Part 39 Restart - Viggo POV

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Time has passed since Freya and I were wed. I regained full strength and began to devote myself to being a husband worthy of her. She cared for me like no one ever had. She devoted herself to serving me and I loved her the more for it. It has been months now and we have been living happily on her island for nearly a year.

This evening I am outside chopping wood. It has been getting chillier and I need to keep my family warm. As I chop the last bit of kindling, the door to the house opens and out steps my bride. My eyes run down her figure from her head to her toe and back up to her round belly. It is hard to believe that this angel is not only giving me her love but a child as well. I set down my axe and go to her. Pulling her into my arms I kiss her. I look into her eyes and I brush the stray hairs from her brow and kiss it. My hand caresses her belly and I smile at her. Her hand finds mine and draws it to one place and stops.

"Feel." She says, and as she does I feel a foot slide underneath my hand. I laugh softly and whisper, "Hello little one." I kneel down and kiss her belly. "Daddy loves you both sweet child." I whisper. I feel a hand on my cheek. I look up and my wife is looking at me smiling sweetly. She begins to laugh her sweet and pretty laugh.

"Seriously, you are talking to my middle?" She laughs.

I stand up. "And what if I am?"

She looks at me with a smile. "I don't care!" And she lunges forward and kisses me. I passionately kiss her back and run my hand up and down her back. "Oh Freya!" I sigh, "How I love you! It's hard to believe it's been a year since you became my wife. And now, now you carry our child and are due any time. You, no both of you have helped me restart my life and I couldn't be happier."

"Well I came out to tell you the supper's ready for you. Come inside and get it while it's still hot." She takes my hand and pulls me towards the door.

"Wait!" I say and stop her. I pick her up bridal style and giving her a kiss I carry her over the threshold. All the while she is giggling and laughing.

"Viggo!" She laughs. "Why did you do that?"

"Because I love you." And I swing her around. She laughs even harder. I kiss her sweet neck as I hold her in my arms.

"Oh! Oh!" She cries suddenly, "Viggo, put me down!" She has her hand clenched to her belly and she is breathing hard.

"Freya, love, are you all right?" I ask with deep concern in my voice.

She shakes her head.

"Is it the baby?" I ask.

She nods.

Without a word I pick her up and put her in bed. "It's all right love." I whisper brushing the hairs out of her eyes. "It's all right, you can do this. And I'll be right here with you." She grips my hand.


Two days later we are still at it. Her labor has been long and it hurts me to see my darling in such pain. Every time she flinches my heart breaks. When her brow furrows in pain I am broken to a thought sand pieces. But I know it is all for something so wonderful.

I am up to change the cloth I have been putting on her feverish brow and she calls me. Feebly she calls, "Viggo, Viggo!"

I return to her and take her hands. "What is it darling?" I ask softly as I rub her swollen belly.

"Viggo, I think ... Ahah... I think it's time."

My heart skips a beat.

"All right then." I say and giving her a kiss I go to her other end. With one hand on her knee and another waiting to catch the baby I watch as my Freya gives birth to my child.
She screams in agony as she pushes bringing our baby into the world.

"Push darling, that's it." I say, "again love, breathe."

"Ahhhhhahhh!" She cries. Only a few pushes and the baby is out. She squeals as she meets the world and her tiny lungs fill with air. She lets out a healthy cry that brings tears to my eyes. Yes she. My beautiful baby is a girl.

"Freya, love," I say bringing up the bundle that holds our baby girl, "meet our daughter."

"Oh Viggo!" She cries breathless. "Oh Viggo she's perfect!" She receives her into her arms. "I sit beside my bride as we hold our precious baby in our arms. I wrap my arms around my Freya and kiss her. " You did well darling." I say

She smiles, "Only because I had you with me."

I sit silent for a moment. I look on the perfect face of my little girl, red with new birth. How can I be blessed with this? Just over a year ago I was a dragon Hunter wreaking havoc and destruction on the world and now, I have my beloved Freya and our sweet baby girl.

"Thank you Freya." I whisper giving her a tender kiss on the cheek.

"What do you mean Viggo?" She asks.

"I can't imagine having restarted my life without you darling. You have helped me pick up the broken pieces and renew myself. And now, it comes full circle with the birth of my child. I love you Freya and I will forever."

"I love you too Viggo! Oh I love you so much!" We kiss each other long. We cuddle with our little baby and with each other. I couldn't be happier than I am right here in this moment.

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