Part 53 Love and Family - Zephyr POV

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Part of me wants to struggle, but the other part of me realizes I can't. I just cant. I need to do this. I need to do this for the dragons, I need to do this for my daddy, for my mommy, for my brother, for Sieglinde, for all of New Berk and all of our world.

My captor whom I haven't even seen until now, looks at me with the sort of face you wouldn't expect to see on the face of a villain. He seems soft and gentle, almost as if he were at first look the sort of person you would think to like. But I far from like him! Well I don't have to like him, I just have to show him he's wrong.

"I'm sorry young lady for having put you through such discomfort." he apologizes. "Here, why don't you sit down." and he offers me a seat.

"No thank you." I say firmly.

"Hum." he responds in surprise. "You, my little lady are a lot like your father. But I wonder if perhaps you haven't learned all of his stupidity yet and perhaps you and I can come to terms. I don't want to hurt your little friends, I just want them to stay where they are."

"Firstly sir, I must say that I cannot come to terms with anyone who insults my daddy. And secondly, maybe you don't want to hurt my "little friends" who I should say are not so little but you DO want to hurt what I love even more than the dragons and they are my family!" I say firmly. I can feel my face getting hot with anger. Why does this villain think he can take me aside and try to get me to disagree with my own daddy!? I'm not even close to being chieftess anyway! But I collect my thoughts as I stand there. I can't react harshly though he is a villain. I still have to get him to see my point of view.

"You can't just go around hurting everybody." I say. "Don't you have a family of your own? What would you feel if someone stepped in and began to hurt them? Wouldn't that just make you angry?"

"You don't understand these things child." he said beginning to look a bit disturbed. "You're too young and naïve to understand such things. You know your precious daddy will fail you and then you may begin to see my point of view. Family and love is the most false thing a person could believe in. It is power and might that stand and it is those two I intend to gain, no matter what the cost."

"Well I intend to keep my love and family no matter what the cost." I return.

"You can try. But you will fail." he says with a smile. "Every single one of them will turn against you just as mine did."

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