4- Meditation

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I sighed to myself as I walked through the tall grass on the lawn. It needed to be mowed, honestly I didn't know who mowed the grass. I never saw anyone doing it and had just always assumed it was just some sort of magic.

As I walked a name came to mind. Alaric Saltzman. I hadn't seen him since I arrived, he was at the wedding but quickly after, it was like he and Dorian just vanished.

I'd have to ask Hope about it later.

I smiled to myself as I remembered some of the memories I had at the school. I frowned at some of the things I had brought to the school.

The Cyclops.


I had literally brought war to their front door, I was lucky Salvatore hadn't suffered any casualties from that battle or their blood would've been on my hands.

I was due for a quest. I knew I was, Demigods generally don't go years without a quest. It just doesn't happen.

I had a shaky feeling that being drawn back to Salvatore hadn't just been for a wedding. There was something larger at play here.

Part of the reason I had agreed to the wedding was to get to the bottom of why I had a feeling that I needed to return. I could feel it in my gut.

I sat down in the grass near the lake. I crossed my legs, placed my palms on my knees and just closed my eyes.

The wind began to pick up slightly just like it always had when I meditated, it began to lightly rain around me. I could feel tree roots snaking their way towards me from underground while flowers began to blossom around the area I sat. Flames burned in a five foot circle around me and I felt the waves of the lake begin to crash upon the shore.

Over the last few years I had managed to gain control over my elemental powers again. Not a lot of control but just enough to deal some damage I suppose.

That's when I felt it.

The coldness.

It washed over me like a plague in the night. Everything became dark and I felt frost begin to grow in my hair.

My fire extinguished and I could feel the lake freezing over as the rain in the sky turned to snow.

I knew what was going on. I had only had this vision once.

It happened a few months ago. I was doing my normal meditating outside in the woods in the middle of the night while Evelyn slept inside the hotel.

That was when the cold latched onto my mind.

Like it was doing now.

"No!" I yelled as the cloud of darkness and death washed through my mind.

The roots sprang from the ground and gripped at my wrists yanking them down to my knees while two more roots wrapped around my legs keeping myself firmly on the ground.

I had never been this far in.

I never wanted to be this far in.

I didn't have a choice.

I relaxed and let it consume me.

I spun around frantically.

A silver mist was slowly floating through the air as I walked across black rock.

It was hot, terribly hot. I don't think I had ever been this hot in my life before. It felt as if I was burning from the inside out.

Black mountains grew around me as lava poured down their slopes.

Screams and roars filled the air from all around me. It was terrifying. It was the worst of my nightmares.

I crawled up the rest of the hill I was on and overlooked what was below me.

A large black castle lie below me. If it wasn't so real it would actually be kind of awesome. That didn't change the fact of the terrible pit that had just grown in my stomach.

Roars filled the air as monsters lined the courtyard in battalions. They were organized.

An army.

Giant monsters stood near the back. Dragons, Giants, A monster I recognized from the stories as Typhon. A snake like dragon with one hundred heads slithered throughout the ranks, Ladon. Drakons of all sorts sat obediently at the back, waiting for orders, including the Laconian dragon.

A screech filled the air to my East and I quickly ducked out of sight as three bat/ humanoid like creatures flew past towards the castle.

The Furies.

Those were only the worst of the monsters I had witnessed.

"Soldiers!" A frail, and powerful voice boomed.

I peaked over to get a better view to see a figure on two legs speaking from a large balcony from the castle.

He wore a large tattered cloak and stood at about nine feet tall.

"For a millennia I have rotted in this disgusting hole. The abyss has taken its toll on me. Soldiers! You are killed but reborn again in time. For me however, is not the case. I have endured pain and torment of being cut into a million pieces for thousands of years but I am finally rebuilt and grow stronger everyday!" He yelled.

Monsters roared and cheered at the figure's slightly below average speech.

"Soon! Our brothers on the surface will set some of you free to distract the Gods! So that I may rise again, and together we will bring down Olympus and create a new world in which we shall prosper!" He yelled raising his sword.

I already knew who he was.

I was just waiting for him to confirm it.

"For I am the rightful King of the Cosmos! I am Cronus, the Titan of Time!" He yelled as he pulled back his tattered cloak revealing a human body with long black hair, the only thing was he had a pair of horns on his head that had cracks split into it, where golden light emitted from the cracks.

The monsters once again roared in unison as Cronus's head turned to my hiding place.

"Shit." I cursed as I ducked behind the hill.

"It appears as if we have a visitor." Cronus hissed. "Kill him.

I began to run as I heard a chorus of monsters and thunderous steps behind me.

"Achilles!" A voice yelled.

"Achilles!" It yelled again.

"Come on, open your eyes idiot." I cursed at myself as I tripped over a rock and landed on the hard black terrain.

"Achilles! Wake up!" The voice yelled one last time as I was yanked my from my vision as was pulled backwards through the grass.

I was sweating but I was also shivering at the same time.

Silver hair filled my vision as a pair of green eyes looked down at me.

I sat up and looked around. The air was filled with a misty haze as frost covered the grounds and the lake was beginning to melt. The roots of the trees slowly slid back into the ground and out of sight.

"Are you okay?" Olivia kneeled down beside me.

I nodded my head. "What happened?"

"You were meditating. Then suddenly it got really cold and the tree it just grabbed you and then you started shaking and sweating really bad." She said to me sounding worried.

"The vision." I said as I recalled what had just happened seconds before.

"What happened? What did you see?"

I grabbed Olivia's arm and looked her in the eyes.

"It's happening." I croaked out.

"He's coming."

Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now