A̴V̸E̴ ̸A̸N̸Y̷T̸H̶I̶N̴G̶ ̷I̷N̶ ̴T̸H̸E̷ ̴F̴I̶R̵S̵T̶ ̴P̶L̵A̸C̴E̶ ̶I̷F̶ ̴I̶T̷ ̵W̷A̴S̴N̴'̴T̶ ̶F̸O̴R̵ ̶M̶E̷!̴"̸
 "You took our lives! You betrayed me, you betrayed William! You even betrayed Celine! You betrayed (Y/N)!--"
 "̸W̴E̵L̵L̸ ̸M̷A̵Y̴B̴E̷ ̸I̶F̵ ̸C̸E̶L̸I̸N̴E̵ ̴H̷A̸D̶N̴'̵T̴ ̷R̴U̶N̴ ̸O̷F̴F̸,̸ ̴ W̵E̷ ̷W̷O̷U̸L̴D̸N̸'̵T̶ ̴B̷E̷ ̵H̸E̷R̷E̴ ̵R̵I̵G̸H̷T̸ ̶N̷O̴W̶!̸"̴ ̶
 "You were NEVER good enough for Celine!--"
 "̴I̸ ̵G̴A̶V̴E̷ ̸U̷P̵ ̴E̷V̶E̸R̸Y̴T̸H̶I̴N̸G̴ ̷F̷O̴R̶ ̵H̴E̶R̵!̵ A̴N̵D̴ ̶T̸H̴E̶N̴ ̴T̷H̴A̴T̷ ̸W̶H̶O̷R̴E̶ ̶(̸Y̶/̶N̷)̵ ̸D̶E̴C̴I̵D̶E̴D̸ ̴T̷O̷ ̶R̷E̶J̵E̵C̸T̵ ̸M̵E̴?̵!̴ ̵A̵F̴T̸E̴R̵ ̷E̷V̴E̴R̴Y̶T̸H̸I̵N̶G̷ ̶I̴'̷V̵E̶ ̴D̵O̴N̴E̷!̷"̷ ̸
 Damien seemed to pause, staring at Mark as the world around the both of them was red, and the air felt as thick as blood. 
 "But that's all, in.. The past." Mark said, finally calming down, and sighing. "..And now.. I'm here to show you the future."
 "I don't want anything to do with your future. Just go drop dead and let me live my life in peace."
 Mark began to chuckle once more, almost as if he was mocking Damien. "Live your life in peace?.. Oh my friend.. What has she kept from you?"The blue began to warp into red as Damien seemingly saw something within his own eyes. "No matter what tricks Celine tries to pull.."
 "What's happening?"
 "There's no ending for the likes of us.. Not anymore."
 "What.. What have you done."
 "Oh, friend, like I said.. I've done nothing." Damien's eyes was beginning to glow in an icy cold color, breathing heavily. "But in this place.. I'm gonna make something beautiful.." Mark steps closer to Damien as he began to put his hands to his chest.
 "I-I can't.. I can't.."
 "Damien.. It's time to wake up."
Coming back to my senses, I began to cough, my hands going to my own chest. Looking down once again, a piece of glass fell from me. I look at Celine.
 "..What did you do to Mark?" Celine seemed to frown, as if I didn't get the message, but then I continued. "What did you do to him to make him so upset?"
 Celine's sour expression faded, before looking off to the side. "He.. He was a horrible man. He hurt me, made me feel.. So obsolete." Celine presses her lips together. "I left him, for.. William.. I was happier with him, and Mark.. He was in love with you. No matter what, he was always in love with you."
 I feel a saddened expression grow on my own face.
 "Celine, I'm sorry--"
 "Don't be." Celine growled, looking at me. "It's not your fault.. It's all his. And now.. We're going to stop him." Celine offers her hand to me, and for a moment, I stare. 
 A sense of dread and worry oercome me once more, remembering the last time I trusted her. But something tells me that this time around, I'll be okay.
 I take her hand.

Let me in, please (Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now