Part 40 New Life - Viggo POV

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My heart melts as I cradle my daughter in my arms. My Freya is asleep, resting from her maternal endeavors. Meanwhile I spend some time with my precious daughter.

Her tiny, perfect little nose peeks out from the swaddlings. Her sweet little lips are pursed and relaxed as she sleeps and her little eyelids droop over her eyes with tiny eyelashes trailing on her chubby cheeks. Her soft, tiny hand curls around my finger and her toothless mouth opens wide in a yawn. I rock her back and forth soothing her as she rests. Today has been a big day for her and she like any newborn baby needs rest.

Tears well up in my eyes as I look down on this miracle who I still can't believe is mine and is part of my life. Her birth signifies the rebirth of my new life and her tiny form constantly reminds me of this. "Sweet daughter, your little thoughts cannot even imagine how much you mean to me, how much I love you." I begin to say. "I do not deserve such a gift as you are and if ever the day comes that I take you for granted I shall forever hate myself for it. I promise you I will never let anything happen to you and if anyone should dare lay a finger on you I will tear him to pieces. you are my precious treasure and I will cherish you." I lift her sweet, fuzzy head and kiss her, pouring all the love I have for her into my caress. A tear drops from my blind eye and onto her brow and I gently brush it off. Her little eyes flutter open and she looks up at me. My heart skips a beat. "Oh gracious! I sob, you have your mothers eyes! I caress the side of her face and lay her up on my shoulder bringing her head close to my own. How was I granted this precious treasure?


A week has passed since our daughter came into the world. Freya has recovered well and continues to make it her ever constant effort to give a mother's care to our little one. She nurses her day and night faithfully and is ever diligent to answer her cries in the night. When I look at her as she nurses our child I am reminded of how much I dearly love them.

Now Freya has long been off her dragon. Expecting a child as she was, it was out of the question for her to ride. Of course I didnt know how to ride and she was in no condition to teach me, so the poor beast had no rider for nine months. Her dragon was all right considering that we did let her out on her own, but it was more my Freya that ached to feel the wind in her face from upon the back of a dragon again.

The snow is coming down outside and the days have gotten even chillier. As I am bringing some wood inside I see the dragon puttering around in the snow. Freya is a dragon rider and she should be on her dragon. Now I am determined to speak with her about it. I come inside and stack the wood in a neat pile on the hearth and put the kindling in its bucket. My Freya is sitting down nursing. I stand up and wander over to them. I rub my little ones head and kiss her mother. She kisses me back as our lips meet and my heart beats faster.

I love you. I say caressing her face with my hand. She takes my hand in hers and leans her head into it. I love you too. she says softly. Just then my baby girl sneezes the tiniest sneeze I have ever heard in my life and I laugh. May I take her? I ask holding my hands out for my baby girl. Freya nods and she hands the baby over to me. I kiss her head and rock her gently.

Freya darling, I begin, You havent been on your dragon in a long time have you? She looks up at me with questioning eyes and shakes her head. I think you should take your dragon for a ride. I say. It will be good for you.

And youll watch the baby? she asks.

Of course Ill watch her! I say with a smile.

Freya jumps up and hugs me. I give her a long kiss. When we let go, my bride rushes off to prepare herself for the ride she hasnt had in months

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