Part 58 She's Gone - Hiccup POV

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"ZEPHYR!" I cry. I am in a daze. This cannot be happening. "Nuffink, get me down!"

"No!" I hear Astrid shriek. I get down on the ground and disregarding any sort of threat to myself I run to my downed daughter.

"Zephyr!" I cry taking her up into my arms and plucking the arrow out of her chest. "Oh Zephyr baby, talk to me! Zephyr, honey please! Please talk to me! Zephyr!" I cry and I bury my face in her chest regardless of the fact that blood is now all over my face. I sob into my dead daughter. Astrid runs up to me and our Zephyr.

"Zephyr!" she cries. "Oh Zephyr baby! Please talk to us honey!"

"It's no use Astrid," I sob. "She's gone."

"No!" Astrid gasps in disbelief. "No, Hiccup! She can't be!" I put out my arm to bring her in close to me, but she rips away and jumps to her feet. "NOOOOOOOOO!" she shrieks at the top of her lungs and flings her axe so hard it flies into the ocean. Then she falls to her knees and begins to sob.

I look up and I see Raiko. He has dropped his weapon and his little form stands gaping at the whole scene. To my surprise he raises a horn to his lips and blows a few short blasts in a specific sequence. He is calling off the battle.

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