Part 18 Ashes - Hiccup POV

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My face must be stolid and grave as I lead my family out of the shelter of our old basement. It hurts as I can imagine what their response to the situation is about to be. They gasp as they catch a glimpse of the ash pile that was once our house.

"First our daughter," begins Astrid, " and now this?" and she goes silent. I know she is hurting just as much as I am. She has gone through a lot in the last few days going from five months pregnant with an apparently healthy baby to dripping milk for a baby that she would never nurse to losing the only home she has ever known as my wife and mother of our children AND losing her parents in the same day.

"Astrid," I begin to say, "come here." and I pull her against my chest. By reflex my hand goes to rub her belly but I just as soon remember that there is no longer a baby in there. "Oh Astrid. I'm so sorry. I know it hurts. Losing all this in just a few days hurts. We lost our precious baby girl, your parents and now the only home we have ever had together as a family. But Sweetheart, we have each other still!. You have a husband who loves you, you have children who love you. Oh Astrid, you mean the world to me. I can't imagine a life without you. Thank you!" I look her in the eyes and she is smiling at me through tears now. "I am just as in love with you as ever... my Astrid." I say and I kiss her pouring all the love I have for her into it.

When we part, I look over and I see my Zephyr in tears, hugging her little Toothless. I a cast a glance at my wife as I go over to her. I Wrap my arms around her and kiss her head. "Come here sweetheart." I say, "I'm sorry."

"It's the only house I've ever known. The house I grew up in. And now it's... gone. I just can't believe it, how everything I've ever known is now in just a few hours... gone" she says.

I sigh a tearful sigh. "Not everything." I say hugging my precious daughter. "We all still have each other and that, my beloved daughter, is priceless!

We solemnly look at the ashes of what was once our house. A few things remain such as anything metal. But sadly, quite a few important things were lost. But nothing, NOTHING there that I lost could be more important tan what I had with me here nor could the loss of any of those things cause sorrow that might compare with the loss of any of them... including my beautiful Sieglinde.

I look over at my son. I can tell he's trying to look tough but having a hard time of it. I can see the distressed look in his eyes and I can hear him sniffling. I want to hug him, but I can't leave my baby girl who is shedding tears on my shoulder. But before I can think any further, Astrid is already on it

"It's okay Nuff." she says running her fingers through his shaggy blonde locks. "We're gonna be okay." But I can see a tear fall into my son's hair... Astrid herself is crying. And who could blame her?

"Daddy?" my Zephyr asks.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Where will we live now?"

She puts a good question. I had not yet thought of that but then again It has only been a few minutes that we have been staring at the ruins of our house. Zephyr is definitely my smart girl! I guess we'll have to go stay with my mom for the moment.

"I guess we'll have to stay at Grandma Valka's for a little while until we can build a new home. But don't worry sweetie, we're gonna be okay. I promise." And I give her a kiss on her wet cheek.

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