Part 49 Going to Valhalla - Hiccup POV

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I hold tight to Toothless. The softness of his plush figure is sort of comforting, but at the same time reminds me of my daughter who is not with me. My heart aches as I worry for her sake. If they harm a hair on her precious head, oh, how I'll harm them! The rocking of the ship makes me nauseous and I feel like I want to vomit. I shiver in the damp cold of the cell.

I hear the sound of footsteps yet again. I look up eagerly to see whether or not they are bringing my daughter back. My heart sinks when I see they are not. In fact I begin to become very angry. My blood is boiling in infuriation. I quiver with indignation. I clench my fists as I stand.

"What have you done to her?" I growl as a man comes to unlock my cell.

"None of your business." he replies curtly.

"None of my business?!" I cry. "She is my daughter you villain! What level of evil has thrown itself upon you people?!"

The man says nothing as he gruffly yanks me out of my cage. I think of resisting and begin to struggle but I am put under submission when my guard says, "Don't you think about resisting or that little girl of yours will have a few bruises." I want to make a dent in his head but I know now what that will mean for my Zephyr so I refrain.

The guard leads me down a narrow corridor in the hold of the ship and to a door which I assume is to the captain's quarters. The door is opened and I am shoved in. I can hear the door close behind me.

I look around to find myself in a dimly lit room. It is lavishly done and I am surprised by the luxury I see around me being in such a place. I look to a table where sits a short thin redheaded man with a smile on his face. "Sit down won't you?" he says in a smooth voice, motioning to a chair across from him.

"I'd rather stand." I say firmly, somehow irritated by his manner.

"I insist." He says almost kindly.

Acquiescing for my daughter's sake I sit down.

"My, my, Hiccup!" he says. "How you've aged well! I would think you were something like a chief, but, oh yeeeeeeesssss you are one."

"What of it?" I ask wondering what he is trying to get at.

"Nothing really." he replies, "I am somewhat of a chief myself. You got it easy... you were born to it. I on the other hand had to work for it. That is the lot of some people in this cruel world you know."

"What have you done with my daughter?" I growl, getting right to the point.

"Oh that sweet little girl? Oh I wouldn't want to harm her. In fact I might want to keep her. But I do think that were I to do that she wouldn't behave herself, in fact she'd be quite the handful. You know how it is when you've got Haddock and Hofferson blood mixed. Can be a nasty thing. So I'm afraid she'll have to go."

"Go where?"

"Well to Valhalla of course! Where else do you think I'd send her?"

I am now about to kill this man! I rise from my seat knocking the chair over. "You lay a finger on my precious girl and I lay more than a finger on you do you hear me!?"

"Relax, Haddock, now calm down!" he says getting up and picking up my chair dusting it off and setting it straight. "No one is going to Valhalla yet. I have other things to do first. If you cooperate with me I might not send anyone to Valhalla."

"I'm listening." I say.

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