Part 30 Feverish Dreams - Hiccup POV

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It is dark. I stand still. I can see nothing, hear nothing. All I can feel is an inexplicable feeling of deep regret.

My head is spinning. I am dizzy. I feel like I am going to vomit and part of me wants to in hope that is might rid me of this horrid feeling.

But something calls me. Out of the dark void in front of me something calls me. My heart thumps in my chest. I know it is something, someone dear.

My blood pulses though my veins. A warmness floods my entire being. Something makes me want to run through the darkness to find that calling. But strangely, it seems that this same feeling keeps me from moving.

I feel an immediate sense of loss. The calling ceases ending in a cry, a cry that nearly tears my heart out of my chest. I cannot move I cannot think I cannot breathe. All I can do is suffer in that feeling of loss.


"Ahhhhhahhh!" I cry waking up in a cold sweat. I shoot up from the ground. I look around me. I can see nothing. I can feel rock underneath me. My head is throbbing in pain. I am dizzy. My head feels like it is spinning at a hundred miles an hour. Where am I? I know no more.


"Daddy! Daddy help! Daddy please help me! Where are you?" I hear. My girl is crying to me in a bloodcurdling screeching voice.

"Zephyr?!" I cry. "Zephyr darling where are you? Zephyr, answer me!"

The cries cease but another sound rises in the air. The sound of my little girl sobbing reaches my ears and it feels like a dagger has gone through my heart. Where is she? Where is my Zephyr?


"Zephyr!" I shout shooting up! "Zephyr darling I'm here! where are you?" I am alone again. I hear no crying, no sobbing, no tears. I feel this incredible sense of emptiness and loneliness. I know there is o one here. It was only a feverish dream rising in the mind of an anxious father. But who knows that this might not be happening somewhere far away from me and I am not there to alleviate it? I am not there to hold my precious daughter to my breast and tell her it is all right.

"Oh Zephyr." I moan. "I wish I was there for you!"

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