Part 54 Old Friend - Hiccup POV

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I look out over the waters and toward my home. There are thousands upon thousands of ships surrounding the island. "Oh Astrid, I shouldn't have left you!" I think. I turn to the side and see my poor sweet girl Zephyr clapped in irons and held against her will just as I am. Tears come to my eyes as if I have any more left in me. My heart longs to hold my daughter and protect her and it is broken at the fact that I cannot.

I can only imagine what my Astrid is going through right now. She must have struggled through her sorrow and rallied all the New Berkians for their defense. My poor baby! I wish I was there for her. But instead I am on this wretched ship with these wretched people heading to a wretched battle.

And poor Nuffink! My precious and most brave little son! Who knows where he is. He has been separated from his sister I know but where is he? Is he even alive? My poor boy! I pray he hasn't gone to Valhalla with his little sister.

I see the battle begin on land. I can hear my Astrid's battle cry as she leads the charge against our enemies. The two sides I see as a mass of people on opposite sides of the battlefield as armies of tiny dots rushing toward each other and then colliding in a horrible mass. I know there are New Berkians who will die today. Tears rush from my eyes. I think of all the people down there, especially my Astrid, my mom, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snotlout, Eret, and Gobber. Will they live on after this is all over or will they perish.

My attention however is now turned to my daughter. I look over at her and I see one of the men neeling in front of her. "See what happens when you ride dragons?" he taunts. "You get into trouble! Didn't your daddy ever tell you that? Oh, I forgot! Your daddy's an idiot!"

"You don't say that about my daddy!" she cries in anger. "My daddy is the strongest, smartest man in the archipelago! He was the first Viking to ever figure out how to ride a dragon and to make them our friends. He is no idiot! I should say sir that YOU are the idiot!"

"Why you-! Come here you little brat!" And the villain dares to attack my daughter.

"HEY!" I shout irate with anger. "How dare you lay a finger on my daughter!" I didn't mind him calling me an idiot but the moment he laid a finger on my precious daughter my blood boiled. I struggle in my chains to free myself from the hold of my captor who stands behind me. With a mighty pull I wrench myself from his arms and throw myself on my Zephyr's attacker. I smack him right in the face with the cuffs of my irons. At this he snarls very angrily.

"I have had about enough of you Haddocks!" He growls and with one sweep of his leg he knocks mine out from under me. While I am down he lunges forward and presses down on top of me. He raises his axe to kill me.

"Daddy!" I hear Zephyr scream as she struggles to get free in vain.

I struggle but the weight of this villain is too great for me. Is this my last moment? Am I to die under the eyes of my own daughter? I could not save her? What a way to die!

But then, oh then, I hear a familiar screeching sound as something powerful moves toward me. I see a violet flash brightly in my eyes and my enemy falls off of me slain. I look up, and there is my best bud. The other two on the deck put up a fight against the alpha dragon but he makes short work of them.

I am breathless. I smile as I pant with my adrenaline still running. I reach out my hand and Toothless rubs against it. "Good to see you old friend." I whisper with tears coming to my eyes. "Thank you Toothless!"

And there, there I see a whole fleet of dragons as though the entire hidden world had exploded. And on one of them, a fury, a nightlight fury, rides my brave little boy Nuffink! Oh I am so proud of him! "Yeah Nuffink!" I shout as I watch him lead his army of dragons to the battle to slaughter our enemy.

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