Part 19 Tears that Light Fire - Zephyr POV

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It has been several weeks now since everything happened. Mommy lost Sieglinde, Nana and Papa died and our house burned down. Now we are living at Grandma Valka's. I feel like we are encroaching on her space with our big family of four, but she doesn't seem to mind, and I am happy to be able to see her every day. We were able to salvage a few things from the ashes of the house. Thank goodness all my most important things like my dragons and my dragon journal were saved in their metal trunk! Nuffink's things were the same. and carried Daddy's dagger with me when we left for Sieglinde's funeral and besides it's metal of course.

I write in my journal in bed as a candle gleams next to me and the moonlight shines through my window onto my page. I write about the things that have happened in the past few weeks and not a few places on the page are stained with a tear. Toothless sits in my lap in front of my journal as if he is reading it with me.

Dear Journal, So much has happened in the past few weeks. I would have written it before now but I would cry too much to think about it. I am still struggling now as the tear marks on the page show, but I fell like I can hold it in a little better now.

First of all, We are no longer in our house. It was burned to the ground when those good for nothing barbarians who call themselves Vikings came and burned down half of New Berk, including Nana and Papa's house which... which they burned in as well.

Secondly and the saddest of all, Mommy lost her baby. She went into labor and gave birth early. Why, I haven't the slightest idea, but it happened, and now, Daddy and Mommy are absolutely broken. They don't say it, but I can tell. Daddy is never so cheerful as he once was but kind of in this mediocre state in which he doesn't laugh or cry or really say anything. Mommy tries to hide it, but I hear her crying in the other room while Daddy tries to comfort her. I miss little Sieglinde already myself.

These kinds of things make me miss the dragons even more!

I mark my journal's page and close it. Putting it back on my little nightstand I lay back in bed with Toothless snuggled up to my chest. I hear a step, clunk, step, clunk approaching. Now that is an unmistakable sound!

As expected, my Daddy appears in the doorway. My heart immediately goes to the dagger under my pillow. He goes and he tucks an already sleeping Nuffink under the covers and kisses him. Now he comes over to me and kneels at my bedside.

"Burning the midnight oil sweetheart?" He whispers.

"Yes." I smile.

"Well lights out in a few minutes okay." He says.

"Oh no I'm already done." I say snuggling up in bed.

"Alright." He replies. His eyes are downcast. "Well goodnight then. I love you." And he gets up to leave.

"Daddy!" I cry.

"What is it?" He asks turning around.

"Aren't you going to tuck me in?" I ask.

He smiles. "You sure you're not too old for that?"

"Oh Daddy I could never be to old for that!" I cry.

"Alright then." He says and coming back he pulls the covers up under my chin making extra sure Toothless is comfortable and gives me another big kiss on the cheek. His facial hair tickles my cheek in a comforting sort of way and I am already beginning to feel sleepy.

"Good night sweetheart." He says. "I love you."

"I love you too Daddy!" I return and reaching up I kiss his hairy cheek.

He looks at me and smiles and I can see tears come to his eyes. One last time he kisses my forehead as if to get the very last kiss and standing up he blows out the light and shuts the door behind him as he leaves.

I know he's hurting. I could see it in his eyes, I could even feel it in his kiss. He's not himself nor is Mommy and neither have been since baby Sieglinde died. I want to do something to make them happy again but I don't know what. I know I won't be able to sleep until J think of something. I know two heads are better than one for this so I hop out of bed and get Nuffink

"Nuffink! Nuffink!" I whisper hoarsely. A very sleepy Nuff turns and moans. "What now Zephyr?!" He yawns.

"I need your help!" I say.

"Can I stay in bed to help you?"

"You can come over to my bed. That way we can whisper. We don't want to wake anyone."

"Okay." He relents and throwing off his covers in a huff he takes his light fury with him and joins me and Toothless in my bed. Laying on our sides in a little huddle we begin to talk.

"So what is this all about? Let's hurry up cause I want to go back to bed." He says sleepily.

"Just listen Nuff." I say. "You have noticed how Mommy and Daddy have been so sad right?" I ask.

"Yeah sure. So am I but what can I do about it?" He asks

I don't know but that's what I'm trying to figure out and I need your help."

"What do you want me to do?" Nuff asks.

"Just think with me." I say. We are silent for a few moments as we apply our brains to thinking of a solution.

"What can you remember that made them the most happy?" I ask breaking the silence. "

Nuffink's face squinches up as he thinks and them his eyes grow wide with excitement. "When Mommy was having a baby!"

I frown. "No, I don't think we could pull that one off. I think that's something only they can do."

"Oh yeah." Says Nuffink realizing his mistake. "Well the only other thing J can remember is when we went to go see the dragons. Daddy was so happy riding on Toothless and Mommy on Stormfly. That's the best thing I can think of. We're doomed!"

"Doomed?!" I ask. My heartbeat quickens. I can't believe my ears. What he just said gave me the idea I needed. "How can you say we're doomed?! Nuff you're a genius!" I cry.

"I am?" He asks. "What did I do?"

"You just gave me an idea that's what you did!" I reply excitedly. I toss Toothless in the air. He looks like he's flying and I can imagine flying on his huge scaly back with my Daddy behind me.

"What idea?" Nuffink asks completely confused.

"Don't you see?! We'll bring the dragons back!"

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