Part 52 The Greatest Need - Nuffink POV

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I open my eyes. The room is dim. The candle flickers by my bedside. My bedside? I am home, I am in bed with a cool cloth on my head and the covers pulled up all about me. I feel smooth, gentle lips brush against my cheek and strands of blonde hair tickling my face.

"I love you my sweet boy." A voice whispers. Arms wrap around me and I hear the sound of a familiar tune being hummed.

"Mommy?" I ask as I know very well who it is.

"Oh Nuffink! You're awake!" she exclaims and kisses my face what seems like a thousand times.

But now is not the time for feeling happy to be home as much as I want to. Now is the time to feel ashamed. I let everyone down and I should be ashamed of myself! "Mommy I'm sorry!" I cry and I begin to sob.

"Oh honey!" She cries and hugs me tighter. "What is it? I'm sure it's nothing to cry about." She runs her fingers through my hair and rocks back and forth. I am reminded of my earliest memories."

I sniffle a little trying to calm down. I curl up a little bit like I did when I was a baby in my mommy's arms. When I am calm enough to be able to speak, I whimper, "I let everyone down. I went with Zephyr because we wanted to make you and Daddy happy again, but I left 'cause I was afraid and I went home."

"Oh honey! It's okay, I'm just glad you are home! You didn't let anyone down. I just know your daddy is worried about you. I was worried about you. But now you're home," I look up and I see she has tears in her eyes, "And I'm so glad you are here!"

I smile faintly cheered by her loving words, but deep down in my heart I know that I have let everyone down.

Out of nowhere though my grandma bursts through the door. "Astrid!" she cries. "I'm sorry I had wanted to leave you two alone for a little while but there is no time! They are upon us!"

My mommy leaps up and flashes out the door like a bolt of lightning. I have the feeling she would have told me to stay put but she didn't have time to say anything she left so fast. I jump up out of bed and bolt out the door of my grandma's house. I barely have a moment to glance on the horizon and I see something devastating. I can't see the water it is so covered in ships full of people who want to kill us. New Berk will be destroyed! There is no hope! Unless...

Daddy always said that the dragons belong in the hidden world but they are still our friends. He commanded us to never call them but at the very greatest need. I see no greater need than now when there is no other hope for our home and our family.

My eyes search around for my dragon... or so I like to call her. I look to my left and I see her standing near very agitated. Why didn't she leave? Did she stay for me? This whole situation very clearly has her worried though. I run over to her. She flinches. I reach my hand out and look away for a precaution until I feel her muzzle against my hand. I step forward and stroke her nose. "It's okay Dawn. But I think we're the only ones that can save New Berk now. I know this isn't your home, but would you do it for me?" I ask. She purrs and rubs her face against the side of my head. I take that as a yes. "Okay girl. Let's do this." I say shaking. I somehow find myself mounting my good girl and she takes off."

"Nuffink!" My mommy calls.

"I love you Mommy!" I call back. New Berk slowly gets smaller in the distance as we soar in the sky.

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