Part 28 Frustration - Hiccup POV

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My hair flies in my eyes as the wind whips in my face. The ocean rocks me back and forth where I stand on the deck of my ship with my hands folded behind my back. I feel almost as I am being lulled to sleep and my eyes dare to close. No! I have to keep them open! I have to stay awake to find my kids. Oh my sweet children why have you done this to us?

I gaze on the horizon. There I see something in the distance. I take out my spyglass. Looking though it I get a better view of the island ahead of me. It appears that there is no one there, but I will keep an eye on it as I get closer.

I still see no one as I approach the island and eventually I land. The lonely trees shake in the wind. The waves beat on the sandy beach monotonously, eating away at the dunes as it comes in and out. I look around. This island appears to be uninhabited. I walk further into the trees. I feel an increasing sense of loneliness as I continue to explore the island. I am by now quite convinced that there is no one here.

"Zephyr! Nuffink!" I call. there is no answer. Of all the places my children could be I expect them to be here? Wherever I am? They could be anywhere in this archipelago!

AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! I cry throwing a stone at a tree in frustration. I sink down in pain. My children are gone! There is no way I could possibly find them before something happens to them. There is nothing harder than to outlive all of your children.

But no what am I thinking. I have only searched one Island! I have got to keep looking for them. Dead or alive I will find them!

"Zephyr! Nuffink!" I cry over and over until my voice gets hoarse. "Oh where are you?" I moan.

I look up and through my tears I can see a hole in the rock ahead of me. A cave. Maybe they hid in there. I enter the cave and it is pitch black. I feel around for something but a few steps in I feel nothing. The light from outside dissipates quickly and I can see nothing. My foot knocks into something on the floor and I fall... but wait, I have not stopped falling! I hit my head hard on the wall or whatever it is.

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