Part 21 The Note - Hiccup POV

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I wake up with a start from where I fell asleep in the chair in front of the fire. I couldn't sleep. I was too busy thinking about how I am going to have to find New Berk, provide a home for my family, and... and still get through the passing of my daughter.

I look over and my mom is tapping me on the shoulder. "Hiccup."

"What is it mom?" I ask, yawning.

"I just thought you might want to go back to your own bed." she says, brushing a stray lock of hair out of my eye.

"Is Astrid okay?" I ask sitting up a little bit.

"She's still in bed." my mom answers. "But I think if she's awake she might appreciate your company for a little while."

I nod with a smile. Getting up I give my mother a quick kiss on the cheek and head to the room Astrid and I are borrowing for now. There I find her tucked up in fetal position with the covers half draped over her. I carefully crawl in bed beside her and leaning over her give her a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Hiccup?" she asks.

"Oh sweetheart, I didn't mean to wake you." I say apologetically

"It's okay, I was already awake." she says rolling over onto her other side to face me. "And besides." she says now with a sweet smile. "It wouldn't have been a bad way to wake me up."

I smile and pull her into my arms for another long kiss on the lips. I love her so much I just feel like I can't kiss her enough.

She giggles

"What's so funny Astrid?" I ask.

She plays with my short beard. "You'd think after ten years I'd be use to all this by now. But still, it gets me every time!"

"Well would you like me to see if I can help you with that?" I say with a sly grin and I kiss her again.

Now she is full on laughing. "I don't know how much that helped but I like it!" she laughs and lunging forward she surprises me with a kiss of her own. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close to myself. "I love you Astrid." I say.

"Mmhm." She utters burying her face in my chest.

"Hiccup!" I hear a shout from the hallway and suddenly my door opens. Startled, Astrid and I sit up quickly slightly embarrassed but mostly alarmed. My mom is hanging onto the door know and the door frame panting and with the most horrifyingly urgent expression on her face.

"Mom, what is it?!" I ask gaining the same urgency.

"Hiccup," she pants. "It's the children!"

"What!" I cry "Where are they!? Ate they all right?" Without waiting for an answer I leap out of bed and bound up the stairs to the room they had been sharing. They were gone. Their beds were made, their boots were gone and Zephyr's satchel and journal were gone. But my mind is put at ease when J realize what they might be doing.

"Mom I'm sure they just went to the woods. They'll be fine." I say.

"No Hiccup." She says."Read this." And she hands me a note. "It was left on Zephyr's bed."

I unfold the little piece of paper and begin to read it.

"Dear Daddy and Mommy,
We know you are really sad about Sieglinde and our house. We are too and we want to do something to help you feel better so we are going to be gone for a little while. We just want you to know that we love you very much and hope to be home soon. Your loving children,

Zephyr and Nuffink"

Dropping the paper I fall back onto Zephyr's bed and lay my head in my hands. I can't believe it! My children are gone. They could be hurt, or worse kidnapped. J don't know what they intend to do but whatever it is I don't imagine it is the safest idea on the world.

Astrid runs up to me. "Hiccup what's wrong? Are they all right? Where are they?"

"I don't know Astrid," I moan, "I don't know."

She looks at me completely taken aback. "Well we can't just go on knowing nothing!" She cries.

I hand her the piece of paper and sight a very distressed sigh. She reads it and I can see the expression on her face change from just worried to exasperated and about ready to cry.

"Hiccup!" She cries but can't say anymore as her eyes fill with tears. "They're gone!" She sobs. "What are we gonna do?"

I jump up and pull her to myself as she sobs on my shoulder.

I am silent as I just let her cry for a few moments but also in part because I don't know what to say. I have no idea where my children are or how on earth I am to find them.

"Shhhh. It's okay Astrid." I say trying to calm her down.

"Is it?" She asks.

I hesitate, "I don't know, love. I don't know."

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