Part 51 I'm Here - Zephyr POV

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The room is dark and damp. The musty smell is so strong it makes me want to gag. I hear the squeaking of rats and I feel them crawling around my feet. The chains on my wrists and ankles make me sore. I shiver in the cold.

My heart is hurting. I miss my family and I'm scared for my daddy. I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I'm gonna make this right. No matter what. I'm gonna make this villain understand what peace is and I'm gonna bring the dragons back.

The door to the damp and dark room opens and light floods in hurting my dilated eyes. A silhouette enters the doorway and stumbles in. The shadow is at my side at an instant and I am engulfed in strong arms.

"I'm here sweetie! It's okay! It's gonna be okay I promise you! Oh sweet Zephyr I promise I won't let anything happen to you!"

"I'm okay Daddy, I'm okay!" I say as I hug him tight. But suddenly I feel cold hands around me and feel myself being pried out of my daddy's arms. He extends his arms out to me and tries to hold onto me but he is forcefully pulled away. "Zephyr!" He cries! Angrily he tries to tear away from his captor but in vain.

"Get your hands off my daughter! I'll kill you!" He shouts. He struggles in his captor's tight hold. I can see beads if sweat forming on his brow as he works to get free. In his violent jerkings he finally breaks free and in a split second is lunging toward my captor. He pries me out if the minion's hold and shoves me out of the cell. "Run Zephyr, run!" He shouts as he attacks the two assailants.

I waist no time but I begin to run. I am running full speed on the huge ship but suddenly I find myself having bumped into something. I look up and I see standing before me a short and thin little man. He looks at me with cold blue eyes and his thin lips curve in a smile.

Being mesmerized by his appearance I did not realize his string hand clenched around my arm and in a moment I am whisked into another room.

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