Part 14 Sieglinde - Hiccup POV

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The crisp sound of the ocean waves crashing on the cliffside meets my ear as I walk along its edge. It has been several months now and there has been no word of any trouble among our islands. I am partly relieved that nothing and no one has tried to attack my tribe or my precious family but another part of me is still anxious. What if this is the calm before the storm?

My mind runs wild with awful thoughts if what might happen but my anxiety is suddenly dispelled when I lay eyes on a figure near the cliff. There is my beautiful Astrid. Sitting on the cliff side enjoying the wonderful weather and peaceful atmosphere. I smile as I stride over to her. I can see a faint smile on her serene face as she looks down on her round belly. She is already halfway through her pregnancy and every time I look at her my heart leaps inside my chest. This pregnancy has been pretty smooth compared to the last one and I couldn't be happier for that.

I kneel down behind her and wrap my arms around her waist putting my hands on her little baby bump. "Enjoying the view M'lady?" I ask giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Which one?" She laughs, rubbing her belly.

"Either." I laugh feeling all around my wife's swollen abdomen. As I put gentle pressure on it I can feel the little form of my child. I can feel the head on one end and the baby's tiny little bottom on the other. It is truly amazing watching my child develop and I can't wait to meet him or her.

"Oh Astrid," I sigh. "I'm so happy! After all the these years..."

"I know Hiccup." She says with a sweet smile. "Thank you. I couldn't do it without you!" And we kiss each other passionately. I put everything I feel for Astrid and the baby into this kiss. I love them so much! I don't know what I would do without them. But as I am holding Astrid she flinches. As I gently rub her belly I feel her muscles contract under my hand. She pulls away from me slightly and starts breathing heavily.

"Astrid! Baby, are you alright?" I ask as I look her in the eye.

"Yes, Hiccup, I'm FINE!" She screams as she doubles over in pain. I feel like something stabbed me to the heart.

"No, Astrid." I say holding my now panting and flinching wife. "You're not fine. Something's wrong."

"No, Hiccup, please don't worry." She pants. "I'm okay, it's just a couple contractions, AAAAAAAHHHH!" She screams and begins to sob on pain.

"Astrid, listen to me!" I say turning her head by the chin. "You need to go home and rest. I want you and this baby safe. Please Astrid!" She nods and insisting on carrying her, I pick her up to take her home. But as we head home, her condition isn't getting any better, in fact it is getting worse.

"AHHHHHH! Oh Hiccup please hurry! Oh it hurts!" She cries. I look down on her tear stained face. My heart is pounding as I realize what is happening.

We near the house and I am running with everything I've got in me. "Just hang on Astrid." I say, but she can only sob.

The blood rushes from my face as I feel amniotic fluid spilling all over me. I tear slips from my eye.

We get to the house and I burst through the door. Zephyr who is sitting by the fireplace and writing in her journal looks up at us with a shockedd look on her face.

"Zephyr! Go get Gothi NOW! Nuffink! Go with Zephyr!" I shout in urgency. Nuffink pounds down the stairs.

"Is mommy going to be okay?" He asks concernedly.

"Just go!" I cry.

I sprint up the stairs two steps at a time and lay Astrid down on our bed.

"It's okay honey, Gothi will be here in a few minutes. You and the baby are going to be fine." I say though tears. I am trying to remain calm and positive for my Astrid, but deep down I know hope is gone.

"Oh Hiccup why does it hurt so much? Ahhhhhahhh!" I feel helpless as all I can do is hold her hand.

Suddenly her eyes widen. The blood rushes from her face as tears fall freely from her eyes.

"Hiccup, I need to push!"

"What!?" I cry, "No, Astrid, your not anywhere near ready to have the baby yet! You can't!"

"I can't help it Hiccup! The baby's coming!" She sobs. "Please help! Oh Hiccup the baby's coming now!"

I look around. There is no one here but us. We can't wait. There is no one else. It has to be me.

Shaking. I go to Astrid's other end. I pull her pants down and she sits up a little. Tears are running from my eyes drowning my face.

"Alright sweetheart." I stutter. "Push."

Astrid screams as she begins to push this baby out. I am still thinking this can't be. Oh sweet baby you can't be coming, you're not ready yet! Oh precious baby please don't!

"Again." I say trying my best to keep my composure. We're making progress if you can call it that. My Astrid is strong and I know she can do this!

A few more pushes and the baby's almost here. "Almost there baby." I say "One more. Push!"

"Ahhhhhahhh!" My poor Astrid screams as with a final effort she pushes out this tiny baby. It's a baby girl.

"Oh Astrid! It's alright! Your all done. She's here Astrid! It's a girl!"

My heart jitters with a little spark of hope as I lift my tiny baby girl into my arms. I quickly cut the cord and wrap her up. She squeaks a little, her tiny lungs fighting for air.

"Oh sweet baby, sweet baby girl it's okay! Your gonna be okay, Daddy's got you. Fight precious girl fight! You're gonna be okay!" But deep down I know this tiny child who was just born seconds ago is quickly dying."

"Hiccup?" Astrid moans from in front of me.

"Yes darling?" I manage to croak through my tight throat.

"Let me see her." My warrior wife says. She knows just as well as I that our precious baby girl does not have long to live.

I come up by her head and lower myself down to her level. "Here she is Astrid." I say as tears fall freely from my cheeks and from my beard.

"Oh there you are my sweet girl!" Astrid sobs. "It's okay, Mommy's here."

My heart shatters into a million pieces as I hear my little girl wheezing and fighting for air. She is beginning to turn blue and her little body writes in the struggle.

"Oh sweet girl!" I cry! Mommy and I just want you to know that we love you so much! If you never know more than these few precious moments we have with you, know that you are loved!" I say passionately. Weeping like my baby should be, I bend down and kiss her tiny sweet head.

"Oh yes baby!" My Astrid weeps, "We love you so much!"

I look at Astrid, and I look at the baby who is turning bluer by the second. "Should we name her?" I ask.

Unable to speak Astrid nods. I hurry in my thoughts because we don't have much time and I want my daughter to know her name.

"Astrid, baby, how about Sieglinde?"

My poor broken wife nods as she cradles our dying baby in her arms. I put my arm around Astrid and looking down at my tiny daughter I say. "Precious girl, your name is Sieglinde. It means gentle victory, for you fought to the last minute.

Just then, my baby's heaving chest stops moving. Her tense little body relaxes and she turns very pale.

"Hiccup! Is she... Is she..."

"Yes baby,..." I manage. "She's gone."

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