Part 56 - Zephyr POV

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Dear Diary,

Some crazy things have happened in the last day and a half. I rode on Eclipse for the first time. The wind carried us through the clouds and we traveled so far as the eye could see. We were captured however by our adversary and have been held captive. But then, that was where I was reunited with my Daddy. He was so relieved to see me and that happiness I saw in him made me feel happy too. But my job is not finished yet! I have to get our enemy to understand the value of love and family. Then he will understand why the dragons are so important to us, because they brought us together. The dragons are what brought my parents together and that brought about my brother and me. Maybe the best way to show him that is to show him the love in my family.

I am hiding on the deck of the ship just like my daddy told me. I am watching the battle very much wishing I could be in it. I want to help fight alongside my family. I want to fight for the people and things I love and stand for.

Well now that think about it, my dragon is on this ship and I should try and free him. I head below deck very quietly in case there is anyone left on board. I sneak around very quietly until I find the hold where my dragon is chained. I pick the lock with my dagger and open the huge cage that houses my dragon. I wrap my arms around him and lean my brow on his great head.

"You've never been locked up in your life have you?" Poor boy! It's okay bud, I've got you!"

I hear footsteps up on the deck. I hear voices.

"I don't like the looks of this." says one.

"Aye, weren't the captives supposed to be on this here ship?"

"They were, but they're not anymore. You alert the general, I'll look for that chief Hiccup and the little brat he calls his daughter."

Eclipse growls.

"Shh." I say and hid behind my dragon. His nostrils flare up and I see a blue light in them and the ridges of his back glow the same color. I see a fiery purple glow in his mouth as he prepares to defend me.

"Alright Hiccup haddock, where are you? Give it up you idiot! Hey! Why is this dragon out of it's cage?! Get back in there you beast!"

This villain apparently doesn't know what he's getting into. In a moment Eclipse completely blows him away. I feel bad for him, but he was going to hurt me.

"Come on buddy, let's get out of here!" and I climb up onto my dragon and we fly off the ship.

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