Part 10 Leaving - Hiccup POV

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I woke up early lacking sleep from the previous night. I had not slept for hours but when I had consoled my Zephyr I felt much better and fell asleep extremely easily. Astrid had alsi fallen back asleep comfortably situated in my arms. When I woke up, she was close beside me on her side with her beautiful face toward me. Gently swiping aside the golden wisps of hair from her eyes I kiss her forehead. I can't believe this warrior of a woman has been my wife for nearly fourteen years! And now silently but surely, her body is in the process of making another human, our third child. I love her so much. We have been together since we were kids and now our daughter is almost the age we were.

I take my beautiful bride in my arms and hold her close. I know she is awake when she hugs me back wrapping her arms around my chest. "Good morning my love." I whisper. She moans and burries her face in my chest. "Tired?" I ask.

"Yeah." She mutters. "Since Zeph woke me up I haven't slept until about an hour ago."

"I'm sorry love." I say. "I'll be getting up in a few minutes but you can go back to sleep. You need your rest." I place a hand on her belly.

"No, Hiccup, I want to be there when you leave." Astrid insists holding my hand. "I'll be fine."

I chuckle. "I never can win an argument with you can I Astrid?" I laugh.

She smiles. "I love you Knucklehead!"

I smile and gently kiss her lips. "I suppose you would want to be there when Zephyr leaves anyway." I add.

"Zephyr?" She asks puzzled. "Where is Zephyr going?"

"She's coming with me." I reply. "I thought it would make her feel better."

"I'm sure it will." Astrid says with a smile. "Ever since when was little she has always taken it rough when you're gone. She'll be happy to spend some time with you."

I smile warmly. I love my little girl so much and it warms my heart to see her so happy as she was last night when I told her she could come with me.


The sea is still and a slight breeze blows ruffling through my hair. Our ship is loaded and ready to sail and we are now saying our goodbyes to our loved ones.

Zephyr gives Astrid a big hug and says. "Love you Mom."

Astrid squeezes her and gives her a kiss. "I love you too Zeph! Now you be a good girl and mind your father alright?"

"Yes ma'am." Zephyr returns. She looks at Nuffink. Like a brother Nuffink reads her mind.

"AHHHHHH!" he cries hysterically and runs from her. But his big sister catches up with and I laugh as she triumphs, giving him the biggest big sister hug.

"Love ya Nuff!" She says.

Nuff finally gives in. "Ohhhhhh!" He huffs defeated. "I love you too sis." He finally says, hugging her back. "I'll miss you."

"I'll only be gone three days you knucklehead!" She returns with a laugh. Astrid and I cast each other knowing glances. I suppose the apples don't fall far from the tree.

With a smile I step up. "Move aside Zeph. It's my turn!" Before he can escape I give my son a big hug. At first he is squirmy but after a moment he doesn't seem to mind and hugs me back and that warms my heart. "Love you son." I say affectionately.

"I love you too Dad." He replies now hugging me tight with his scrawny nine-year-old arms.

Slowly letting go I turn to his mother. She smiles at me and we wrap our arms around each other. I kiss her lips for a good long time. Then nose to nose I whisper, "Be safe my love."

"No you be safe." She says. "And keep my Zephyr safe." Casting a glance at our daughter. I can tell she's a little anxious.

"Don't worry Astrid." I reply. "She will be perfectly safe with me. I'm only her father you know." Astrid smiles at me and kisses me. "And you, my darling." I continue. "You keep my Nuffink safe, and" I place my hand on her slightly enlarged belly. "And this little one."

She looks at me and I can see tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh Hiccup!" She cries as tears stream down her cheeks. We have been trying to have another baby for years and now it is finally happening! Too many emotions are welling up in my chest but I fight them. Now is not the time to let them go; not here on the dock in front of other people. Some things I save for just my family... my own precious family.

"Zephyr and I had better go." I whisper and giving my sweet Astrid one last kiss goodbye I release her. Going to Zephyr I take her hand in mine and we head toward our little ship to take us out to sea. I smile at my son and my wife who is now holding him close. Stepping into the boat I hold out my hand for Zephyr. "Watch your step sweetheart." I say. Carefully stepping over the gap between the dock and the boat she trips and falls into my arms. It was an accident but I take the opportunity to hug my daughter. "It's okay, I've got you." I say. Letting her go I catch the rope as Gibber tossed it to me after untying it. We are off.

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