19- Door of Orpheus

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"What are you doing?" Hope asked me as I put a crack in the water pipe causing a light mist to fill the air.

"Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering and show me Percy Jackson." I said as I tossed a gold drachma into the mist.

The drachma disappeared and an image of a man only a few years older than me with jet black hair and sea green eyes appeared on the other end.

The rest of the legendary seven were all huddled around a table focused on what was to come.

"Percy." I said through the mist causing him to nearly jump out of skin.

"Hades, Achilles." Percy said turning around and facing me. "You can't scare me like that, I might put a sword through you."

"Jack got away with the box." I said to him. "He's in Manhattan."

"Do you think he'll open the box?" Percy asked.

I nodded my head as Olivia grabbed the blue necklace that hung around her neck.

"Rally the troops, Salvatore has already been informed, get Half-Blood and Jupiter prepared, and anyone else that you think will fight." I said to him.

"And what will you do?" Percy asked as Olivia opened the portal behind me.

"I'm going to Central Park... to a place you may have heard of before." I said to him.

I saw Annabeth pale next to him, I had a feeling she knew what I was talking.

"How do you know of that?" Annabeth asked me.

"Achilles, told me." I said to her. "Said it would help me."

"Yeah that's if you return." Annabeth said to her. "Everything has a price in this world. If you don't come back.. we lose."

"That's why I'll come back." I said to her as Percy just stood there looking confused.

"Wait, are we talking about the Door of Orpheus?" Percy asked. "Like the River Styx."

Annabeth nodded and petted him on the head. "Good job seaweed brain, do you want a cookie."

Percy scowled at her.

"You need music to get in." Annabeth said to me. "It's the only way the doors will open."

Percy nodded. "I sent Grover out there a few days ago, he'll get you in. He got me in. I'll let him know you're coming."

I nodded to him. "Thank you, see you on the other side."

"Good luck."

I swiped through the mist and played with the ring on my finger nervously.

"It's gonna be okay." Evelyn said. "We got this."

Olivia nodded. "It's ready."

Hope went through first, followed by Evelyn.

Olivia stopped me before I crossed through to New York.

"When you go in that water." Olivia said to me. "You come back."

I gave her a cheeky grin before I put my foot through. "I always come back, don't I?"

She rolled her eyes and pushed me the rest of the way through before she followed as it closed behind us.

As soon as I entered Central Park I felt the eyes on me. Hundreds of them, from the trees and the bushes and the grass.

"For Olympus's sake, you and Percy always gotta go starting wars." A ginger haired man wearing a brown leather vest said walking out of the trees like he appeared out of thin air. From the waist down was straight goat full of brown hair and hooves and coming out his head was a pair of horns.

"You must be Grover, I'm Achilles." I said stepping forward and shaking his hand.

"A friend of Percy's is a friend of mine." He said to me. "I've been through more than a Satyr in this day should go through with that kid."

Grover and I walked together as he led me to the Door of Orpheus, he told me about his adventures with Percy and becoming the Lord of the Wild, Pan's successor.

"What can you tell me about it?" I asked him as we stopped in front of a large hill covered in vines.

"I'm not the person you should ask, but from what Percy told me it feels like your body is being burned from the inside out." Grover said. "Said it was close to being the worst pain he's felt."

I gulped suddenly not wanting to be invincible.

"You don't have a choice." Grover said becoming serious as he pulled out reed pipes. "Kronos's scythe will kill you even if all it doesn't is split the skin."

Grover turned and began playing a song that caused nature to behind towards it as the vines rolled away clearly a rock door that opened inward.

The cries and the screams of the underworld filled my ears as I began to descend into the underworld.

"I warn you." Grover said from behind me. "Pick your Achilles heel wisely, because if struck in that spot. You will die instantly."

I shuddered but continued on my path.

From what Percy had told me about his adventures, the Curse of Achilles granted the bearer physical prowess, better their speed, reflexes, and endurance while making their powers stronger. The price of these abilities didn't allow me to survive from anything, only physical injury. Diseases and Mental injuries could still kill me.

"The Hero arrives." The voice of Achilles said as I made my way to the rushing water. "I take it you didn't get the box?"

I ignored him as I immediately went to dive in without a second thought, to get it over with but Achilles held me back.

"Choose something that ties you to the mortal world. Without it, you will not come back. Choose wisely, if the Styx does not like your choice you will cease to exist." Achilles said like a wise old man.

I guess technically he was.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on what tied me to this world. I never had a lot of things keeping me going, that had mostly been myself.

I shook myself trying to get some adrenaline to pump through my body but was only confronted with fear.

I took a deep breath before speaking.

"I'm ready."

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